Lost my entire friend group, feeling lost. Anonymous 120338
Throughout Jan, I had a friend group of women who were around my age who sorta shared the same views as me. (not really the more i realize)
Everything was going so great and I enjoyed everyone's presence. However after a while, they came to terms about my mental issues after I opened up about them, hoping for some sort of support. They immediately began to mock me, making fun of my entire situation and began perceiving me being mentally ill as something obscene and grotesque.
I ended up cutting them off completely as they were prone to making fun of the women they'd cut off and I didn't want to be humiliated for a place i felt safe in.
I am glad that I left because I realized everyone there was racist or literal comgirls looking off of male validation.
But they gaslight me constantly, as if I was in the wrong, not taking accountability. Had a few people cut me off because of them.
I still feel like shit because of it and I feel worthless.
Anonymous 120342

If they acted like that then maybe you're better off not being around them.
You said yourself that looking back on it you don't have as much in common with them as you thought.
I'm sure you'll find new friends sooner or later, ones who treat you better.