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Anonymous 120056

What do you think of the drama surrounding this comic?

Anonymous 120058

it's crazy. i love to read twitter

Anonymous 120059

All it takes to kill an argument is the wrong person to be the voice of reason.
Like a fat person giving you advice on how to be healthy.

Anonymous 120061

violent men will use retarded whores being retarded as a reason to abuse other women, nothing is new

Anonymous 120069

Virtually all women are submissive though. U saying all women are retarded?

Anonymous 120072

kys scrote

Anonymous 120073

Rule 7

Anonymous 120080

The porn industry and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. Scrotes and pickmes have been completely broken by porn and I’m tired of seeing their degenerate internet arguments.

Anonymous 120083

The reason there is any drama or argument is that romance and erotica are closely bordering each other, but are distinct interests. Romance is a mainstream interest for women and a niche interest for men. Therefore there is a high visibility of individualized niches for women and an extremely high success and reward potential within niches, and no particular niche targeting for men. So men's non-pornographic "romance" entertainment media is inevitably tastelessly bland, boring shit, without even any interesting or unique characters, because any of it at all is already an exotic flavor to them. They will never bother improving on the depth of personality of Tenchi-Muyo-clone-#4958 because there is no financial incentive to do so. Even a men's romance a "harem" is legitimately just a way of excusing the show from having to develop any of its characters by introducing a new shallow stereotype at a formulaic interval. Laziness, not a reflection of the market because there is no market. McDonalds is not interested in convincing anyone that their burgers are good.

You'll find some very strongly mirrored arguments on oh let's say femdom hentai. Women posting very strongly worded thousand word essays about how heckin problematic and disrespectful the domme queen in "Sadistic Beauty" is and how she goes too far has no boundaries blah blah. Whereas the men are only disappointed that she never escalates into really personalized brutality, and doesn't I dunno kill the dude or something.

Anonymous 120084

All of humanity has degenerate desires. What separates us from animals is the ability to rise above them. I find these gender wars extremely funny.

Anonymous 120086

>All of humanity has degenerate desires.
…no. It's a very difficult thing to accept but ultimately we are not created mentally equal nor morally equal. One of the mindblowing revelations Oprah Winfrey described about Ozempic was the sudden realization that for her entire life thin people simply experienced less temptation to eat and did not have malingering intrusive thoughts of food, nor sudden cravings for unhealthy food types or quantities. Sexual degeneracy is notably and documentably likewise unfairly distributed.

Anonymous 120108

are you suggesting we get an ozempic where i don't want rough sex? can you make it popeyes chicken flavor?

see: >>120059

Anonymous 120114

>i am going to love and take care of you all
OP of the comic is just lying, that is not the appeal of any male fantasies. male "romance" is just uoohh hot girls wanna have sex with MEEEEE for NO REASON
women's romance is about being unconditionally desired for your true self. it's hot when chad can't resist you what can i say!

Anonymous 120116

I've been reading a lot of romance novels recently because I've seen so many women online proclaim their hatred for those aimed at men, and I have to disagree on the "for no reason" part. The harem genre specifically appeals to a specific kind of man and isn't romance in the same sense, but simple erotica with a thin veneer of romance. Actual romance for men is surprisingly deep and has some interesting features. For a direct comparison, let's take supernatural romance, since it's very popular.

>main character is plain Jane who's different to all the other girls
>she has a dark secret/hidden lineage/unexplained ability that is innate
>she might have skills, but how or why she developed them in never mentioned
>she is oppressed by her society/culture
>attractive men are all obsessed with [insert innate quality here], despite her being so different to all the other girls
>these men are universally socially powerful, physically powerful, rich in some material sense and emotionally unstable
>be it a werewolf curse, vampiric hunger or whatever, the men who desire her are violent, unhinged and on the knife's edge of killing her at any given moment, but restrain themselves
>she is either cast into or willingly rejects the oppressive society/culture she came from and is suddenly owned in some sense by a man, be it through slavery, fae bargain, curse etc.
>she begins to revel in this newfound domination by a man on the verge of murdering her at any point in time
>she reforms him through love and rises to the top of the power structure, and may or may not destroy it

>main character is a fuckup or burnout who's just scraping by
>he has skills honed by practice and sacrifice, often to his own detriment
>other than possessing magic or something similar, he has no other innate power
>he is not oppressed, but is usually poor because his focus is usually on a mission, not the material
>he may engage in casual sex, but longs for a real relationship that eludes him because he's such a poor choice of partner
>he meets the love interest, who is a beautiful and particularly skilled and talented expert in a field he is not
>he struggles to demonstrate his value, often pitted against her existing partner or concurrent love interest
>there is universally a damsel in distress moment, but it is subverted by the main character employing his talents to allow the love interest to display hers and together resolve the conflict
>they bond over a mutual appreciation of their talents and dedication to a mission, reject/killing/exiling the other male competition who did not appreciate her as fully
>society does not change to accommodate their love and it does not require any significant changes, besides shifting the focus of their dedication

My boyfriend does read some romance books from time to time and shares his thoughts which really run counter to what I thought most men believe about romance. Men's romance, at least in my limited reading, really does centre around being appreciated for their skill, effort and determination.

Anonymous 120122

>being unconditionally desired for your true self.
Which, to anyone who does not share your self but also does not immediately reduce your self to your physical body and appearance, looks exactly like "for no reason."

Anonymous 120123


why so many troons and handmaids? where can i be misandrist in peace?

Anonymous 120124

Oh come on. Women are going to have deeper criticisms to level at books that women read than at books which women do not read, including picture books sold to men.

Anonymous 120135

Most fat people are fat because of upbringing. Eating bad is the norm for them. Of course Oprah would be shocked about how healthy people feel and live, it's literally foreign to her.

I think many many people have sexual degeneracy they don't speak about, because why would you? Porn is everywhere, and the more you get into it the more different niches you enter. Not to say that these strange fetishes didn't exist before porn, but I do believe they have been massively inflated. It's like someone who was raised fat, and someone who became fat later in life after trying junk and deciding they really liked it. The latter category is much smaller.

Anonymous 120142

I think there's enough evidence that sexual degeneration is innate and hormonally/neurologically rooted. Think about the differences between men and women in fixation on degeneracy and depths of degeneracy plumbed. Even in terms of non-criminal degeneracy. The very most degenerate online subculture non-criminal women are known to have created is the Omegaverse fandom, which was taken up most strongly in Korea and as with all things Korean women fixate on it tended to use its degeneracy as a means of social commentary rather than as an end in and of itself. Korean omegaverse manhwa get mocked for using elaborately detailed anatomical section views to explain how MPREG works, but nobody looks at or thinks about those alternative physiology pages to masturbate, they're there for worldbuilding and to establish theme and sometimes even tone, depending on specific word choices. It is not sophisticated academically meritous satire or anything and it is degenerate smut but it isn't just degeneracy for its own sake.

Then, on the other hand, there are male degenerate subcultures like furries. I do not think I need to explain the problems with male furries and how all of those problems flow from the fact that no matter what they say, they aren't using furry fandom as an artistic outlet. Omegaverse's least reputable hardcore stuff is unironically less degenerate than male safe-for-work furrydom because even the very worst ABO noncon mpreg stories are still primarily artistic expressions of pain and anxiety instead of just incitement to fap.

Anonymous 120149

I think you are just massively understating female degeneracy. Yes, they have their own fetishes, more than just the omegaverse. I mean heck even in Japan a lot of the porn doujinshi artists are women to the point guys get surprised and go
>Woah X is a woman????
Because they sometimes draw stuff that is traditionally thought to be male fantasies.

Anonymous 120150

Also stating that furries are a purely male subculture is laughable.

Anonymous 120152

Drama? I thought it was funny
People need to stop taking cartoons seriously

Anonymous 120153

Id argue the omegaverse stuff you described is more degenerate because its trying to brainwash people actively, trying to make a nightmare into reality by describing it "realistically", and not just getting them off.

Anonymous 120156

>trying to make a nightmare into reality
Women already live in a nightmare reality. Using art to express and understand that fact is one of the higher purposes of art. It is also a fact that women's nightmare reality is sexual in nature, that the illegal crimes committed against women and the inhumane laws and social structures built to exploit and harm women are overwhelmingly sexual and sexually motivated, and must be artistically captured by deliberately sexually expressive media. The stiflement of sexually expressive media created by and appealing to women is part of society's defenses against the liberation of women by preventing the acknowledgement of the nightmarish structure of real life social and sexual dynamics. When normie women read Dworkin's work, especially "Intercourse," the most common attack they mount against her is that her horror at everyday sexuality seems "fetishistic" and fixated on the rapine - this is not because Dworkin was incorrect nor because she was a fetishist. We have been robbed of the language with which to describe reality by social taboo.

Anonymous 120158

illegal crimes committed against women and the inhumane laws and social structures built to exploit and harm women
Pick a lane

Anonymous 120169

I'm just hearing a lot of blah blah blah mpreg is actually very deep blah blah blah.

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