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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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i genuinely dont think love, friendship, any kind of human companionship is possible for me Anonymous 120144

who relat

Anonymous 120145

i feel chronically empty all the time i feel nothing at all and it is everything at the same time at once . im literally biblical depictions of the devil incarnated into a girl

Anonymous 120164

I used to feel the same. Getting professional mental help helped me.

Anonymous 120209

Me for love. I can't fathom living with someone or not having a bedroom to myself. I want to be in love but I can't imagine myself pursuing a relationship in the way that others do. I get very irritated when around someone nonstop for over a week, even if I care for them. I always joke that I should date a pilot

Anonymous 120244

i fel you nona im considering renouncing any type of relationship ever. its like im in a desert island away from everyone i know and i cant reach anyone, nor anyone can reach me. i tried but im tired of trying.

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