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Sociality-how to Anonymous 120249

So I've grown up a bit of my anti-social phase. I still love books and solitude and hate maintaining relationships but I want to go to parties/club and dance and feel alive every now and then. Not really for the casual sex part, just remembering I'm young.
I'm 22, not terrible ugly, and live near a big city. How do I start? I don't have any friends to go out with, don't know any clubs/parties and quite afraid of meeting people who know me there.

Anonymous 120250

Can't really say anything about night clubs since I have no interest or experience with those. But maybe start with making acquaintances through hobby groups or something? Maybe if you are lucky you can find people who can take you out to parties? Maybe you could take up dance classes or something, meet people there.

In regards to bumping into people you know, most will find it just as awkward and avoid you. For other who try to talk to you, it really isn't that bad. At most you will have a stiff and shallow conversation, then both part ways. The worst part is just not being used to awkward social interactions, once you experience a few you will be easier to manage.

Anonymous 120257

Thank you but forming meaningful relationships like friendships is a bit too much for me at the moment. I'm very bad at caring for people long-term and don't want to hurt any more than I already did.
That's why the prospect of loud and anonymous spaces like clubs is less off-putting, I just don't to make a fool out of myself there.

Anonymous 120258

Fake introvert. Please hand over your introvert card.

Anonymous 120262

Are you in school? Live on campus or near a campus?

Anonymous 120263

Sign up for community college in a nice city and hang out as much as possible. Lots of CC are basically mini Unis now since people realized you literally save 50k by taking all your Math/english bullshit first and transfer to real school after a year.

Anonymous 120267

Fuck off moid

Anonymous 120272

hedonistic party culture is quite dull if you're not around people you like. more importantly, it could be quite dangerous if you're around people you don't trust. also, making a fool of yourself is a big part of being young haha. just don't end up on barstool sports or something…

Anonymous 120276

Try looking up clubs near you and visiting. It helps if you already have artists you're interested in and go to their shows. You can go alone, just make sure you're well equipped. Have some pepper spray in the very least.
OP stated she's not in it for the casual sex part which I hope she adheres to…
But being outside and clubbing doesn't need to equate to sexual promiscuity. Try to work on your reading comprehension desu!

Anonymous 120297

who said anything about dressing for men lol? moid accusations get thrown around a lot here but this time I genuinely think you are one

Anonymous 120301

Hi, try bringing a book, finding a dive bar, and just read in the back of it with a beer. That is step 1. Otherwise, if you want to jump into it, find an artist or event you like at a club and buy a ticket. TBH large clubs are not so fun by yourself, more fun when you have a drink and a cig outside with your friends.

19hz.info and Resident Advisor are good spots to find out where the events are.

Anonymous 120350

Oh that's a really interesting concept, never heard of dive bars. I like reading in cafés and I guess bars can't be that different.. Wouldn't it be odd to be there alone?

That's a great idea! Show tickets are expensive but I guess it's worth it if the music and vibes are good. Thank you

I've finished my degree and coming to students' parties would feel like being a creep.
And to the nonas that said the main part is having fun with your friends I guess you're right, but getting friends is really unbearably hard because I'm a very cold and inconsiderate person. I don't want to hurt anyone :(

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