I am tired of wanting to be attractive. Anonymous 119555
I’ve noticed that, for someone who isn’t interested in fashion and beauty trends, I sure do care about my appearance A LOT.
However; I still wander around in “basic” outfits. It still looks decent and my hair is generally presentable, I guess. It can definitely be worse.
But I often lament about my nonchalance toward these things and my inability to bring myself to care enough to actually change this, somehow. Sometimes I wonder if being a tad more “feminine” (like wearing make-up) can help me out more despite the blow to my ego it may cause.
What’s even more nonsensical is that I want a woman to find me attractive— even if I haven’t been interested in being, or at least can’t see myself as anyone’s girlfriend or wife. And I think I’m alright with that, for the most part.
To be honest, I wish I could just coast through life as an unkempt anime boy and catch the attention of misanthropic, twink-obsessed and terminally online Tumblr women.