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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

Talk about relationships of all kinds, ask for advice, or just vent

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Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 120216

spunky little cowboy
always makin me wait for her
flayed my heart
a sharp can opener
dazed in bed
cum on me again

Anonymous 120227

Spunky litte cowboy
tetanus on horseback
Limbs stiff
as we ride toward the sunset
Gunslinger girls gone wild

Anonymous 120228

gunslinger girls gone wild
prayin’ like there’s no tomorrow
running so goddamn free
i wish you didn’t twist me in two
corrugated tin can edge—
one more cup of coffee please

Anonymous 120232

Gittering at the edge of the fire
free cause I'm up all night
Spunky cowboy
If you're in two peices
it's cause I'm this map
with markers that never end

Anonymous 120252

learn me like your endless map
ride with me, stay with me
trip up these tumbleweeds with me
markers of you left all around camp
bring me a grin
imagining you riding off
and always comin back

Anonymous 120294

If memorization were enough
I'd stay hidden
left in the side of the cliff
But it would remind me of your face
and my horse would know the way
Their stable the fire
ours the same
Don't put it out!

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