>>120314They will cuddle you. There's a lot of misinfo about what casual sex is like and I get it. In movies and TV there's a trope of the chauvanist man who pumps and dumps a different woman every night and then forgets about her forever more. I've never actually met one of those men.
I have 2 men right now who I intend to keep around for awhile. I see each one maybe twice a month cause my sex drive is low. The younger one buys me food so he's a free meal ticket. With the older guy we just get to fucking, cause he's busy or whatever. (He sometimes takes me shopping so who gives a fuck). Then, whoever it is, I go back to his place, fuck him, and we usually cuddle and goof of to my hearts content cause we both like that. We watch movies too usually. The sex is always good because I only date men who let me control the situation. The young guy even likes it when I tie him up and hit him lol.
This is the important part: after I go home, I DON'T NEED TO ENTERTAIN THEM ANYMORE. I can ghost them as long as I want. No babysitting men and their stupid fuckin problems.
I'm rambling about all this because I wish I knew it 2 years ago. You can get what you need sexually without having to kiss some moid's ass.
>>120321At this point I'm nearly aromantic. A few low-committment moids tending to my needs is good. Never marrying, never getting a bf.