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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


YOU SAY. NO. Anonymous 119583

Everyone has. The right. To privacy.

When you go to an educational institution, it IS expected that your faculty and school administration is being HONEST about how they are interacting with your online data, and who YOU are.

When Apple says they share their user data for "relevant educational services," but FAILS to elaborate on what exactly those relevant educational services ARE, PRECISELY, YOU SAY. NO.

It is not, in fact, fucking normal, to go to school and feel like you are being spied on for experimental purposes, of which you have no clear idea about. It is NOT NORMAL to start receiving emails, from a school administration or company, that entail some broader """"MEANING"""" that you are NOT comfortable with.


It's not normal to feel emotionally manipulated into something you don't want to happen. It's not normal to feel like you are being lied to.

When media giants like Disney and Netflix start making shows and movies that seem, EXTREMELY, UNCOMFORTABLY relevant to your experience in real life, YOU SAY. NO. When companies like Amazon and Apple start coincidentally using the phrase, "Stay Connected," in a period in which everyone around you seems paranoid of their online and REAL LIFE privacy - YOU SAY. NO. When Youtube starts recommending shit that seems like THEY ARE LITERALLY WATCHING YOU, block these videos. WATCH SOMETHING ELSE.

YOU SAY. NO. You are not something to be controlled. That's not normal. This is in fact something that happens, and you are not crazy for feeling like this is not how you interact with actual, living humans. You are not wrong for feeling gaslit.

Anonymous 119617

Thankfully I never watch on Netflix, disney, amazon or anything like that.
I don’t even have social media accounts anymore I delete it all and I only use Tor and use VPN if I need to browse the internet

Anonymous 119619

Sometimes the right to restrict use of your data is a wall-in contract. Meaning that they allow you to seal your record, but only once you are already inside. You're probably already familiar with the computer operating system style where you have options that you can opt into after clicking that you agree to EULA away your identity and sign away your right to lawsuit in an agreement to arbitration, and then Windows Update takes away half of those privacy-enhancing options and puts copilot on your desktop. But normal professional software (e.g. photoshop), televisions, cars and even refrigerators now come with post-agreement manual opt out privacy options that can only be digitally agreed with after you have already agreed to the terms of service allowing the vendor to collect, harvest, analyze and make commercial use of all available data, which in the case of softwares with kernel level antipiracy/anticheating protections mean all of your data period. These initial agreements increasingly require you to opt in to legal updates allowing the vendor to apply post-agreement changes to their terms of use and terms of service.

For all that these companies value the data they collect their reliability in terms of securing said valuables against criminals is questionable.
But it will surely be generally secured against the users from whom it was harvested.

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