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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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I feel so good awful Anonymous 119532

I am 22 without a degree because I dropped out of college due to being too depressed. Now I am a failure without a job prospect at 22 I should try construction

Anonymous 119533

me too but 23 :(

Anonymous 119540

me too but 26 T-T

Anonymous 119545

Didnt drop out but just barely managed to get a meme degree after almost a decade. I kept avoiding the upper year classes as they required presentations for like 3 hours, plus changing classes due to being indecisive about my major. Im not smart enough for STEM. Im in my 30s, but I still dont know what I want to do in life. I almost want to work with animals, I just dont think I could deal with ending their lives or seeing them in pain. But I want to help them..OTOH, my own pets were the hardest losses Ive ever experienced. So maybe a diff career choice would be wise, something not involving social interaction or night hours due to creepy moids. Idk.

Anonymous 119546

I dropped out too and it turned out okay in the end. Got a comfy WFH job now and I didn't need a degree to get it.

Anonymous 119547

which job share the secret pls pls

Anonymous 119556

Local government in the UK, I arrange meetings, take minutes, put reports on the website.
It's very chill, and since we started remote meetings in covid nobody wants to go back to the office so I've been able to stay home.
My top tip is just to get into a big organisation with an internal jobs board, because they'll usually only advertise the comfy WFH jobs internally.

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