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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 120345

Does anyone else feel like they are too sensitive for the internet? Like I cant handle being on it for too long lol. I went on 4chan once and was sad at how everyone talked to eachother.

Anonymous 120346

No. Out of billions of people you are the only one.

Anonymous 120347

No need to be a bitch anon.

Anonymous 120349

yes, i think i am and other people are too but they just ignore their feelings and don’t realize they’re being traumatized i think. it’s best to avoid 4chan, i don’t go on it anymore

Anonymous 120355

The internet is a good form of communication in that it can connect billions of people, but that connection is distorted and leads to people being inhumane. People rarely talk and act like they do on the internet.
Also, it's a very small percentage of people on websites like 4chan, so the attention-seeking trolls stand out as the rule, not the exception

Anonymous 120371

Depends what site I go on. Sometimes I get more angry than sad when I go on a certain app

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