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#coquette #pink #m…

i think my gf hates me Anonymous 120103

I think my gf hates me

or at least has grown to like me a lot less over the course of our relationship. We have been dating for almost 6 months now and at first it was really good but than she started ignoring me more and more

like for example she is like super chronically online and has a screentime of like 16 hours a day on her phone when she doesnt have uni or work or wtv

but she takes ages to respond to me im talking like 8 hours WHILE ACTIVE, like not including when she is sleeping.like on valentines day i wished her happy valentines at 7am and she didnt respond till 9pm

and like idk at our one month she got me a handwritten letter and flowers and than for the months after that she wrote me a letter which was super sweet. But for our five months she didnt get me anything so im starting to wonder if i have upset her. also i always for our anniversaries i always get her gifts like plushies, flowers, a card and her fav chocolate and snacks

idk i also just feel like she doesnt see a future with me. I feel like a placeholder until a prettier girl comes. idk i know i need to talk to her but i dont know how

i also was recently with diagonsed bpd which she doesnt know about yet and it makes me really unstable espically when she ignores me or treats me differently.

i am so so scared to lose her and i am so afraid she will leave me. I genuinely think I would kill myself. Over the course of the relationship i have attempted sucicde twice because i felt ignored and unloved by her which i know is not her fault and that it is my own perception.

she doesnt know that she caused these attempts as I know it would be unfair to put that pressure on her but i dont know what to do i just want to crawl into a hole and die

Anonymous 120105

We don't know what your girlfriend is thinking. But as someone else who is mentally unwell, work on your bpd and the rest will work itself out along with it.

Anonymous 120309

you shouldn't want to kill yourself for anyone. take care of your mental problems first and stop being lesbian.

Anonymous 120310

>was recently with diagonsed bpd
>she doesnt know about
She knows. She's likely been distancing herself so she can make you feel like the separation is mutual.

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