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Anonymous 119920

Does it bother you if you're partner is open about their previous relationships, previous ONS, ex-girlfriends, ex-wives, and such and always brings them up?

Anonymous 119922

the woman who woul…

>previous relationships
I will only accept a virgin

Anonymous 119923

I'm 30, so I'll never have my virgin husband, but I literally never want to hear about his ex's. EVER. They don't fucking exist and he will never acknowledge them in my presence.

Anonymous 119924


>if he never talks about his exes they don't exist
Is picrel you?

Anonymous 119925

I just don't want to be reminded of them. It's cope, but it's how I cope and it works to just never HAVE to think about them.

Anonymous 119926

No offense, but I think it's kind of pathetic

Anonymous 119927

Well, I am pathetic. I'm hideous and a failure at life, but I managed to land a great guy who's good looking and I don't want to be constantly reminded of the other, better women he's been with.

Anonymous 119928

Anonymous 119936

I kinda like it, I like feeling lowk like a fem cuck, but a cuck of the future? I love hearing the shit they got up to because im curious and it's part of me self sabotaging … lalalalalalallalalalal

Anonymous 119941

Completely fine to have these feelings.

Anonymous 120032

Yeah it did.
I personally brought it up too often / showed a lot of disdain (bad pokerface..)
I learnt moids don't like it a lot whenever you mention your discomfort.

My ex told me I made him feel like a slut…
I don't think it's abnormal to get annoyed about.

But if some men are anything like women, it could be something of a 'shit test' to see how crazy you are down the line whenever they mention other women

Anonymous 120214


Anonymous 120220

>My ex told me I made him feel like a slut…
He sounds like one lmao

Anonymous 120223

I think you underestimating how many virgins are out their, you may to accept someone on the spectrum but theres lots of guys who were akward 20 year olds and threw themselves into their work and just woke up one day realizing they havnt dated in 5 years lol

Anonymous 120230

i got an ex who was 35 years old and virgin. He was very sweet and smart but some got some underlying mental issues that contributed to being virgin at that age.
We broke up (mostly my fault) but they are out there.

Anonymous 120231


I don't date post wall manwhore wursties. I will either get my virgin husband or die alone.

Anonymous 120233

This, all women deserve their virgin virile bf, also kek at your pic

Anonymous 120243

My husband started having sex in high school and had girlfriends and one night stands. Yeah, it makes me jealous. I was a virgin when wemet. I'm pretty vanilla but sometimes I'll want to try something and he's just like "No, I've done that with an ex and I don't like it." It's disappointing.

But I don't really mind him bringing up exes. They were a part of his life. It bothers me if it's in the context of a comparison, though.

Anonymous 120245


>he's just like "No, I've done that with an ex and I don't like it."
Literally topright lmao

Anonymous 120247

is the virgin BF 8yo?

Anonymous 120255

Are you serious rn, stop speaking like a incel chud, you know this is right and no other point of view is valable, asshat

Anonymous 120259

Yes it would bother me. I know I'm not normal and missed all the normal development milestones. But hey, not like I'm ever going to be in a relationship so lol

Anonymous 120277

All of this jealousy goes away when you start being promiscuous too. It's not for everyone tho I would never recommend hookup culture to anyone younger than like 24 or women who are kinda autistic. But it's been a good experience for me because I get to learn more about what satisfies me sexually and I stop caring about male validation.
I don't care for relationships anymore but if I did get into one I'd honestly be turned off if his body count was super low. I'd feel like I was taking advantage of him or something.

Anonymous 120278

>I wouldn't date a virgin
More for me then

Anonymous 120279

Unironically this is exactly the attitude you should have. Get what you want. Whore mindset.

Anonymous 120280

Don't call me a whore

Anonymous 120284

If he wouldn't stop after i asked him to then yeah it would bother me.

Anonymous 120304

Sleeping around is basically the worst thing you can do. I'm not saying wait for marriage, but you should only ever have sex with men that you think are marriage potential and after a significant vetting period but most people get too horny to do this part

Sexual satisfaction is not complicated. Get some toys and teach him to eat you out.

Anonymous 120306

I don't want to get married unless it's for the purpose of taking half a rich man's shit. If you play your cards right, promiscuity is the 2nd most man-decentering thing you can do after total abstinence from men entirely. But I'm too much of a chauvanist.
I want my own playboy mansion with men in lingerie everywhere dammit.

Anonymous 120307

We disagree then, because I believe promiscuity benefits men way more than women.

Anonymous 120308

how does promiscuity decenter men??

Anonymous 120312

I get fucked without offering them anything else besides the sex.
I think a lot of nonas on here are on the asexuality spectrum or have sexual trauma. Nothing wrong with that, but people with healthy sex lives tend to understand that the purpose of sex is to make them feel good and it doesn't really matter what the man thinks.

Anonymous 120313

Getting used by a man who also doesn't care what you like and only pleases him doesn't sound so man-decentering

Anonymous 120314

Yeah, getting used by a man without any love, affection, cuddling or romance in "return" (I mean ideally the man should actively want to cuddle you and actively love you) is my personal hell.

I mean, anon is right, I am sexually repressed because I want love but I know objectively that very few men even pretend to love their lovers/gfs/'hookups', let alone actually love them. Then they call you clingy and act like you're a crazed maniac for having sex with the expectation they love you.

Anonymous 120321

Sex with men is inherently risky for women. Sleeping around will never be a healthy sex life, sorry. Loving relationships only.

Anonymous 120324

They will cuddle you. There's a lot of misinfo about what casual sex is like and I get it. In movies and TV there's a trope of the chauvanist man who pumps and dumps a different woman every night and then forgets about her forever more. I've never actually met one of those men.

I have 2 men right now who I intend to keep around for awhile. I see each one maybe twice a month cause my sex drive is low. The younger one buys me food so he's a free meal ticket. With the older guy we just get to fucking, cause he's busy or whatever. (He sometimes takes me shopping so who gives a fuck). Then, whoever it is, I go back to his place, fuck him, and we usually cuddle and goof of to my hearts content cause we both like that. We watch movies too usually. The sex is always good because I only date men who let me control the situation. The young guy even likes it when I tie him up and hit him lol.
This is the important part: after I go home, I DON'T NEED TO ENTERTAIN THEM ANYMORE. I can ghost them as long as I want. No babysitting men and their stupid fuckin problems.
I'm rambling about all this because I wish I knew it 2 years ago. You can get what you need sexually without having to kiss some moid's ass.

At this point I'm nearly aromantic. A few low-committment moids tending to my needs is good. Never marrying, never getting a bf.

Anonymous 120325

Whatever rocks your boat, most casual stuff doesn't go like this and can end up in abuse.
I just find this very appalling and sad, would rather do nothing instead.

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