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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

Talk about relationships of all kinds, ask for advice, or just vent

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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 120315

What are some green flags you like to see in men?

Anonymous 120317


Anonymous 120328

buying me flowers, asking about my day, buying me gifts, being respectful to his family, kind to people and animals, gives me footrubs, doesn't watch porn, not scared of bugs/lightning/clowns like a pussy, does his own chores, good hygiene, recognizes when societal trends have it backwards without hating on the sheep, not overly sexist, wants marriage/kids, active but does not lift weights at the gym, does not listen to rightwing grifters

Anonymous 120329

killing themselves idk

Anonymous 120331


None, accept maybe leaving me the fuck alone, but that just means that harrassing some other nona instead.
Fuck off moid.
You can't sit with us

Anonymous 120332

My current BF was always super helpful at work, especially when the actual guy who was supposed to assisting the team was fucking around on a different floor. What really sealed the deal for me when I saw him come in early and leave small gifts on everyones desk on christmas(we work in a 24/7 dispatch office) and didn't say a word when everyone came in.

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