
Any femcels here Anonymous 14730
>Whats stopping you from not being a femcel
For me its not like there aren't any guys that are into me it's just that its hard for me to connect socially with people.
Anonymous 14733
>too shy to talk to guys
>look too shy to be approached by guys
Anonymous 14741
Lots of girls here are femcels but don't like the word
Anonymous 14742
Weird personality and dress sense. I don't look or act like a normie and most people are so it distresses them.
Not putting the blame on them, it's my fault for not putting in the effort to fit in well.
Anonymous 14744
>>14741An incel isn't simply someone who doesn't have sex. That's why you can't draw a direct comparison between sexless men and sexless women, and why the term incel - or femcel, in your usage - doesn't apply to people here.
Or to try that differently - I've yet to see someone here to behave like a bona fide incel and
not get summarily removed for maleposting, so I'd like to see a further explanation from you.
Anonymous 14745
Why would you want to be be in a community that's just going to feed you a negative feedback loop of being being butthurt at not having a boyfriend?
Anonymous 14747
>>14744NTA, but if you haven't seen some very bitter lonely women here making very bitter posts and generalizing sexist posts about men, then you haven't been keeping your eyes open or you have a very serious confirmation bias.
Anonymous 14748
>>14744What's ironic is that the word incel was coined by a woman
Anonymous 14768
i'm ugly and have high standards
rather have no bf for life than settle for an ugly fat neckbeard
Anonymous 14777
100% of men only go for the top 20% of women. Failing that they "settle" for the top 40%.
The remaining 60% of us will never even be glanced at by the ugliest and lowest of status males. They would rather spend their life lusting after beautiful women than spend even a second near us. Our mere existence is a crime to them, to have the audacity to even approach them makes us deserve the utmost scorn of society. There simply is no option for us to stop being femcels minus hiring a prostitute, but I wanted to feel LOVED, not pay for an hour of some used up dick where I can't even kiss him because he has herpes.
Men don't even genuinely enjoy anything, every interest they hold and every passion of theirs is at best entry level. They only get into hobbies in order to get pussy and attention, just look at all the body building and self improvement channels on youtube. Just look at all the male twitch streamers and tell me they aren't streaming for attention.
>just do squats and go on a diet, just lower your standards, just wear makeup
I've done all of this. But the fact is my breasts are simply too small and my face doesn't have the symmetry required for any male to find me worth breeding with. All this does is get you made fun of by both men and the above mentioned top 40% of women:
>lol look at that ugly low-E bitch trying to compensate
>hah, she probably hit the gym because she feels inadequate about something
Suffering as a male? Please. Misandry this, misandry that, but the moment you might bring up the possibility misogyny exists in society you're seen as some loudmouthed, overweight, dyed haired dyke no matter how obvious and clear the misogyny is. Life is handed to them on a platter and their parents coddle them and shelter them from any harsh realities. They don't care about facts or the truth, men are the SJWs of gender.
Life is suffering and if it wasn't for the scarce media I still enjoy, I'd have killed myself a long time ago.
Anonymous 14778
>>14777Is this satire? Assuming it isn't..
> but I wanted to feel LOVEDMaybe you should get like a cat or a dog or a gf if you hate men so much? Or like a trans boy?
You can't generalize 50% of the population like you do, it's arguably as bad and inaccurate as what incels do.
Anonymous 14780
>>14778>Maybe you should get like a catI do, I'm becoming a stereotype more and more every year that passes. I'm in my late 20s already. She is my only source of affection and I feel warmth from her greeting me each morning.
>a gf if you hate men so much?I've wished my sexuality can change but it cannot. I could be prison gay or something but I don't even have any social contacts outside of work.
>Or like a trans boy? They would even resort to dating each other before settling for someone as low as me.
>it's arguably as bad and inaccurate as what incels do.Incels aren't actually real. All they would have to do is have sex with someone like me and in an instant they would cease being one. Society and mass media have conditioned them since a young age that they deserve someone of higher genetic quality than me and so they'd rather be virgins in waiting than have to do something as disgusting as love someone beneath them.
Anonymous 14786
>>14780>incels aren't real I'm not a femcel myself but I kind of agree with this. Went most incels talk about women they only actually mean " average looking women or above", ugly girls don't even rate as human to them so they don't notice them. Men really think they deserve """Stacy""" no matter what they're like.
Anonymous 14791
As a matter of interest how many romantically challenged girls here are non-white?
Anonymous 14796
>>14791One here. Half white and not white passing.
Anonymous 14820
if i can't sleep with my perfect 8+/10 i don't want to sleep with anyone
Anonymous 14859
>>14858I hate how my roleplay always gets chalked up to being someone else's pasta. It's not fair.
Anonymous 14860
>>14859You might have typed it yourself, but if it read indistinguishable from some /r9k/ post (but with genders swapped) it's obviously gonna seem like pasta.
Anonymous 14866
>>14860What if both pastas are similar because they are both true? (Despite contradicting the othrr counterpart)
Anonymous 14867
>>14866the femcel one is at least a little bit true
Anonymous 14868
>>14866>>14867I think there's a lot more forever alone men out there than women.
Anonymous 14870
>>14866both of them are true, the problem arise when you try to make one of the groups the protagonist in the systematic opression
heidegger already handle that problem with his concept of "gestell", in wich everyone is opressed by the framework of the system itself and who gets the worst part goes to a second plane
Anonymous 14878
>>14868I think that there are even amounts of alone people, but women who are alone are more likely to want to be alone and thus not complain about it.
Anonymous 14880
>>14878Not always. There are plenty of pre-fame Susan Boyle's in the world. They just don;t get angry about it online as much so it's hard to notice them, and in general, people tend to avert their eyes from really ugly women
Anonymous 14885
>>14791Am "ethnic"-looking Jew. It's not the fact that I don't look white that prevents me from finding a bf though, it's the fact that I'm ugly.
Anonymous 14894
>>14885It probably won't make you feel any better, but I love "ethnic"-looking Jews. Ugh. I had the biggest crush on my fat, hairy Jewish friend in school. Jewish boys with big noses are nice, too. I just like the "Jew" face in general.
Anonymous 14895
I'm almost a femcel. I've had sex with one person (my bf), and I have no friends. Even as a kid I only had 1-3 friends at a time, and I always thought we were closer than we actually were. It's really hard for me to interact with people properly.
Anonymous 14903

>>14895You have a bf, you're NOT almost a femcel. Wat the fuck. You even had/have friends, even if not many. You're a normie with a few friends, that's it. And no, that's not a bad thing.
Anonymous 15143
>>14903Maybe you're right. Sorry for high-jacking your thread. I'll make it to true normiedom some day.
Anonymous 17187
I'm almost 26 and have never had sex or been kissed. That's mostly my fault though because I've run away from countless potential relationships because of high standards and my own insecurities about my body.
Most of the guys who have been into me are either extremely fat or extremely autistic, or both. The only exception were guys who used to bully me in middle school for being ugly that tried to get in my pants when I lost weight and became attractive in high school. Even though most of them were attractive themselves I was like yeah, fuck you, NO.
Maybe I'll try online dating once I get my shit together and see how that works out. A lot of people bluntly tell me how fucking odd it is for a 25-year-old to be a virgin so Idk how a sexual partner would react to me being inexperienced in bed.
Anonymous 17189
>>17187Somewhat similar situation as you. I had ugly duckling syndrome and hit about 17 and all of a sudden every one was interested in me after being treated like complete garbage. It's really alienating to know most people are willing to treat you nicely solely because of your face. Add an abusive home and I dropped out of life. Loneliness and cptsd are currently crushing me to death. Also careful of online dating, 90% of it is just hookups, if you're not interested in a relationship it's perfect.
Anonymous 17220

being lesbian.
There was one girl who was interested in me but I didn't know until after I had no way to contact her.
When I move out I'm getting a daki.
Anonymous 17642
me and anon.jpg

>>14768I identify with your post, also I was bored and made a sloppy low effort ms paint edit.
Anonymous 17648

Are there any dedicated femcel sites? Also does anyone have girl’s equivalents of stuff like pic related?
Anonymous 17649
>>17648You're an idiot. Literally go to a bar, outside, a convention, whatever, meet a random man, and date him. Men aren't hard to date.
Anonymous 17650
>>17649Just talk to him hoe it works for me.
Anonymous 17658
>>17649Did you mean to reply to the wrong anon who only asked about memes?
Either way men in bars only give me attention if I am with friends and even there it's limited to "hey do you know her?"
Anonymous 17697

>Either way men in bars only give me attention if I am with friends and even there it's limited to "hey do you know her?"
Anonymous 17698

I think I'm just legit autistic and/or a schizo. Even when my mom died roughly 4 months ago I couldn't cry for a week then cried a little and it was more like "shit what do I do now that I need too do shit by myself" rather than getting sad because she's gone and I will never see her again. And I feel like I did love her, I mean, she was with me all my life. Now what can I expect from a relationship with someone who has not been there with me since the beginning? Nothing, I get nothing out of it. I can't feel anything. I can't fall in love, I can't make friendships because they bore me. I don't know what's wrong with me honestly, too scared of talking to a psychiatrist and get locked in the looney bin (already been there once.)
Anonymous 17699
>>17658What she said was good advice to everyone in this thread and the no boyfriend thread honestly.
Anonymous 17700
>>17698Schizoid personality disorder maybe?
I’m an actual autist so I can relate to having trouble with feeling emotion sometimes, or that might just be depression. When my grandpa died I didn’t cry, I just stared at the wall for 15 minutes, but that’s different since I hadn’t spoken to him since I was a toddler.
Anonymous 17710
>>17698you are neurotic and think too much like many people in this age
just read the power of now tbqh
Anonymous 17721
probably because I'm ugly, but I tell myself it's because I'm very shy
Anonymous 17754
>>14730Once I get my skin clear I'm finally gonna be below average, I'm so tired of being ugly fuckkkkkkk
Anonymous 17774
>>17698Have you ever cried or experienced hard emotions/feelings before? If yes, then there could be something stopping you (poor sleeping conditions for long period of time, untreated depression, etc) if not then there must be something deeper. If you plan to see a psychiatrist or psychologist please perform a background search and make sure they are qualified for their job or you can end up there again.
Anonymous 17809
not a femcel (opposite problem. fending off advances because of asexuality) but I have friends that complain about not having a boyfriend while also having a few people they're not-quite-friends-but-not-quite-lovers deal going on.
From what I see with them the issue is really twice shy (girl is shy, boy is also shy. either the boy gets into a relationship with someone else or things just stay awkward between them).
>>14777this might sound very normie, but yeah i agree with poster above. it's not hard to get a guy. if you are willing to settle (that's unfair to you both, but ok) there's gonna be someone as lonely/lonelier than you are that wouldn't mind you as much.
if you're even less concerned about the quality of men you're attracting just be a thirst trap and edit the heck out of your photos. there's gonna be some person willing to bite.
Anonymous 17853
>>17809>opposite problem. fending off advances because of asexualityI don't hang around enough people for that to be the case. You must be a social butterfly or have a big group of acquaintances.
Anonymous 21687
>>17809Don't take this personally or like I'm saying that your asexuality isn't valid, but I've known 4 asexuals in my life, all of which grew out of it from their early 20's
Have you considered that you might be "asexual" because you have a debilitating fear of risk and not because you don't find people attractive or sexual interesting?
Again, I'm not saying asexuals don't exist, but I'm asking if you are possibly using it as a defense of your shortcomings?
Anonymous 21702
Once I lose 30 pounds, clean my room, stop biting my nails, get more confident in myself, get a male-approved modern fashion sense, move to an area with actual attractive men, work through the past trama that keeps me from pursuing romantic relationships, and find a job that will keep my lifestyle funded without tanking my free time, it's over for you bitches.
Anonymous 21705
>>14777Turning /r9k/ pasta on its head is funny as fuck but I’m upset that I can relate to some of hear feelings to an extent.
Anonymous 22022
>>21702>tramaDo you mean “drama” or “trauma”?
Anonymous 22025
>>21702>it's over for you bitches>you bitches>youIt never started. You realize what thread you posted in, right?
Anonymous 22049
>>22047Whoops, live under a rock.
In that case then it's fitting that she fixed "hoes" to "bitches."
Anonymous 22059
>>22058Try flirting with a boy slightly younger than you. You'll realize how scared they are of you.
Anonymous 22060
>>22059>based cougar-in-training anon Anonymous 22062
>>22060God I hope not. I'm happy with my bf/future husband. I don't have a reason to flirt with anyone else now. But when I was younger that was an important lesson. Seeing boys that would normally scare me speechless stutter and blush because a girl a year older than them was talking to them really helped me realize they're nothing to be afraid of.
Anonymous 22246
>>22058Most of them are scared of you too, but be careful of the ones who aren't.
Anonymous 22279
>>22246>thisI'm very shy and innocent-looking so the only men who ever approach me are absolute creepers who are attracted to low self-esteem naive qts they can exploit.
Stay safe out there miners. The world, and the men who inhabit it, are cruel and abusive.
Anonymous 22882
>>14786Agree, I mean like, I am kinda like Stacy, and I know some girls who would accept those incels. But when they see us together they just ignore them and all start talking to me. Of course I drop them out because I have better boys to have relations with.
Anonymous 22884
>>17649Sorry, but I am not some sort of slut to start a conversation with a man. After all man has to approach first.
Anonymous 22887
>>22884>>22883Are you here for the KC raid?
Anonymous 22889
>>14777I know this wants to be a funny parody of the real problem, but this is wrong as research has shown at least in online-dating, that men evaluate women according to gaussian distribution, but it is indeed the women who only want 20%. As is also evident in some posts.
Anonymous 22892
>Whats stopping you from not being a femcel
Meeting someone I want to have sex with
Anonymous 22893
>>22890Man should come down from the sky and stop bein so arrogant.
Anonymous 22895
Me. I'm fat and I don't care enough about my virginity to do anything about it. If anything, I'm glad I'll die by 45.
Anonymous 22900
But women still message those men, whereas men may rate women more equally but only pay attention to the most attractive women.
Idk why incels use that graph when it just proves that women don't care and will be dtf and date "ugly" men since we care less about looks.
Anonymous 22906
What's that on the y-axis? Percentage? 5% isn't a huge advantage in my book. If we're going to say all women can now get laid because there are 5% more of us than men that do, then we can say all men are cheaters because 10% more people that cheat are men.
This is awful though. Women are cowards.
Anonymous 22909
>men fight the urge to rape at all times
Never have I wanted all men to die more than in this moment.
Women too. I hate you all.
Anonymous 22911
Yeah, the thing is I'm one of those women who's horny 24/7 and I have considered drugging and raping men that I'm attracted to before. But the thing is it fucking horrifies me that my mind goes there and so I've worked to block those thoughts.
But I forgot that on top of that men have little to no empathy so their only incentive to stop themselves is the law, not morality. In the future when some incels get into higher positions I'm sure things will change. You're right to be scared of the future, anon.
>inb4 why would you care if rape is legal, it means you'll get laid by someone!
Would rather not get fucked that way thx. I'm sure dominant incels would prefer to not get pegged.
Anonymous 22912
>>22911>But I forgot that on top of that men have little to no empathy so their only incentive to stop themselves is the law, not moralityTrue incel (or rather femcel) way of speaking
Incels constantly talk about women being unable to reason like normal humans, as if we're completely superficial creatures
Personally I just think it's the symptom of humans trying to form relationships with dull individuals and feeling somehow betrayed by their expectations
Anonymous 22915
>>22912Men do score dramatically lower in EQ tests though and commit more violent crimes, those are just facts. I'm sure there are men who have been taught empathy effectively, but for the most part no.
Many of them are good at faking it though.
>>22914>standards loweringI'll be honest, I could meme myself into being attracted to most people sexually. I have a very specific preference, but in a vacuum I have a baseline attraction to everyone and used to be one of those people who got turned on by porn of weird characters from cartoons and shit (I'll give Benson from rs as an example). I can't act on these impulses though, both because of social anxiety and trying to stay true to my somewhat sexually conservative values (monogamy).
It's always from a dominant perspective though which is why the rape society/offers to be a sub don't do anything for me. Would your male friend want to get dominated by the ugliest woman (assuming he's not submissive)? How about fuck a man?
>Most men not having a rape fetishThey may not report it because of stigma. Male sexuality is super violent generally so I find it hard to believe most stop at ~uwu consensual choking.~
Anonymous 22916

I've never been aroused for more than a few seconds, so I know sex would just be awkward and painful. I genuinely have no interest, except for maybe trying it once, just to have the experience. I've never been comfortable enough with someone to try it though.
I've been asked out before, but by bottom of the barrel, actually autistic guys who can't hold a conversation, and only talk about their one specific interest (which is always vidya). Even those guys have wandering eyes when I was with them, and talk about the other girls they've liked; I was the last choice because all the other girls said no. I should have walked away from the date right then and there.
I had interest from some "higher tier" males some of you would consider Chad, but it was clear their intentions were not serious (friends with benefits). I'm sick of being mommy and getting nothing in return; I listen to all of these assholes' problems, and engage in their sexual fantasies; I reply immediately over text and try to make all of their invitations to go out. I'd dress in more of the clothes they liked and would incorporate it into my wardrobe. "You're great/perfect. I'm just not looking for anything serious right now." Then they get pissed I walk away. Two months later, they have a girlfriend they're serious with, and she's usually psychotic (ie slapping/hitting him hard for teasing, screaming at him for talking to another female he doesn't even know, etc).
I fucking hate scrots. I should have just focused on school. All of the time I wasted on guys, I could have put towards my goals. I resent myself for that.
Anonymous 22918
In some tiers it’s more lopsided towards the other gender caring more and putting more effort into the relationship than the other counterpart.
I think you know which one it is
Anonymous 22919
>Why not date someone your own dating value?
I've asked out guys who I was close friends with for years who are objective 5s like myself, and got rejected. It's the socially inept and the uncommitted that pursue me, but this was in high school.
And, this is going to sound conceited, but I think I'm objectively higher than most people, not looks-wise, but career and motivation wise. I'm pretty active in volunteer communities, politics, and am majoring in physics. I find most men outside of these areas to be utter garbage who lack empathy and a strong desire for communication like I do. Conversations with people are unstimulating, and believe me, I've tried to keep an open mind. I actively engage in the conversation before you make the assumption I don't. This is one of the things my dates have complimented me on the most, was how much I put an effort into keeping the conversation going. I'm just burnt out at this point.
Anonymous 22921
>Aren't you socially inept too given you're here?
Actually, not really. I get along with most people, I just tend to like my alone time.
>You sound like a young, arrogant asshole to say " I'm objectively higher than most people". Probably not even met a lot of people.
You're projecting a lot to call a stranger on the internet an asshole, when you have no idea what I'm like. Sounds like you haven't met a lot of people either. Not everyone who feels they're above people, actually thinks that they are from a place of narcissism, but of different values.
>Why would you expect a higher-tier male to "commit to you", when he's better than you, when you can't do the same to the lower tier yourself?
He's not better than me. Most of these men sleep from girl to girl, have poor grades, and life choices to show for it. I don't expect them to commit to me, but then they shouldn't do it for another woman so shortly after; I was pointing out hypocrisy, but you dodged the point. And I lower myself constantly, and was committed to the autistic guy, he wasn't committed to me by talking about other women's "bangability." Again, missing the point of my original post.
Anonymous 22924
>You wouldn't only be asked by the bottom of the barrel autistic-type guys if you didn't look like them.
I've posted my face on /soc/ without makeup and consistently get rated a 7. Sometimes a 6 or 8; and got 9 three times. Come on now. Denial is real. I rate myself objectively lower than most people have told me they see me as. I do it as to lower myself. I lower my standards because I have insanely low self esteem. How dare I make an angry anonymous post and start to show a little healthy narcissism for not living according to my values? lol Jesus fucking christ anon.
>You're free to blame the entire world and all males in it.
Not once have I done this, but feel free to continue pulling straws out of your ass.
Anonymous 22925
I just dont give a shit about men anymore. Im afraid they will pump and dump me
Anonymous 22928
It has nothing to do with scarcity, women are just inherently more valuable than men, or I guess I should say females are more valuable than males in any diploid species with male and females that reproduces sexually
Anonymous 22934
>>22924>I've posted my face on /soc/ In all fairness that is a place filled with autistic loser males.
Anonymous 22939
>>22911>it fucking horrifies me that my mind goes there and so I've worked to block those thoughtsthat's the wrong way to treat it imo. imagination is the greatest asset that separates humankind from animals driven by base instinct - you absolutely should use it to live out things you would never do in reality, because how else will you learn about them. there's no such thing as a slippery slope - if anything you desensitise yourself to the ideas and don't have them intruding on your life so much.
whereas, once you start suppressing thoughts out of fear/shame without addressing their root cause, you get things like "male feminist" syndrome, outbursts of awful behaviour from self-loathing people who hit breaking point and have nothing else to lose.
you're right about men having low empathy. but above all what they respect is power. if the idea of women also having forceful sexual drive and agency weren't so fucking hushed and taboo within popular culture, you probably would see a sharp decline in male rape cases, as they'd start to view females on equal footing and be more aware of their own vulnerabilities.
Anonymous 22943
>>22934Not true at all, plenty of women are on there. I mean plenty as in about 10-30%.
>>22911>men have little to no empathyThis is as bad as "all women are whores"-type incelspeak. Stop it.
>>22939>if the idea of women also having forceful sexual drive and agency weren't so fucking hushedLots of guys want a femdom relationship. Rapists are few and far between when you look at mankind as a whole. Stop basing your observations of society on the few bad men. Go to a bar and talk to five guys and at least two of them will charm you with their unironically good personalities.
Anonymous 22965
>>22916Stop giving them everything they want. People say it makes you look like you have no backbone and that's a turn off, but here's the real reason why that's bad: people always take shit for granted. If you don't give them some pushback every once in a while when it comes to being accommodating, they will get to the point where your hard work is just expected and normal to them, not something special. They need context to remind them every once in a while that you're going out of your way for them. It's the same principle with the incels that complain about girls not liking nice guys. I'm not saying be a bitch and yell at them for stuff, but be assertive and say something he wants is a hassle or ask for things YOU want instead sometimes. He's gotta compromise for you too, you know.
Anonymous 22968
>>22965You're right. It's something I struggle with; I grew up with a father who has NPD and a mother who is borderline. I learned to ignore my emotions or wants and needs, to avoid conflict, rejection, or even physical harm. Funnily enough, I'm achieving the opposite. I don't know what I'm so scared of, rejection is part of life. Some people just aren't compatible, but I tend to people please. Anger isn't an emotion I do well with and try to repress; It makes me nauseous, and feel like I'm on the verge of tears. Aside from my own parents, no one has ever seen me get angry (outside of normal "annoyed" expressions) or yell. I can't tell if little things just don't bother me, or if I'm just extremely out of tune with my emotions. I make compromises constantly and they don't bother me, but somehow I burn out. I should be able to tell when I'm reaching my burnout point (usually a physical irritant gives it away), but I don't realize it until someone is too bothered to help me with something insignificant that I become aware of how tired I am.
Ultimately, I do know I'm responsible for why these relationships felt one sided, I just don't know where to start in order to get better. I don't even know what my own wants or needs are; I have PTSD and am numb most of the time. What feeling am I supposed to look for that indicates something isn't right, when most emotions just blend together and feel like nothing?
Anonymous 22998
>>22968I'm like you, have CPTSD, am codependent. I even got therapy for it. Didn't help much as far as me not making the same mistakes again but it made me understand more why and how I am the way that I am.
It's very hard to know when things aren't right because things being bad is what makes me feel comfortable. As stupid as that is, I have to admit to myself that it's true. I see things so bleakly now because I feel like anyone I really like and feel like I love, it's because deep down, I know they're a toxic person who's going to hurt me. It's the whole subconscious reason I'm attracted to them.
Anonymous 23021
I’m volcel, for now. I just don’t have any desire to be a part of a romantic relationship anymore. The flame of desire has long since been put out by looking at the experiences of other people. The idea of sex disgusts me, partially because of it’s primitive nature, partly because of some emotional trauma. I know i should let myself meet some who aren't probable /pol/ browsers, but the past has proven that men, at least in my country, just don't think about woman as people. And as crazy as this sounds, even I don’t know if I’m a person or not, I like to be objective about my opinions. Like radical feminists, the manosphere (MGTOW, /pol/, incels) tries to understand the opposite sex not knowing many, well, good women/men, while having zero compassion for them because mommy or daddy issues, or whatever happened to them. I know some of you will ask me "Why would I care about someone else's opinion when they can't even fully understand my side of the story?". Good question. I think it might be because ever since I can remember, I have always wanted to be male, I even remember asking my mom if it was normal that I wanted to be a boy when I was young. She got concerned, but eventually i stopped. No dysphoria. I'm never becoming a radfem, or a member of WGTOW, because I'll at least attempt to find someone I feel respects me and my sex. I would try to understand their wants and needs as well, too, but only if i see that they're willing to put in the same amount of effort. God, I fucking hate being a woman. It's pathetic – actually downright stupid. If you think this is a larp, well, I wish it was.
Anonymous 23022
>>23021You have got a lot of problems, anon. I suggest you look into your body problem and try accepting who you are, while avoiding the route of suicidal trannies and radfems. Maybe you like dressing like a guy. Perhaps you copy their mannerisms. That's not problematic, as long as you still accept yourself. What you wear or how you act isn't defining to your sex. Your sex is already defined long before you could think of it. Accept it, anon, and go on to make someone happy.
Anonymous 23032
>>23021Holy crap… I thought I was the only female who wanted to be male with no physical dysphoria. I just hate all of the bullshit expectations put on women. Ironically, the bullshit expectations put on men don't bother me one bit.
For example, I never talk to strange children, I do all heavy lifting by myself, and I'm quite stoic. One of my prior bosses complained that I never cried at work when I got in trouble. There's no way he would have said that to a man… I really wish I was born a dude so I wouldn't have to shave my legs without being publically ridiculed. That's only one example, but I could really sperg about this crap all night.
Anonymous 23071

>>17649>just talk to him and he’ll be your bf! It’s that easy! Anonymous 23120
>>22943i don't even know what femdom means honestly. all the content labeled as such on the internet still fetishizes women, just from the perspective of denying and teasing a man who wishes to be on top. there's still no regard for what the woman actually desires.
Anonymous 23126
>>23071DO IT
Anonymous 23133
Where is this coming from? I want to date a man who has similar features to me actually (big nose, sad eyes, showers daily, although I want him to be short and I'm not a womanlet) and I offer affection, regular sex, and future financial support in a relationship.
It's just hard to find guys who match me in personality. I'd like someone introverted and monogamous and most young men just are not.
I guess by definition I'm not a female incel since I have had offers to lose my virginity but the circumstances aren't pure (fwb…degenerate). I just wanna love a guy, anon.
The pump and dump fear is also real, idk where you get off thinking it never happens. Many men just want to have one night stands with a bunch of women and never settle down.
Anonymous 23134
>>17649What do I do if the only men who approach me first are fat, autistic, or both? If only those men find me attractive then good quality men (slim, at least 5/10 facially, mentally stable) would probably spit in my face if I tried flirting with them. And no, I'm not lowering my standards to date fat pieces of shit with no manners. I'd much rather be a single virgin.
Anonymous 23135
>>23134Ask yourself what about your look, personality, and way of holding yourself is appealing to fat autistic retards but not an average regular guy.
Figure it out and change it.
Anonymous 23136
>>23135I'm pretty damn sure it's the fact that I'm hideous, anon. Like 2/10 hideous. The only reason these men find me "attractive" is probably because of the "just lower your standards to get laid bro" meme.
Anonymous 23138
>>23136Idk, maybe if you dress well and act confidently you could get a 5/10 skinnyfat guy who at most is only assburgers.
Anonymous 23139
>how psychologically devastating it is for people who don't even have this privilege.
lol shut up, you stupid twat.
Anonymous 23140
First anon, and I never said that I'm hard done by because of it. I know it's a privilege and take it as a compliment that I have at least average looks.
I'm confused as to what you want from me though. I don't want to be a slut, so if that's all men want I'm just not going to mess with those men. Do you…want me to be a slut?
I do approach men on my own too if you're going to suggest that. Although it's lead to nothing yet I prefer to take control of the situation and will continue with that.
My complaint is more about the state of men (and young people in general) at this time, rather than being too ugly or models not wanting me lol. I'm cel because people are degenerates. Just wanted to correct you in your statement that we're all uggos chasing Chad.
Anonymous 23143
You've made me realize this identity and these threads are no longer for me. They used to be, when I had only been rejected but I guess things have changed.
I'm sorry anon, and thank you. I wish you the best.
Anonymous 23145

I want to lose my virginity with someone I love and care about, and vice versa. The problem is that I've never even been on a date, I'm a socially inept shut-in with no friends, unlovable and a failure. I should just end it…
Anonymous 23168

>tfw the only guys that ever seem to like me are gross misogynist neckbeards
Anonymous 23194

>>23032I've lurked RedPillWomen in hopes of making myself more appealing to men by obtaining highly attractive female qualities, which entailed "Be femenine – gentle, receptive, dainty and
nurturing". Can't look at the last word without shuddering now. Many other posters considered being more ditzy and advised other women of the sub not to take themselves seriously, which gave me a vibe of "Know your place, woman" – maybe I'm bluepilled, but I don't like the idea of dumbing myself down for somebody else. The sub has many good ideas, and the contributors' intentions are in the right place, but I just find that I'm the total opposite of being feminine, at least psychologically. I sort of feel like a broken woman tbh, because I honestly do have in many conservative values, one of which is believing in gender roles, but the expectations that are set for me feel like they're the opposite of my personality that I've had for decades.
Anonymous 23195
>>23194>believes in strict gender roles>doesn't even fit them herselfBitch what the fuck.
I hope you're one of those who just believes "it's best for society to function this way" rather than "it's innate for everyone" because if it's the second your logic is lacking kek.
Anonymous 23198
>>23195Yeah, I realize the roundabout logic of that. I just think It's more efficient for society, was raised pretty conservatively. I don't think there's anything wrong with not conforming to gender roles either, it's really just my opinion. And if gender roles were innate i wouldn't have had this mental block in the first place. I'm conflicted, I know.
Anonymous 23199
>>23198You're just denying what's already there. Apples and oranges. Either way, it isn't safe to be on the fence like this.
Anonymous 23200
>>23195she's almost there sister. just give her time.
>>23194I hate "red-pilled" men, and this is speaking as someone who fits most female stereotypes.
Anonymous 23201
>>23199Are you talking about the differences between men and women, or..? Genuine question. What am I denying, exactly?
>>23200The sub is filled with tradwives and generally the broad advice of self-improvement could be gender neutral. Men aren't encouraged to post there.
Anonymous 23202
>>23201Who you are. I'm not sure what happened that gave you these thoughts, that made you "broken", though I'm sure it wasn't anything good. There are others who grow up into "neutral" sex roles (tender men, and hardy women) who don't feel an emptiness within them, because nothing was taken away from them. They were raised to like their fathers and mothers equally, regardless of what sex they were, giving them equal feminity and masculinity, with no insecurities.
It'd help to know just what brought you to this mindset.
Anonymous 23204
>>23194If you have kids and want to do your best to be a good mom those nurturing personality traits will probably start kicking in and developing on instinct (at least that's what happened for me.) When people mention being nurturing as a feminine trait I think they probably mean in the context of your own family/for your own loved ones, not for everyone in the world, that's just imprudent and probably going to get you hurt if you're not guarding your heart so you can be loving to the people that matter the most to you.
Anonymous 23205
>>23194I feel like the only quality on that list that couldn't be applied to all good partners universally is "dainty". Wouldn't you agree that men who are nurturing are attractive as well? And if so, do you find that demeaning in their case?
Anonymous 23215
>>23145I suggest you don't do that because there is a certain appeal to shut-ins.
Anonymous 23220

Right this way dark and handsome
Anonymous 23223
So this is what the average sneedposting /tv/cel looks like
Anonymous 23224
Honestly if he cut his hair he'd look quite a bit better. Not more than a 7 or 8, but arguably more attractive.
Anonymous 23271
Yeah maybe you're right, I don't know.
Anonymous 23303
Where tf did you get these stats from?
Anonymous 23304
>>22897This proves nothing, the ideal women for most men are young but a girl doesn't need to be ideal to be approached, a guy is more willing to settle and for much much less.
Also there are far more variables in determining a girls attractiveness, in other words you can be a 40 year old stacie.
>>22897 Anonymous 23313
>>23194all politics is bullshit, and you shouldn't feel like you have to conform to any one ideology. mix and match, pick out the best ideas that make sense for you, fuck anyone who accuses you of "betraying the cause"
Anonymous 23317
>>23304>a guy is more willing to settle and for much much lessThey will still fantasize about dating and marrying the hottest and youngest "Stacies". I'd rather all men chased after and slept with women they really want instead of settling for someone (aka consolation prize) they care less about. Look at how many men are disappointed when their similar-aged wives start to show signs of aging or when they have affairs, the women tend to be at least 10 years younger than their own partners.
Anonymous 23327
>>23317Men are liable to grow to love you if you match them personality wise. Looks account for about 30% and mostly in the initial meeting (unless you're truly hideous). If you are a good fit, his brain will make you a lot more attractive in his eyes, even if you're plain. The reverse also applies - even if you're a hottie, he'll start to be repulsed by you if you're a bitch to him.
Anonymous 23478
>>23349>just lose weightI do not appreciate this boney-cel erasure. What about our horse-faced sisters with a banana shaped body (only curve is us hunching over to hide our non-existent chest).
>inb4 all guys want is a girl to be not fat ur not a femcelActual bullshit. Guys want more than that, it's just easier to fake a pretty face with make up or a curvy body with padding and push up than to hide being a fatass. I know dude who've told me that they would rather have a porker with good fat distrubution and a "nice face" (read: makeup skills to hide her double chin) than an """ugly""" (read: doesn't look like an instagram model post makeup) lanky girl
Anonymous 23494
Yes, but the average dude won't break up with a girl as soon as he sees her without makeup. Just watch some Nikki Tutorials and get pretty. Can't be that hard.
My point is that the whole "just lose weight" assumes that men actually only want a girl who's not fat and that's it, which is objectively bullshit.
Ana-chans who think that skinniness will solve your problems in the age of the #novababe are hopelessly stuck in 2007. Maybe some r9k user will say he loves you, but irl guys want the perfect slim-thicc girl with a pound of natural-looking makeup and a :fire emoji: insta these days.
Anonymous 23496
>>23494How would you feel if; on the second or maybe third date - your bf asked if he could see you without any makeup? Would that make you uncomfortable? How would you handle it?
Anonymous 23502
>>23496In the unlikely event that I were to have a boyfriend and he were to see me without makeup he wouldn't be shocked. I don't wear makeup much because I think it's hopeless anyway. And when I do, it's not anything life changing. Think thick eyeliner to make my eyes
pop and sometimes bronzer to look like I go outside.
Anonymous 23514
>>22915>> she thinks most men have a rape fetishFemcel
Anonymous 23517
Cuckoldry is a more popular fetish with men than rape. Rape is more popular with women than Cuckoldry is.
What does it all mean?
Anonymous 23519
Good point. We need to investigate why white men don't want to rape as much as they should.
There's something fishy going on…
Anonymous 23524
>>23494That may be what they "want" but its in the same vein as women "wanting" a guy who who is 6' or taller, with a swimmers body, 6-figure salary, great sense of humor, sweet and caring but also confident and ambitious, interesting and accomplished blah blah.
What people "want" vs what they'll take and be glad to have are two separate things.
Anonymous 23528
>>23524Except that a good chunk of women don't want that since we have varied tastes. I want none of those (and never have) for instance, aside from sweet and caring. Are you an actual woman?
Anonymous 23531
>>23529as does everyone who tells you things you don't want to hear im sure
Anonymous 23532
>>23528The context of the convo is that human beings are all clones who want the same things remember? the anons claim was that if you aren't thin with a perfect face and a buxom body then men wont want you. That's the context I'm posting within
Anonymous 23562
Not everyone wants recreational sex, and no femcel wants to risk getting used for sex. Get it through your head, boy.
Anonymous 23564
>grow up ugly
>now probably around average level attractiveness
Still act like an ugly girl. I don't have those normal social experiences in my formative years to help me relate to normies, but now since I'm doing so well I can't relate to "femcels". It sucks being in between.
Anonymous 23571
>>23564But there's lots of men in the same void as you are. Normies are just out of your league.
Anonymous 23577
>>23571The thing is ugly girls are forced to build personalities while ugly guys just become warped on the inside.
Anonymous 23581
>>23577What makes you feel so special that
you developed a personality while
every ugly guy just gets warped?
Are your experiences really that much different than an ugly guy's?
I feel like a lot of both femcels and incels would have a much better shot at
not being that way if they started looking at the opposite sex as potential allies rather than obligate rivals.
Anonymous 23587
>>23564I'm not after male attention, it's a more personal thing. People treat you better if you're attractive.
Anonymous 23589
Quit perceiving yourself as unattractive. Drop the insecurities, and you'll see life improve tenfold.
Anonymous 23592
>>23589>lol just get over the way people treat youNTA but it just doesn't work that way. Ugly women are treated like shit, even if they're confident.
Anonymous 23631
>>23592>thisUgly people, especially women, are constantly mocked. Hell, the only reason I'm able to function is because I'm "normie passing" appearance-wise.
Anonymous 23638
>>23631Be the change you want to see in the world, anon. You're only as ugly as you are inside.
Anonymous 23639
>>23592>>23631At a certain point you need to accept that feeling bad about yourself or upset because how unfair things are is pointless navel gazing. Do what you can to improve things and what can't be improved just accept and try and live life fully.
Anonymous 23645
You haven't achieved acceptance. Maybe one day you will.
Anonymous 23660
>>23645Its not a normal thing to accept. It’s unnatural.
At least that’s the way I see it.
God wouldn’t create ugly, deformed creatures. It really feels like a sign that no one cares. It’s like trying to bludgeon through rock with your bare fists. It’s futile and it hurts.
Anonymous 23679
>>23660There is no meaning to beauty or ugliness. The flesh only hides the soul to be seen. Don't live in envy, anon. There are many who need to feel your love.
Anonymous 23753

>>23679>The flesh only hides the soul to be seen Anonymous 23755
>>23753The future is so bright, I don't need eyes to see it.
Anonymous 26091

Any other "femcels" here have no idea why they are?
Quotations for me since I have had the chance to touch another human's genitalia but refused because it was under uncommitted circumstances.
But I just can't get a partner and I have no idea why. I'd blame my looks but see women who are fatter and "uglier" than me with bfs regularly. And I'm not promiscuous so it's not like I'm being rejected for a LTR due to being impure. My standards are not high, for real.
I used to have reverse incel-tier thoughts (all men are evil and the same, etc.) these past two years which may have given off bad vibes, but I've worked a lot on that and am feeling much better. I just don't know what's wrong with me.
Anonymous 26093
>>26091Just go out and hunt for it. BFs, GFs, its all about iniciative and action, almost nobody got their chance while they sat at home posting on female 4chan.
Go on tinder, loosen up a little and act. Just show yourself to the world and eventually someone will show an oportunity. Then just act
Anonymous 26095
>>26093>Just go out and hunt for it>implying I haven't cold approached 5 guys in the past year of which none have worked out in one way or anotherI am!! Anon I'm trying my best.
>tinderFrom what I know nothing serious ever comes from that. It's a hookup app.
I'm also afraid of catfishing someone accidentally. I don't edit my photos and I think I look cuter in mirrors than selfies but…idk.
I have one (1) hope to meet a friend of an acquaintance next semester but I expect little tbh. He'll probably dislike me because I'm apparently unlovable or we'll be incompatible somehow.
Anonymous 26106
Im too overwhelmed by my own pessimism, it drives everybody away.
Anonymous 27793

>>14777You know the thing about "reverse maymay's" is they aren't funny unless they are true. Satire or not this has genuinely inspired me to burn more shit down in this vein.
Did you know that women account for 92.5% of all workplace deaths? Women fought in every world war while men sat at home fucking random Stacies behind our back, God we never should have given men the right to vote, we women earned it through the blood of battle, slavery and countless civilizations and the responsibility that brings. Men are pursued relentlessly just for pitching a tent and closing their legs, while we women have to fight tooth and nail for just a single man who will monkey branch at the soonest point possible to another fucking Stacy. Every commercial and show portrays men as unconquerable, independent brillant super beings while women are framed as dumb, stupid labor monkeys.
Anonymous 27801

>>14744>An incel isn't simply someone who doesn't have sexExcept that kt exactly is. One does not need to hate the opposite sex to be an incel. Also the first self-proclaimed incel was a girl.
Anonymous 27807

>>27801>Except that kt exactly is.Except that it literally isn't. Not having sex is only one half of being incel, you still need to fulfill the other criterion you dolt.
Anonymous 27808

>>27807That other criterion you're talking about was made up much later (years) after the original term was created.
So for someone to be classified as an incel, that person needs to not have sex despite wanting it. Nothing else. Period.
Anonymous 27834
Sexlessless is rising in the west. For both genders.
According to GSS and PEW:
28% of men aged 18-30, and
18% of women aged 18-30.
The discrepancy lies in the fact that women tend to enter into relationships with older men.
Most researchers blame social media and technological alienation, but it's probably more complex than that. I don't want to derail, so I will spare you my opinion. The point I was trying to make is that incels and femcels are not fringle minorities anymore. This is becoming a real problem, and it's the primary reason western nations have turned to 3rd-world immigration to replenish their numbers and support the ponzi scheme that is deficit spending economy.
Anonymous 27837
Unfortunately, I have high standards, although I try to avoid them I don't stop having them. I would like to try it with some of the guys who have spoken to me these years, but none of them attracted me, and they were not even ugly or annoying, but they did not fit into my idea of perfect bf.
I hate to have high standards, but it's inevitable. The only time I was lucky with guys I was attracted to, it ended up badly and in very uncomfortable situations.
Anonymous 27846
>>22897this scary. i’m only 21 and i’m already becoming less attractive to men yay
Anonymous 27849
>>27846Ideal is ideal. It doesn't mean it's exclusionary.
Men won't magically stop finding you attractive the moment you turn 22.
But evolutionary biology is a thing. People used to live for a lot less. Fertility was a much narrower window. Men have evolved to look for and judge based on secondary sexual characteristics, like women do.
The primary secondary sexual characteristics they look for are: youth and fertility. That is expanded to skin health, wide hips, large breasts, slim waist, et cetera.
Also don't forget that evolutionary biology drives the species' survival. With an average menarche of 14-years-old, we expend roughly 90% of our oocyte reserves by 28-years-old. The oocytes are in suspended apoptosis since a woman is an infant in the womb. The oocytes do not undergo meiosis, and they are subject to environmental effects as well as endogenous. Since they do not replicate like regular cells, they are subject to methylation.
The end result being, the older a woman gets the lower the chances she has that her oocytes can result in an ovum.It boils down to genetics and epigenetic effects. There are women that have produced children well into their 40s.
I digress.
Anonymous 27865
>>27834>>27864Let's not beat around the bush. The obvious reason for the discrepancy is Chads who have sex with several different female partners.
Anonymous 27867
>>27865Yep. Thanks for saying that.
Anonymous 27870
>>27865No, it means that women have a greater emphasis on status vs beauty, which means that slightly older, more accomplished men are more desirable than, younger physically more attractive ones.
Anonymous 27871
>>27865lol so naive … There are obviously many more reasons, hypergamy being one, but also the fact that many dudes don't put themselves out there and try to connect with other people (not necessarily females), etc …
Anonymous 27879
>>27871>There are obviously many more reasons, hypergamy being one, but also the fact that many dudes don't put themselves out there and try to connect with other peopleYes, which translates into some men having lots of sex and many men having no sex at all.
Anonymous 27880
>>27837Find a bf and just mold him into your perfect bf by asking him to do stuff all uwu like lmao.
Anonymous 27900
>>27871>>27865>females believing in manospherian beliefs Anonymous 27906
>>27900What's your explanation for the difference in sexlessness rates for men and women then?
Anonymous 27934
>>27906Women choose when sex happens
Guys choose when relationship happens
*Generally speaking ofc
Anonymous 27936
>>27934Sure, I agree with that. But that doesn't answer the question.
Anonymous 27937
>>27870>>27871>>27865A plethora of factors play into it.
It is a fact that women tend to go out with older men.
It is a fact that men (nowadays) tend to be more solitary/alienated.
It is a fact that "hypergamy" is exarcebated in liberal societies where religious/social monogamy is not enforced. I don't like the term hypergamy though.
Males and females boast asymmetrical mating strategies and the dynamics of course are not identical. The discrepancy is to be expected until the system self-corrects.
In history the system would self-correct with a)large migrations b)war c)enforced polygyny
You can also look at the relevant Maps that demonstrate the female to male ratio in countries. It is broken down by age range, topography, rural vs urban centers, et cetera.
Long story short, women outnumber men in large city centers, and men now outnumber women all around due to 3rd world migration, in some countries. Sweden, for example, has devolved to a 109 males for every 100 females.
Anonymous 28091
>>27834Please i want to hear your opinion
Anonymous 28120
this seem really complex
Anonymous 28121
>>28120I can summarize in English and remove the unnecessary junk.
Anon first claims as a basis you should accept the following things as a baseline before considering their conclusions:
>You can get birth control, and there is even social pressure not to get pregnant (for a job, "too young", partner doesn't want kids)>Men naturally try to fuck everyone they can, women try to fuck the BEST person they can; but, men are expected to make the first move in a relationship>At least some part of how women look for partners is dependent on hormone balance; however, they also judge based on other stuff (like how much money, social standing, strength, or intelligence a man has)>There are big cities where women can meet a lot of people, like at barsShe argues, if you accept those things as a given:
>Modern sex has little to do with making babies. People do it a lot more for other reasons.>Your hormones are being affected by synthetic (human made) products>There's not a good reason to choose a sex partner based on things like parenting skill if you're not having sex to become a parent>Access to a lot of different men in cities resulted in women all acting alike (Staceys) and/or avoiding conflict (think ghosting instead of a proper breakup; moving on instead of trying to salvage a relationship). >The result of the last statement is that women are treated like a single collective/organization that thinks and acts alike, and is as-far-opposite to men as possibleShe adds, in closing, that there are other possible things, that weren't mentioned and could play factors.
Now you can judge for yourself if you agree or disagree.
Anonymous 28122
>>28121>shethat poster is a male incel trying to copy his daddy jordan peterson and we all know it
Anonymous 28125
if you knew it was that obvious why didnt you make any attempt to hide it?
Anonymous 28127
its more the fact you felt the need to write like a 15 year old who thinks using big words makes them smart to essentially say nothing
Anonymous 28130
Im not a high school drop out Im a stem student in my second year of uni. being unnecessarily verbose is what dumb kids do to seem smart. Ive read your post twice now and you dont actually seem to have "arguments" just a bunch of statements
is this supposed to relate to sexlessness? because none of the things you posted are linked to female sexlessness, and male sexlessness is caused by males being shit which I dont care about. you seem to just be parroting incel talking points, but in a detached "scientific" way making them sound like actual facts and. your point is basically "the west" is being ruined by liberals etc, but you dont want to say that out right because you know thats stupid
Anonymous 28131
fwiw anon, i liked your post because it was nicely laid out, clear, and coherent. i wish more people would put their viewpoints down in a manner like that, since it avoids a lot of needless misunderstandings.
unfortunately, because the wording isn't standard for imageboards (i don't really like the exact wording either, it's a bit needless in itself tbh), they'll just call you names instead.
Anonymous 28134
you have been banned from this place multiple times, i don't know why you keep coming back.
regardless, your points are spot on. what do you suggest doing to improve it? understanding that no one (males and females) will be interested in eliminating birth control and that women who want to pursue tertiary education will continue doing so.
Anonymous 28141
All I want right now is a hug from a guy. It’s been too long since I’ve hugged a guy (the last time was probably for a school bonding activity or something). I’m craving the male touch so much. Not even direct skin-to-skin contact, which I’ve pretty much never felt, but just the feeling of embracing a man, if only for a few seconds.
Anonymous 28143
>>28141I legit feel sad for you anon… I hope you find your hug… and that it's a good one
Anonymous 28145
>>28119>>28121Are you a professional in the field ? Absolute flawless analysis
Anonymous 28153
>>28141If you're kinda desperate (guessing so) and you're the outgoing type (guessing not) and you live in a nice-ish city, you can just hold a sign saying free hugs and guys (and other women) will hug you. You might get some creepers, but that's why I say a nice-ish city, so the nice ones outweigh the less-nice ones.
Anonymous 28168
>>2814528121 here, I am not the other person, I was just summarizing their points because I am familiar with the words they were using
(Also that's why admin didn't smite me, since
>>28122 says that other person was a man)
Anonymous 28290
I'm really, really ugly. Although even if I was attractive I'd probably still be single since most men, from what I've heard from non-femcel friends and seen in articlea ans shit, are non-monogamous or prefer submissive women and I'm just not interested in either of those kinds of relationships.
Anonymous 28291
>>28290>"Articels" and Imageboards.Yeeeees thats where the trustworthy data is found.
Anonymous 28319

>175cm tall, literally taller than my dad
>shit teeth
>curly, messy hair
>naturally bushy eyebrows
>body is hairy as fuck
>unironic sperg (diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome)
>low IQ
>too insecure to talk to people irl
>lesbian because men are just too fucking ugly, I can't force myself to be attracted to them
How do I fix myself without kmsing or going under the knife?
Anonymous 28326
>>28319Work on your self esteem, no knife required
Anonymous 28334
>>28319I bet you're not stupid at all. IQ is a functionless metric. It tries to test both your knowledge and mental fitness, the state of which cannot be communicated numerically. If that weren't enough, though, both states are combined into ONE(1) number.
It is impossible for any meaningful data about your performance on said test to remain when the data has been explicitly discarded in favor of three digits. The very notion of IQ was a pitiful attempt by the human ego to encapsulate and
know consciousness (instead of simply
being consciousness), so that it could believe it was greater.
Anonymous 28336
>>28334>It tries to test both your knowledge and mental fitnessAnon, you should probably read up sbout IQ tests and what they measure. They DO NOT measure knowledge.
Anonymous 28340
>>28319You sound literally like me except I also have a weak-ish jaw, small lips and eyes but I'm still pretty skinny. Your height isn't anything scary, where do you live that it's tall? I stopped caring about my appearance after I exited puberty, now I just take care of what I have and I'm much happier. I don't even wear makeup. Don't let looks bother you so much, we can't do anything about it. I still somehow have men attracted to me despite looking like a damn rat. I'm just happy and nice and don't have issues with guys I guess despite being a total sperg.
Anonymous 28342
>>28319Why is height an issue? Gay girls love tall ladies from what I can tell online and are less hateful than men when it comes to strong or "masculine" features. I had a chubby hairy butch friend who was never girlfriendless and women of assorted types always got crushes on her.
Unless your issue is being too anxious to even talk to qt girls irl, in which case…same.
Anonymous 28350
what the fuck is t…

Sorry for the late reply, I only use the internet at night.
>>28326I feel that if I love myself without getting others to like me first I'll become an insufferable narcissistic bitch. It's not going to help with my looks anyway.
>>28334This does make me feel better. I didn't know that about IQ, I tried doing a test one day because I saw others brag about their high IQ like it were an achievement and got a mere 95, mostly because I struggled with this fucking autism right here (pic related) because my spatial awareness is nonexistent.
>>28339>>28340Well, at least I'm not the only one, not sure if that's a good thing though.
>where do you live that it's tall?Uruguay, it's in South America. All men here are fucking manlets (blame it on medoid ancestry), but a daughter being taller than her dad is quite rare. Guess I inherited my height from mom's side, because my dad is a 168cm tall Armenian manlet.
>>28342I can barely talk to girls. I can barely talk to people period, unless it's people I see every day or at least know. I feel like I'm going to fuck up someway and they will end up either hating me or laughing at me.
Anonymous 28369
>>28334Biggest cope I've seen in a while
IQ is heavily correlated with health, income, career success, basically everything you'd expect smart people to succeed at
Anonymous 28378
>>28369not that anon, but my IQ has been tested at ~130 and in my experience it doesnt mean anything. many of my friends are also "high IQ" and none of them are particularly successful
Anonymous 28379
bell curve.png

>>28350>This does make me feel better. I didn't know that about IQIt shouldn't because it's a lie or ignorant opinion made only to make you feel better. IQ is a relative measure of how efficiently you process information. Obviously it's useful, but the degree of how important it is varies a lot. For example if a job doesn't require you to learn or solve lot of new things fast, high IQ won't help much. You could work in something like finances and do some tax calcing stuff using formulas provided by the state, and as long as the tax laws don't change every month or two you could do it as fine as anyone else. Programmer who gets requests for different type of software often and technology he has to use changes quickly, or doctor who gets patients with lot of different problems and has to help them quick, will greatly benefit from high IQ. And people are needed in various jobs, even stupid truck driver is extremely important to transport goods to shops in cities.
Success is more about making use of your strong points. If high IQ person won't do stuff that benefits from high IQ, they'll end up looking like any other average person. There are people who make career out of their looks, physical fitness, knowledge or some other stuff while not necessarily having high IQ. High IQ just gives you more opportunities because you can learn easier and in a world that gets more complex it'll come in handy more often.
I think it's more worrisome how people react to any kind of IQ talk. It's like the first thing that comes to their minds when topic of low IQ populations is brought up is genocide, like IQ alone was good enough reason to depopulate whole Africa or something.
Another problem is people often not understanding bell curves and simplification of everything to whole populations. Most of the time differences between curves for populations mean that amount of people with specific traits will vary, not that there will be complete lack of them or everyone will apply.
Anonymous 28417

>>22915Willingness to commit more violent crimes isn't a sign of low empathy though, but rather an ability to circumvent empathy or ignore it when convenient
which I guess makes biological sense for the nature-designated warrior/bear-fighting gender
Anonymous 28423
>>28417Truer words have never been spoken
Anonymous 28536
>>28350>I feel that if I love myself without getting others to like me first I'll become an insufferable narcissistic bitch. It's not going to help with my looks anyway.This is a huge fucking problem in society, there's this common misconception, often had by low self esteem people, that even daring to think that you can love yourself means you're suddenly a narcissistic self-centered ego-filled piece of shit.
That's not how this works, and if you fear that so much, assuming you eventually gain more self-esteem, which you will hopefully for your own sake, don't you think you'll be able to regulate yourself? You need to have some faith in you, it's not wrong to care for yourself, if no one cared about themselves we'd all be dead.
I used to have no self-esteem, was depressed for years, and I used to have that fear too, but eventually, I snapped out of it, after many years of fighting I was finally able to overcome depression and you know what I've found out? I love myself and I'm not a self centered piece of shit like I once feared I'd be.
As for your looks, I recognize that if genetics fuck you over, you have a lot more work to do to be presentable, but that doesn't mean it's impossible, if you can become better, why shouldn't you? But of course, since you don't care right now, you won't be able to see what I mean. As for the autism, it's hard, but if you work hard enough, you'll be able to be at least high functioning enough to meet people. Remember, nothing is impossible, there's no conclusive evidence that such exists.
Now, here's some advice to get your self esteem up should you decide to take it:
Do things that make you proud of yourself, be able to find a good distraction when the bad thoughts come knocking, allow yourself to just relax and have fun, sleep well, try to see things on the bright side, and don't sweat it so much.
If you do things that make you proud of yourself, you'll start to see the good in yourself, and that's where it all starts, meanwhile, if you can manage well enough, you can learn to accept yourself despite any flaws, you can even try to fix whatever is directly fixable too. It may take many months, but you're a human being, and like any other human being, you have the potential to make it work.
Anonymous 28598

>>14777Even 4C anons would laugh at this brilliant parody, well done anonette.
Anonymous 28601
>>22915violence doesn't necessarily mean a lack of empathy, violence is needed for the survival of a people/race and natural selection(or god) gave this duty to mens, in that context violence is actually peak empathy, while it may seem useless to a lot of us because it's literally not in our genes as much as them.
Anonymous 28624

>>28601>>28417>it's literally not in our genes as much as themayrt (still here…) and lmaoing because my reply before that was about my violent fantasies involving raping and maiming men.
But yes I think my use of "empathy" was actually wrong, I meant sympathy (and lack of self-control). Sadism at its core IS empathy, I would know. I meant to say men just don't
feel bad about the suffering of anyone even if they realize and understand it exists.
>circumvent empathy or ignore it when convenient>good to keep away wild animals and compete, etc.The other point I was trying to make is that men use this only for selfish gain and turn their sympathy off for even those they should not want to. Since, you know. Most child murderers (not infant killers though, this one goes to ppd women) and rapists are still men, and there's nothing noble in that.
I'm not sure I agree with myself anymore tbqh. I was PEAK femcel at that point and if my estimates are right it was just after two rejections, blam blam. I still fall into this way of thinking often even if I logically know not all men are looking to harm women. I'm just paranoid and angry.
And at this point I'm not even really a femcel, just a horrible and sad person.
Anonymous 28651
>>28624I like to post on /adv/ on the other chan and there's often a question that comes up where a fellow anonette will ask something like
>How can I not be afraid of men when I know violent crime is more often committed by menFirst: it's true and okay to acknowledge that men do commit substantially more violent crime than women. But if you care about stats and not just validating your viewpoint, you have to care about the other stat that says "violent crime doesn't happen a lot, lot, lot, lot, lot more of the time".
The fact is that if you care that 96% of murderers are men, you also have to care that 99.6% won't commit a violent crime of any kind (assault, rape, murder, robbery).
Anonymous 28666
>>28651Yeah, like I said I don't really agree with myself too much anymore and your point here is one I tell myself when I get too crazy.
Although I think it's worth noting male sexuality is generally violent and dominating regardless, most men like choking and smacking if what I'm getting from porn is correct. As a woman not into that it deeply upsets and angers me that I'll never find a man who isn't like this.
>>28665ngl myself as a man is my ideal, different personality though. More submissive and less athletic.
But I'm more mentalcel than true femcel.
Also RIP manon.
Anonymous 28668
I assumed if you're familiar with incelshit you'd know, but it's someone too mentally ill/socially inept to find a partner even (especially) if average or good looking.
And men aren't allowed, mods will probably ban you whenever they're online.
Anonymous 28671
>never seen a place where the administration itself discriminates based on gender
Wizchan is similar iirc.
If you want to connect with women irl it's probably best to meet them either in clubs (not night clubs, but activity centered groups) or volunteering. From what I can tell from other women's accounts most generally dislike cold approaches from strangers. And in my experience even men can get uncomfortable from randoms hitting them up in broad daylight lmao.
There is also no weird psycho bullshit about "if you befriend her first she'll never see you romantically!!! ooo mysterious wimmins!" either, women get crushes on male friends all the time. I have a male friend who often has his female friends confessing to him and he's not exactly chad either, just funny and kind.
Good luck.
Anonymous 28673
My face/jaw shape is so manly that I look like a man with a wig. I was born a woman, but there are transgender people who look more like women than I do. Fuck it, I've met straight-up men who have a more feminine facial structure than I do ;_;
Used to have a mustache/major peach fuzz too, but I wax that shit religiously. Fuck PCOS.
What can I do about my manly face? Learn to contour better? I hate myself so much.
Anonymous 28674
>>28666>most men like choking and smackingMy boyfriend isn't like this at all. A lot of cuddling, caressing, and groping but no smacking and definitely no choking. He DOES like to be in control though (this doesn't just mean on top, it's more about initiating and setting the pace). Is this really that rare? It doesn't feel unnatural… but this is my first boyfriend to ever get those intimate with (about 1 year).
And yes I realize I am unworthy of posting in the femcel thread so no more boyfriend talk, honest.
Anonymous 28678
>>28651Most perpetrators of violent crime are men.
But also most victims of violent crime are also men.
Anonymous 28679
>>28666>most men like choking and smacking if what I'm getting from porn is correctJesus anon…
Anonymous 28681
>>28673Just move to germany, problem solved
Anonymous 28684
>>28674You're quite lucky then, I've read many accounts online of women whose boyfriends just suddenly go for it without consent.
>>28679Are you denying this? I've been noporn for a year and a half but I doubt it's become super gentle in that time frame judging by some ads I get glances of on 4chins.
Mainstream porn is made to cater to men so it will feature what men enjoy, pretty simple.
Anonymous 28710
>>28684https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/all-about-sex/201606/how-much-porn-depicts-violence-against-women>Does 88 percent of porn really show violence against women? No way. But don’t take my word for it. Just browse any of the sampler sites that aggregate porn clips from thousands of sources (cliti.com is one example). The vast majority of porn videos, both professional and amateur, depict generally happy—or at least not visibly unhappy—people engaged in nonviolent, totally consensual sex.If you go out looking for choking videos you will find them, but they aren't the majority.
Anonymous 28711
>>28710Anon, it's not just choking but roughness in general. This article even says that studies define it differently, one said hard BDSM isn't violent since it's consensual.
Slapping, hair pulling, and facefucking are "violent" to me. Shit would hurt and it would piss me off to have it done to me as a dominant woman. Most porn features that, I did just as your article said and hit up pornhub and most of the front page videos feature at least one.
And I've
never been into looking up these things specifically, even when at peak porn consumption. Teen me just wanted to see some ladies with big tiddies feel good, I'm not a sadist when it comes to women. I love women.
So I meant male sexuality is inherently
rough, does that sound better? Clearly I struggle with precise language what with my earlier mix up as well.
And no, I'm not against people engaging in this. Go off and let your boyfriend give you bruises if it gets you going. I just hate that almost no men are submissive and I'm bitter about it.
Anonymous 28712
>>28711>most porn features thatYes, and most action movies feature murder. How much murder did you see in real life?
Jesus anon, why does it even need to be explained that you can't judge what real world sex is from porn? It's like you're 9.
Anonymous 28713
>>28712>it's like you're 9I'm not rarted I just have no social skills.
But I feel like this one isn't even on me. Jerking off to something but not wanting it in real life (if there are no legal or moral consequences) is illogical. It really makes no sense. On some level the subject must be arousing, surely, or else it wouldn't be sought out.
I'm not even saying all men are rapists anon. Just that they lean dominant. Feel free to prove to me that most men are in fact submissive, it would make my night!
Anonymous 28714
>>28711Anon porn isn't an accurate representation of reality, you know that. It might get some boys to attempt it but majority of men aren't into it. I had pretty sexual convos with men irl, on 4chan often (where you could say people are being more truthful when it comes to these things) and with my boyfriend about this type of thing. Most of them feel super uncomfortable choking and slapping and most of them actually express this observation how their gfs ask for such things and they have troubles performing it.
The most dominance an average guy will show you is maybe grabbing your waist tightly while slamming you from behind but not much else. Most really submissive girls need to go through a lot of talking and preparing with their bfs do get them to do such things.
Anonymous 28716
>>28711>almost no men are submissiveYou best be joking.>>28711
Anonymous 28718
>>28713Once again anon, you seem to be falsely equating what people might want to see in fantasy and what they want to do in reality.
Believe it or not, most men aren't actually retards and/or sadists. They understand that most likely their partners don't like getting slapped/choked. And they won't try doing it. And if they try doing it and get a negative response they will not try doing it again.
I would even argue that most men don't even like the idea of slapping/choking their partners and don't like seeing depictions of it in porn.
>Feel free to prove to me that most men are in fact submissive, it would make my night!I will not try doing that because I believe it is not true. But again, for some reason you seem to believe that dominating = inflicting discomfort or pain. It's wrong. Like another anon above said:
>He DOES like to be in control though (this doesn't just mean on top, it's more about initiating and setting the pace). Anonymous 28719
Okay I wrote a big wall of text reply to all of you twice now and deleted it both times because it turned rambling.
Basically my thoughts are that at least partially it's learned behavior… guys think they have to be macho and commanding in everything, especially the bedroom. But that shouldn't depress you because if it's cultural that means you can change it. Just find someone who loves you enough to be openminded…
Anonymous 28720
>>28719>guys think they have to be macho and commanding in everything, especially the bedroomI'm sorry anon, but that's also wrong (as long as by "commanding" you mean "being a tyrant").
Anonymous 28727

>>28714Anecdotal vs. anecdotal, I see the opposite. Many of my male friends (I only have male friends…somehow) are into shit like that (I only know since we all grew up together as neckbeards/legbeards and talk about our degeneracy openly) and I see many men on 4chinz who like it and more violent things as well. That said 4chan has been instrumental in giving me tiny hope about submissive men so…eh.
>>28718>if they try doing it and get a negative response they will not try doing it againAnd then they'll get bitter that I won't bend to their will sexually, shit talk me to their friends, then cheat with half the town and leave me. 10/10 look forward to that.
Nothing any of you will say can convince me that the majority of men do not enjoy rough sex at least half of the time. It saddens me that you're all so optimistic about men since I miss having that opinion myself but it's been tainted by reading what many actually think and stories about shit they've pulled on perfectly good women. Maybe I'll be lucky enough to chance upon a man who doesn't secretly hate or want to harm me but I fucking doubt it.
I do have this study (done in my country, too) here with about 59.6% of men being into domination, which I'm sure you'll all refute again with "it's fantasy and also define domination??"
But I can't find anything that would prove "majority of men actually don't enjoy being rough with women even a lil irl" so neither side has solid evidence I guess. Shrug.
(as a side note, it did shock me that almost 90% of these men like a romantic connection during sex. A pleasant surprise)
>>28719>Just find someone who loves you enough to be openminded…>Just find someone who loves youImpossible, I'm not loveable in the least. I used to think men were just incapable of love but I think I'm the actual issue since it seems some men do respect their partners, and obviously rough sex is enjoyable for many women as well so it's still loving.
This is why I'm so sure if I wasn't 100% perfect to a guy he'd cheat and shit as I described, I just lack that extra "loveable" ingredient. No charisma, I guess.
Anonymous 28728
>>28727Which traits make you unlovable?
Anonymous 28729
>>28728I wish I knew for sure.
I've never been rejected right off the bat (just after they talk to me) and have been called cute by men, so it's not looks. And I'm still a virgin (of course) so it's not me being too "used up" for romance.
I don't voice my femcel bitterness irl and am nice to men, but I fumble socially and am too blunt sometimes. I'm introverted, don't party or drink. But I have hobbies.
I have no idea what it is specifically, it's so hard. Like I said it's just a certain "charisma." There's something in other women, not exactly fragility, but it sparks affection and I lack that.
Anonymous 28733
>>28727>Anecdotal vs. anecdotal, I see the oppositeGreat, now you see there are different kinds of men all over the world. Almost as if they're not a hivemind or something. Weird if you ask me! lol!
Anonymous 28734
>>14730Whats the difference between an incel and a femcel
Anonymous 28736
>>28727>53.3% - be dominatedWhy don't you just find one of these more than half of men who want to be subs or switches?
It does seem like it goes both ways you know… I don't think you're wrong at all, probably 3/5 men are either doms or switches, while around 1/2 of men are subs or switches (this might suggest: 40% subs, 10% switches, 50% doms). So there are plenty of non-rough fish in the sea if you will.
Anonymous 28738
>>28734Nothing, femcel is just a female incel
Anonymous 28739
>>28728The trait where she thinks every men is out to ruin her life
Anonymous 28745
>>28727I think you’re not drawing totally wrong conclusions from this data about the tendencies of men and what they imply for sex and romance.
Are you open to an alternative perspective or are you hard-set in what you believe?
Anonymous 28753
>>28734>>28738Femcel is someone who can't find a relationship. Incel is someone who can't find sex (and relationships, depending on the guy).
That's why femcels get angry or frustrated when told to use Tinder for supposedly easy sex. Because that's not exactly what most of them look for.
Anonymous 28758
>>28729And you don't get aproached by any guy in those hobbies? Have you tried asking for a female friend of yours help with that? I know it sound humiliating to ask friends to set you up or to ask their opinion on you but that might help. If you want help of course
>>28739I got that if you look at bad cases you can make the generalization. Of course that beign afraid that the guy you date/marry is going to hurt you some way is a constant that leaves some people with a step back about relationships.
Anonymous 28772
>>22890>>22893It's funny, this is an excerpt from the same article that the male incels gripe about all the time. It was some okCupid study that measured differences between the sexes on appearance and messaging rates.
The guys complain about the dotted line. They rank girls pretty fairly in appearance, and then just sperg out when it comes to approaching women.
Women, by contrast, rate 80% of men as below average (this is where all the complaints come from), but then behave more than fairly in our approaches. We basically follow the line we laid down.
I guess if there are two things to take from this, one would be that guys might find you more attractive than you think, and the other would be a lesson in propaganda. Same article used by men to bash women and by women to bash men.
Anonymous 28786
>>28785This is (mostly) incorrect. Refer to
Anonymous 28811
>>28730>>28739You're boolying me but I deserve it.
>>28733Or you could just be incredibly lucky and surrounded by the minority of nice men, which is what my paranoid-and-not-wanting-to-take-personal-responsibility-for-my-failures brain is most comfortable with.
>>28745>Are you open to an alternative perspective or are you hard-set in what you believe?Logically I am, but otherwise it's just preferable to continue fearing and hating men so I can easily snip them out of my life, objectify them, and never properly have compassion for them so that if I do get in a relationship with one I won't get too attached.
But yes.
>>28758My hobbies are actually solo, so no I haven't.
>a female friend of yoursGod I wish I had one, but I scare women even more than men. A girl at uni last semester tried talking to me but gave up after 1 minute of conversation and I have no idea why. She wasn't even a normie or anything and I wasn't cruel, idgi. I only have online female friends and many are gay.
Your reply to that anon was just how I feel though. I'm extreme about it, but what stops me from overcoming it is that the threat is real on some level. Similarly I still struggle with hypochondria some days since it is indeed a possibility that I could just get botulism someday from a tuna sandwich.
>>28736You're right anon. You really are.
What's come out of this episode here is that I realize men are not the problem and it is in fact me. Hopefully this is progress of some sort.
Anonymous 28840
>>28811I take this back, another anon on here has proven all men want to rape 14-year-olds. I'm done with them.
Anonymous 29066
I have a birth defect that I know moids wouldn't tolerate, though I'm thinking maybe a woman or perhaps even asexual moid might be able to look past it
Anonymous 29085
>>29066Yeah, curious too as someone who also has a birth defect (check the virgin thread where I talked about it, too lazy to link).
Anonymous 29122
>>29066It's a penis isn't it?
You have a penis.
Anonymous 29127
>>29122It wouldn't be much of an issue, since a lot of men like that.
Anonymous 29154
>>29066Unable to get pregnant?
That's a red line for a lot of men.
Anonymous 29200
>>29154I would imagine there are tons of guys in this modern world that would love a "baby risk free" wife.
Anonymous 29201
>>29200I would hate to think that the driving reason for someones attraction to me is the fact that I can't get pregnant. Some proper sicko shit.
Anonymous 29216
>>29201It's a clown world sister
Just accept a lot of things people are attracted to are entirely out of their hands. It's a PROVEN fact that your race and bone structure matter in terms of replies on dating sites and I am sure that translates to in-person asking out as well (but much harder to study). For some reason society just says it's "okay to have a 'thing' for blondes" or short girls, or girls with hazel eyes, or girls with stupid fat cow tits.
29% of men surveyed by National Survey of Family Growth said they would be "not at all bothered" if they never had a child and 48% said they would be "upset" or "very upset" if they got a woman pregnant. (for both, responses of 15-44 year olds with no children)
1. Women are selected for things out of their control frequently**
2. A notable portion of men desire no children
**Why yes, this does suck. And it's just the way things are.
Anonymous 29226
>>29216>stupid fat cow titsYou know what people think of you when you describe big boobs that way, do you?
Anonymous 29231
>>29226I don't care what you think I look like. We can all agree (I hope) though that men fetishize ridiculous, debilitating chests. It's practically modern foot binding, and yet average sizes are going up. Breast implants should be illegal.
And anyway this proves my point more because that kind of thing is out of your control (because, of course, moids want you to both have no fat but also chest fat, an impossibility).
Anonymous 29233
>>29231You know, a lot of women look like that naturally and I'm not sure how you think you're on some higher ground while comparing women to stupid cows for the way they look.
Anonymous 29236
>>29216>1. Women are selected for things out of their control frequently**Everyone is selected for the things out of their control all the time. Not just looks. And not just in romantic settings.
Anonymous 29520
Does anyone not know why they can't get a boyfriend? What's a good way to find out the reason if you're clueless about it yourself?
Anonymous 29521
>>29520Want my crack theory?
I honestly think it’s just a lack of opportunity or bad luck most of the time. I know way too many girls who are mean/fat/not pretty at all who can find a bf so I don’t think it’s any one factor. Obviously an attractive Stacy will get more opportunities than some ugly femanon, but appearance cannot be the only factor for getting bf: there’s way too many non-examples of this occurring
I postulate that most femcels are just women socially awkward who’ve been getting bad rolls when it comes to finding a bf. I’d say the same for men, but they seem to collapse into a pool of misogyny and self-loathing that ends up knee-capping them to the point that they refuse opportunities because they’re afraid of getting hurt.
I wish there was something that could “fix” lifelong involuntary femcelibacy (ex. looksmaxing, LARPing traditional beliefs, aggressively chasing submissive men, etc) but getting a bf may just come down to coincidences.
May the odds ever be in our favor
Anonymous 29526
>>29520Some combination of not being attractive, not interacting with people, and having standards that are higher than you can actually manage.
Anonymous 29539
>>29521>aggressively chasing submissive menEasy as fuck, if you're willing to settle for a sub you'll be drowning in dick.
Anonymous 29540
>>29539I think the idea taking a man's virginity is pretty hot. I wish I was more of a dom. I would fuck a incel of he wasn't gross lol but that still sounds dangerous. I'm too much a coward to meet anyone off the internet.
Anonymous 29549
>>29540Plenty of incels are clean and harmless tbh.
Anonymous 29611
>>29540Honestly, a lot of incels are hot, or at least average, but they have personalities or ideology that comes from the deepest pits of Hades. I love sub guys too, and have always fantasized about losing my virginity together with one. I got meme'd into thinking they just needed an understanding girl. They're alone for a reason. I've tried to get to know several over the years. AVOID. You'll end up like that poor girl Biancca. Most are a few steps away from either killing themselves, or others.
Anonymous 29614

How the hell am I supposed to meet guys if bars and partys arn't my thing? Are dating apps the only real option?
Anonymous 29621
>>29614Meet them through common hobbies: Join sports groups, meet-ups for anime fans or language learners, tabletop gaming, other nerdy hobbies.
I think dating apps are too meh if you're a femcel and it's better to build romantic relationships based on friendships, commonalities etc.
Anonymous 29622
>>29621good advice but the problem with romantic relationships based on friendships is you could just ruin your friendship like that, and lose him
Anonymous 29623
>>29622What you've said is 100% true, but it's either take that risk or accept another, more depressing, risk which is DYING ALONE! Maybe.
I've had a couple of friendships that I was too afraid to ruin and, frankly, it wasn't worth it. It's not like you can keep being pals when you're constantly wondering if they feel the same way anyway.
Anonymous 29624
>>29623> it wasn't worth it. It's not like you can keep being pals when you're constantly wondering if they feel the same way anywayyou're right but you can just wait till your feelings will calm down you know?
Anonymous 29675
>>29611This. I've spoken to them and been in their spaces. Most of them are not ugly and they genuinely just have fucked up personalities and are big misogynists. Many of them just want somebody to abuse. Any person who thinks it'd be cute to date an incel is incredibly naive, just don't do it and stick to normies. There's a reason they're shunned.
Anonymous 29759
>>29614Just take a shower, get a haircut, be yourself, walk right up to a boy, look him right in the eye, give him a firm handshake, and ask him to be your boyfriend.
Works every time.
Anonymous 29761
>>29611Let's not lie to each other, lots of incels are legit butt-ugly as well
Anonymous 29777

>>29759>"Your resume seems a bit blank, Anon, do you have any previous bf experience?" Anonymous 29782
>>29520I have an ugly face. I don't really have any standards (I just don't want someone who is over 40), so I guess it's just about my face. I will have plastic surgery soon though, so I am very hopeful I will be maybe able to find a bf in the future!
Anonymous 29859

>>29761True, but I've seen gorgeous girls with butt-ugly guys, pic related. Personality accounts for a lot, but incels refuse to acknowledge this. A pretty face can get you laid to a certain kind of person, but that's it. However, that's probably what a lot of incels want; they want to be sexually desirable to everyone so they can feel they have their pick at anything in life (control) because they usually have NPD.
Anonymous 29862

>>29859Fate has a particular way of influencing the paths of mortals.
Not all things are as they appear to the eyes.
Anonymous 29866
>>29859>PersonalityYou mean money or special brownie points.
Anonymous 29867
>>29866I know several women with men who make little to nothing financially compared to them. There's a woman that my dad works for whose husband stays at home. He retired from contracting, and always made half of what she did. She's well off enough to retire as well, but choses to continue working. None of these men are particularly attractive; my mother even goes so far as to call them ugly, although I just find them to be average.
Anonymous 29868
>>29866>this is what incels believe Anonymous 29871

>>29866>special brownie pointsyou mean personality?
Memes aside, what would "special brownie points" be if it isn't some sort of inborn personality trait? Methinks you just don't know what normal, well-adjusted individuals look for in a sexual partner.
Anonymous 29878
>>29871I think what other anon means by "brownie points" is a social pat on the back for dating someone that has a severe disability because it makes them seem more "diverse and inclusive."
Anonymous 29888
>>29859> incels refuse to acknowledge thisIt does not help either that many incels act borderline bipolar and spend too much time on their boards and subreddit and as we know such situations tend to turn into circlejerks where everyone drags each other down.
With that being said
>personalityLet's not overplay this shit either. Most men and women would rather go for a good-looking person with a normal personality, not boring nor super-interesting, rather than an hideously ugly individual whose personality 100% matched their own, let's not kid ourselves. In all of my life I have seen only 2, max 3, couples where one of the partners was really good-looking and the other butt-ugly and that I was certain were not together just because of economic/social reasons. And of course not to mention that ugly people tend to be bullied and looked down more which leads to lower self-esteem translating in more remissive/shy personalities etc. turning the thing into a vicious circle.
Anonymous 29897
>>29867Are those women gorgeous? Because I'm talking about the "gorgeous women with butt ugly guys" that you mentioned.
Anonymous 29900
>>29888>Most men and women would rather go for a good-looking personTrue, and confirmed in The Science of Happily Ever After. To quote, "People overwhelmingly invest in looks even though it is demonstrably the worst metric by which to select a relationship"
Anonymous 29982
>all those e-girls catfishing lonely guys and making them scared to ever trust and talk to girls online again
>every day it's getting harder to find someone and I'm not getting any younger
Anonymous 29983
>>29611If you smell something rotten wherever you go, them maybe you're the one who's rotten. I've talked to many of those guys as well and most of them are lonely from cripplingly bad self-esteem. Fearmongering like in your post is not going to help anyone redeem their self-esteem. Do you really think they will get a better hold of their lives if people keep assuming the worst of them and treating them like subhumans?
Anonymous 29987
>>28417yes I agree anon, men are so feeble minded they're unable to resist their biological urges.
Anonymous 29988
>>29983>talked to many of those guys as wellHow do you explain all those hateful and female-hating posts from self-proclaimed incels? Where do you get to know nice incels? Or do the nice ones not label themselves as such?
I've never talked to any of them before but it's not hard to see why they've got such a bad reputation on the internet. (NTA obviously.)
Anonymous 29992
>>29983Why should any one care about incels feelings.
Anonymous 30031
>>29988I don't know of many self-proclaimed incels. Ever since the term got picked up by the media especially, it's mostly used as an insult against loser nerd men in general.
It's the same thing as 'fedora'. Most nerd men who wear fedoras are just weirdos, but internet culture has invented this stereotype that they're all misogynists. It's a way of insulting people for conventional shitty reasons, and passing it off as a moral thing to do. 'We're not making fun of them because they're virgins, we're making fun of them because they're misogynists.' When in reality a lot of them aren't misogynists and people are just making fun of them for being virgins.
Anonymous 30053
>>30031 >When in reality a lot of them aren't misogynists and people are just making fun of them for being virgins.It didn't started as that i feel, now the incel forums are definitely mosoginists, kinda like them internalizing the label and becoming their own stereotype.
I remember browsing wizardchan for a while and most of the discussion had nothing to do with hating women and all to do with depression, mental illness, trauma, loneliness, poverty. The only mentions of incels were derogatory, i don't think all virgins really like to be associated with the crab mentality attached to the incel label, some are just the runts of the litter looking to vent while they rot alone and die not bothering anyone.
I think cruelty is not really the way to go, is a bigger issue than just a few edgelords, its not even about men only because i feel alienated and offended by a lot of those memes too. Its like that time Hillary called a bunch of disenfranchized working class people "deplorables" for not supporting her and the leftist coastal elites still make mean spirited cartoons of everyone who doesn't agree with hem, only to be surprised later on that those people are not only not jumping the fence but radicalized against them even harder than before. In my country the leftists call anyone who isn't a socialist a "fachopobre", literally, "a fascist poor fag". Yeah guys, because shaming people based on their income is the progressive way to go, all leftist media is inherently like this, no matter were you go.
Anonymous 30057
>>30031>I don't know of many self-proclaimed incels.This explains the difference in opinion between you and
I don't want to name them but there are several incel forums on the internet where self-proclaimed incels gather which I looked up out of curiosity and they're filled with a lot of misogynistic and generally hateful (against all people) stuff. You think internet culture has invented the stereotype but if you knew about those forums, I don't think you'd say that.
Men who are foreveralones with low self-confidence, depression, social anxiety etc. are a completely different "species" from actual incels.
Anonymous 30063
>>29987the vast majority of men will go their entire life without committing a violent crime, statistically. So idk
Anonymous 30083
>>30057>Men who are foreveralones with low self-confidence, depression, social anxiety etc. are a completely different "species" from actual incels.In a technical sense that may be true, but that distinction isn't made clear by most people. Lots of people will dump on losers in general, and then when called out for it, they'll say 'no I was only talking about incels'.
Of course there are men who fit the worst version of that stereotype, but if you say things like 'They're alone for a reason', you're demonstrating a more general attitude. You're sort of saying 'Well sure, I never heard him say anything misogynistic, but where there's smoke there's fire.'
And I think that drives a lot of men to these sorts of communities for lack of anywhere else to go, and since those communities are extremely hostile to nonconformity, people who go there are forced to adopt the language and thinking to fit in.
I think 'real' incels, who fit the Elliot Rodger sort of mold are not very common at all. I think the majority of them are just outcasts who are attempting to establish an identity as outcasts, for lack of any other social role available to them. They really don't want to be losers, but if they have to be a loser, they'd rather be seen as a monster than a 'cuck'. Their problem isn't a lack of sex or romance as much as it is a lack of purpose in life, and nobody these days seems to have an answer for what a man's purpose in life should be other than to get rich and get laid.
Anonymous 30087
>>30053>all leftist media is inherently like thisSame in Italy. They think that all discrimination is bad except classism when they do it.
Anonymous 30315
>>29988>How do you explain all those hateful and female-hating posts from self-proclaimed incels?What is there to explain? Does it really surprise you that there are incredibly bitter and hate filled individuals in this world? Look at this thread, not everyone is a good apple here either.
>Where do you get to know nice incels? Or do the nice ones not label themselves as such? Literally everywhere. Safest bet is gaming forums, discord servers, hobby groups, and generally in the more stereotypically nerdy areas of interest because that's what I'm into. Lonely guys are everywhere and you might not even realize it if they don't talk about their loneliness. Men I know don't talk about their issues publicly due to fear of getting ridiculed and bullied. Looking at this thread I start to grasp a deeper understanding of why they might feel that way. The thing is that if you keep treating every down on his luck lonely guy like a piece of shit or assuming the worst, they will start to feel like pieces of shit and assume the worst on themselves. Why would anyone treat you with respect if you treat them rotten before even getting to know them?
>it's not hard to see why they've got such a bad reputation on the internetIt is obvious that some of them are lost causes and I wouldn't recommend talking to obvious murderous maniacs from any colored pill communities like I wouldn't recommend hugging a bee hive, but it would be a horrible injustice to lump every guy in the same category for sharing common troubles in socializing and forming relationships. My advice is to avoid hate communities in general. Spotting a hate community should be quite easy if you have eyes. Liberal use of slurs and blaming for individual groups for personal problems are the most telling signs that it's a community you shouldn't be associating with.
>>29992>Why should any one care about incels feelings.Why should incels care about your feelings either? I'm not defending pieces of shit here, I'm defending those lonely guys who wrongfully get smeared with the incel label by hateful assholes who want to bully others and be politically correct at the same time. Not too many years ago the same genuinely sweet lonely but socially awkward guys were being called autists and nerds, but those are not politically correct terms anymore and would make anyone using them look like an asshole. It is grossly wrong to tack any lonely man as an incel when the man in question might not even know what an incel is. Especially because the label incel implies violence and other sick actions.
Anonymous 30316
>>30315>treat them rotten before even getting to know them?But we do already know them. We know they're incels.
Anonymous 30318
>>30315>My advice is to avoid hate communities in general.So… incel communities on Reddit and the like.
>It is grossly wrong to tack any lonely man as an incelI agree.
Anonymous 30339

>>28624being loved can fix this within a heartbeat. no matter how bitter and twisted you are from years of suffering and loneliness it will make you as pure and happy as you were in your childhood.
Anonymous 30354

>join dating site
>invite one guy to movie
>movie is opening weekend so i decide to reserve both our tickets ahead of time to make sure we have seats
>he thanks me for paying for his ticket
>we watch the movie and hang out for a little bit
>"see ya"
>never texts again
>invite other guy out for coffee
>have fairly nice conversation
>"we should do this again sometime, bye now"
>radio silence until a week later he texts and says "i'll have to hold off on any romantic intentions for now"
if i suck dick on the first date, i'm a slut, if i don't do anything, i'm invisible.
i only have about 5 or 6 good fertile years left. i don't really know what the future looks like for me. probably just working and continuing to live with my parents.
Anonymous 30366
>>30354aww anon. at least you're trying and going on dates. sorry these guys have ghosted you but try not to be too put off.
i don't think you have to suck dick on a first date or do nothing. could you try a hug/little kiss instead? enough to show him you'd like to see him again. sorry Idk why I'm trying to give advice cause I've not been on a date in years, just wanted to say you're not alone
Anonymous 30392
>>14768This is me. Except I'm also stuck in the fantasy "waiting for the one" phase, but that's my mentality. I will die a virgin unless I can marry him, I don't give a fuck.
Anonymous 30424
>>30392you go anon, i admire your resolve and am rooting for you.
Anonymous 30671
Is it being too picky to prefer to date your own race? I'm Asian and prefer to date an Asian guy. I've had guys of other races (white guys) interested in me before, but I don't find them attractive and don't see myself being in a relationship with them for cultural reasons. Unfortunately, Asian guys haven't been interested in me because of my average looks and borderline autistic social awkwardness. They usually prefer to go for more of the ABG type.
Anonymous 30676
>>30392>Just waiting for Chad, considers herself a femcel>Not self-aware enough to realize she is making a choice, meaning she is voluntarily celibate Anonymous 30677
>>30671Kind of similar, anon. I prefer my own race but we're 2% of the population.
I do like other races though (but not >1/2 white…something about paler skin, idk. Even pale Asian men don't do it for me.)
Anonymous 30682
>>30677I'm the opposite. I only like guys with pale skin.
Anonymous 30685
>>30671No, it's not too picky, especially if you're an ethnic girl. I'm mixed and prefer guys who are also mixed or full-(insert my non-white ethnicity here) for many reasons, including attractiveness and similarity. And if you settled for some white guy, you'd possibly have deal with the stigma of dating out.
>They usually prefer to go for more of the ABG type.I'm sure there are many average-looking and socially awkward Asian guys out there looking for their female clone.
Anonymous 30688
> I'm sure there are many average-looking and socially awkward Asian guys out there looking for their female clone.You’d think that were the case, but strangely in my experience, it hasn’t. I was part of many nerdy clubs when I was in college, in a school with a high Asian population. I also go on a lot of dates with the nerdy software engineer type of Asian. In my experience, that type of Asian guy tends to crush on and gather around the outgoing, conventionally attractive, social butterfly type of girls (just like guys of any other race, I guess). They don’t want someone more autistic than they are. And of course, attractiveness is important too. Based on my experience, those types of Asian guys have a bit of a complex. Their poor social skills and crappy love life has been getting them down their whole lives, so what they really want is some sort of affirmation that they “made it” - that they are able to get those conventionally attractive girls. An extremely socially awkward average-looking girl works too, but if they have the means to get better options, they’ll go for the “better option”. Whenever I match with those types of Asian guys on dating apps, I always get the sense that I’m seen as a backup option. They’ll message me a lot when they feel lonely on Friday nights or are worried about something/need comfort from a girl, but when I suggest meeting up, they usually say they have plans, are traveling, etc.
Anonymous 30689
>>30688Oh this is so true, for awkward guys of all races too. They're usually the most shallow.
Anonymous 30690
You do realize most guys are terrified of being labeled as sexual creeps right ? If it's someone at your work, they're probably worries about shitting where they eat.
If you are just forward, you will be fine. If one guy rejects you there are plenty others out there. A guy will only be weirded out by you if you've ignored your hygiene (including training your body), act autistic and ignore social cues. If you're that worried about your physicality or style, or whatever - do things to freshen up once in a while and someone will take notice.
Most dudes are simply too cowardly to act, so two awkward people who like each other won't do anything about it. Just as there are so many stereotypes about women, the prince charming doesn't really exist either. Most forward guys have already asked the people they want out. While it may suck not being that person, most guys probably feel similarly and are waiting for a girl to give them the time of day.
>ITT the hedgehogs dilemma
Anonymous 30696
>>30031Wut, fedora wearers are all atheist
Anonymous 31080
A male coworker did something to me that was amazing. Do you know how if a woman is walking around a dangerous street and someone suspicious walks by, a man will sometimes extend out his hand and hold her shoulder for a bit to guide her to a safer side of the street, in a protective way? Well, for the first time, a guy other than my dad did that for me. He didn’t make any physical contact with me, but he had a hand on my backpack to guide me away from a guy who looked really drunk/dangerous. It felt so good to have an indirect physical contact with a guy like that. It probably meant nothing to him, but to me it felt incredibly intimate.
Anonymous 31104
>>14730Is that wojack supposed to be the woman that shot up Youtube headquarters? I feel the eyebrows could be bigger
Anonymous 31108

>>31080my ex-gf while i just began dating her was having a guy sexually assault her on the regular, aka groping and shit never did more than that. let's just say once she finally gained the confidence to tell me who the rat who was doing it was it hasn't happened since. ;D
Anonymous 31109
>>31080Did you report his attempted rape to the police yet?
Anonymous 31112
>>31109I know you’re joking, anon, but it was genuinely kind of sweet.
Anonymous 31165
I'm femcel bc of body image issues. I've been told my face looks fine, and I'm not fat, but I have really pale skin and dark hair and I'm hairy like everywhere so that sucks. I used to get waxed and started laser treatments but I got depressed and stopped everything. When I was depressed I also gained a lot of weight really quickly then lost it and now I have stretch marks all over my thighs and tits. My tits used to be perky but now they're not and I'm only 23.
I get very upset when people ask me how come I don't have a bf because I know it's my fault and that I will most likely never have one. Sometimes I think I've accepted it but then something happens and I become such a mess over it.
I've only ever had like 2 guys show interest in me and I got weirdly mad at them, I think I was definitely projecting being angry at myself because I know I'm like this and they don't
Anonymous 31269
>>31165>hairShave facial hair. Anything else, many guys don’t care or even like (and by the time they see it, they’ll already be won over)
>stretch mark at 23Jeez, so what? Do you know how many guys start balding at that age?
>only two guyd hit on meChances are it’s much more than that but your self-loathing makes you blind to it.
I’m not gonna give you advice like “do a photoshoot” or “see a therapist” because I don’t like being told what to do when I’m down, but you’re all right, girl and you deserve to be made happy by someone and to make someone happy.
Anonymous 31270
>>31165>but I have really pale skin and dark hair Thats hot
Anonymous 31289

>>31269>Chances are it’s much more than that but your self-loathing makes you blind to it. NTA but why would you say that? Are you actually an unattractive girl? Do you think we're stupid and don't know when men express interest in us, even if it's a 60-year-old balding geezer?
Anonymous 31295
>>29231>Breast implants should be illegal.I want breasts implants because I think big boobs are beautiful, it doesn't have anything to do with guys looking for a titjob. How does making them illegal would be good for female emancipation?
Anonymous 31299
>>31289>what is confirmation biasOur brain is wired to minimize contradictions. Thus, when we encounter something that goes against our beliefs we tend to unconsciously ignore it or rationalize it in a way that prevents contradiction. Most striking example is when you wake up thinking “it’s gonna be a shit day” and because of that mindset you focus on every bad thing happening “I knew it,” while ignoring the good things. Obviously, the same happens with every strong ideology you cling to: “the world is an awful place”, “everyone hates me” etc.
Anonymous 31301
>>31299If the other anon was walking around with confirmation bias, don't you think she would've said "no guy has ever been interested in me because I'm so ugly and have body image issues abloo bloo" or "only ugly guys like me"?
What do you want by trying to persuade other people that they live the reality you live or you think they live?
Anonymous 31307
>>31301So first I’m ugly and no one hits on me and then I’m being hit on a lot and I’m trying to argue it’s the same for everyone? If you’re gonna go for the very elegant ad hominem, at least be coherent.
2) She literally said she has body image issues. Of course it’s gonna have an impact on how she perceives the outside world.
3) Why are you so vehemently attacking what I said? I’d understand if you were the girl to whom I replied, but as things stand, I really don’t get it.
Anonymous 31309
>>31307You're obviously being trolled.
Anonymous 31431
>ask a guy to get lunch together
>he suggests a movie instead in a few weeks
>won't finalize a date
Kms for being hopeful I guess.
I'll never be free from this. I thought I had a chance since he approached me first and seemed to like me. Haha.
Anonymous 31538
I want to be loved, not just used for sex.
Anonymous 31541
>>31538Just start screeching at men and dump all your bad qualities on them for a month. If they stay then start over with (as much screeching) it's a numbers thing 100 men will run away from crazy. 5 will stay to use but scare em off with commitment. Then marry last guy standing. Or idk I've never had a boyfriend and I'm lonely please help
Anonymous 31544
The fact that qt and autistic are part of your requirements is gross and drives them away
Anonymous 31546
>>31541Just talk to people and learn more about them through smalltalk. If you find something you don't like, then don't try attracting them further.
Anonymous 31548
Then stop being so shallow. Open up and be vulnerable
Anonymous 31549
>>31544>>31548Stop responding to moids baka. You're only encouraging them to keep posting here.
Anonymous 31553
It's a noisy measure of your mental performance at the time of taking the test. It's beyond stupid to think that a single data point is sufficient to draw any sort of plausible conclusion.
Anonymous 31555
Bastest post on the internet. Both men and women have this annoyingly pathetic victim mentality.
Anonymous 31556
>>31555Yep, people like to find excuses for why their life is so bad that don't make them responsible for it in any way. Honestly I wish people would stop obsessing over gender in general
Anonymous 31557
i guess i'm more femvolcel (?) because i find it hard to connect to men on a spiritual level. i believe them to be irredeemable cretins incapable of deep thought due to their chronic horniness and testosterone-addled retardation. any relationship with one would end up being completely one-sided due to my disgust for who they are as male beings.
Anonymous 31650

>>14730I guess that I am what you could call "The lesbian femcel". No girl has ever been attracted to me, heck I don't even think that boys like me. I used to believe that I didn't look that ugly… But I downloded tinder and only got 3 matches and none of them talk to me. I just feel so fucking stupid and ugly fml
Anonymous 31690
Please tell us you're a tranny who fancies himself a girl. No girl would ever ask a LESBIAN something this stupid.
Anonymous 31695
Not wanting to fuck or kiss someone doesn't mean you hate them lmao.
Is this bait or are you a man?
Anonymous 31712
>>31695I mean, it's an imageboard. Some shitposting is bound to happen here.
Anonymous 33208
>>33201>all that in 1 morningShe should go on a diet.
Anonymous 33210

>>33201>gals like this are thriving>can't even get a tiny man to hold my handSometimes there is no logic to inceldom, anon. Although I constantly try to apply the rules of lookism and acceptable social behaviour to myself, still some perhaps supernatural force prevents me from achieving my goals. Each day I am met again and again with pangs of loneliness and frustration at the world which withholds men from my grasp.
At times I attempt to lull myself into a sense of comfort through a belief that I have actually gotten interest from a handful, yet my soul knows the truth. Even in this thread I've been coping. Any positive attention makes me think "this might be it" or "perhaps he is simply unable to be interested right now" but the rejections tell no lies. I will never break free from this solitude despite the platitudes I and others send to me.
My excuse is that fate holds me back. My destiny is to be alone and I am on the slow road to acceptance. This includes not blaming men, nor other women, nor myself, but finding satisfaction in platonic relations, my career, hobbies, and my own company.
Thank you for reading.
Anonymous 33212

>>33201Conventionally unattractive people also get partners, duh. Contrary to what certain defeatist internet dwellers think, looks aren't everything.
Anonymous 33213
>>33210>can't even get a tiny man to hold my handWhy do you think this is?
Anonymous 33214
>>33213My post was my reasoning.
I'm just not meant to be able to do that.
Anonymous 33215
>>33214There are no reasons there other than 'fate', which isn't a real reason.
Anonymous 33217
>>33215Of course, my point was that there sometimes is no reason or excuse.
But here are my considerations from the past:
>weight (void, I have lost it and am healthy now)>my face (I have BDD delusions, but have been complimented by people who owe me nothing. Overall I think I'm probably average)>presentation (void, I dress relatively well)>my shyness (void, I have overcome it and interact regularly with people)>my personality (semi-void, I am odd but not as awkward as in the past. I have made recent friends and they enjoy my company)>lack of trying (void)I also have hobbies, etc.
Perhaps someday I can pursue a LDR with better success (despite past rejections even there), but for the forseeable future I know my place.
Anonymous 33218
>>33217>I have made recent friends>recentmaybe you just need to give it time? youve improved your situation, now you just need the patience to see your effort bare fruit
Anonymous 33231
>>33212Most people who complain about not being able to find ANYONE willing to date them actually themselves just aren't willing to date people who like this.
Anonymous 33243

>>33218I have had friends for most of my life, the only exceptions being when I isolate myself. By putting "recent" I just meant to prove that my friends are not only those sticking around out of twisted loyalty, but because I am amiable enough to grow new relationships as well.
I will end up "giving it time," but only as a side effect of my acceptance of the situation. This August will mark two years since pursuing the first man in my adult life which, followed by the several others I've courted, just proves my theory right.
In the end I don't really need help and just used that anon's post (bait?) as a jumping off point to vent about thoughts that have been stewing in my mind for a while now. It's a relief to manifest it in words.
Thank you for engaging with me anyway.
Anonymous 33247
Just out of curiosity, what race is everyone ITT? Not trying to racebait, I just noticed that the femcels community on reddit mostly comprises south asian and black women. i'm south asian if that matters
Anonymous 33248
>>33247Half Native and half white, very racially ambiguous.
I've also noticed this. Were you raised in the West? I think the tastes of men in majority white societies do tend towards white women, but it's really more of an "extra hurdle" rather than the makings of a femcel.
Anonymous 33257
>>33248I was raised in the West. I'm lucky enough to be on the lighter end of the spectrum as far as skin tone goes though, so I definitely don't have it as bad as some people
Anonymous 33265

You don't remember
The natural principle that is
The Rule of the Friend
It is never wrong
If you're friends with a hot and smart guy
You will never do anything with him
You will never want to
Ruin such a great relationship
He talks and everyone listens
While you
Look at him and smile
And one moment you're alone
Feeling bad because
He listened to someone else
Not listening to you
But tomorrow
You will call him and
You will be alone with him
You don't remember
The natural principle that is
The Rule of the Friend
It is never wrong
If you're friends with a guy you really like
You will never do anything with him
You will never want to
Ruin such a great relationship
Anonymous 33268
>>33247White, just to add to demographics info, also curious.
Anonymous 35240
Any hope I had of getting a bf this year has been squashed (if I had any hope in the first place) by this quarantine. My area is not expecting to open up schools this year. Say goodbye to any semblance of dating life.
Anonymous 35243
>>35240You could always try an LDR. Just keep your eyes open anytime anyone complains about being lonely. You gotta make some plays.
Anonymous 35246
Who else here is planning to ascend during quarantine?
I just got rejected yesterday; it was my first pandemic rejection, truly historic. Also the first time any guy has left the channel open for me to be hopeful about something happening later. Which is awful and is 10x worse than them just not liking me.
But I'm making it a goal of mine to become better over the quarantine. I'll lose more weight to become toned instead of simply healthy, clear my cursed skin, start doing hair and makeup, and hone my skills wrt my hobbies.
I have no idea what element it is about me that men of My Type dislike, so I'll just try to improve everything.
Anonymous 35296
>>35246Clear skin is really important. I might even say this is more important than weight to guys (but please don't take this the wrong way… that doesn't mean 1 pimple is being worse than being obese).
Men are very appearance based but that is not limited to the traditional things you think of like waistline or bustline. Ideally in a REAL relationship he's gonna be looking at your face A LOT and so a good looking face is what a lot of men decide their partner on, whether they admit it or not.
Anonymous 35388
>>14730many robots from r9k dont understand that its more mental, sure some femcels are just ugly but the majority are voluntary or simply cant connect..
Anonymous 35439

>>23194>>23313Yeah try looking into FemaleDatingStrategies. I don't agree with everything they say, but the vast majority of the ideas check out, and could lead to a much better quality of life
Anonymous 35577

>>35246>>35296>Clear skin is really important.This is so true it hurts.
Anonymous 35590

I'm so sick of being ugly, literally autistic, tall, inexperienced and old. I'll be 29 this year. Still a khhv. I've got into an online relationship around a year ago, and he barely talks to me. I haven't seen his face or talked to him in vc.
I feel so lonely. I don't know what to do anymore. I exercise, eat well, have a good job, dress well, always put on makeup. I was supposed to have a plastic surgery soon but that was cancelled (thanks corona!).
I know I'm too old to have kids or get married at this point. But I just wish I could hold somebody's hand.
Anonymous 35591
Download coffee meets bagle
Get bf
Anonymous 35592
>>3559029 is not too old to have kids at all. My mom had my younger sister at 38. One of her friends had her daughter at 45.
As for the marriage thing, you know damn well that people get married at all ages.
Anonymous 35593

>>35592Yeah, sorry, I didn't want to shame women who get married/have kids when they are older. I just meant that it's too late for me personally.
Anonymous 35595

>>35590You're not too old to start a family! Even if it's a family of two! You wear makeup, do you like wearing it? Sounds like you don't really :/
Anonymous 35600

>>35595Thank you anon. But nobody wanted me when I was at my most attractive in my early 20s. So I doubt anyone would want me now.
And at this point wearing makeup is just a part of routine.
>>35596Fat feminine girls get bfs no problem. As long as you are short, have feminine face and NT personality, your weight doesn't matter. Imo "femcels" are mostly straight girls with masculine bone structure and/or autism.
Anonymous 35603

>>35600I know, I know, I'm a 20yo virgin and I already have varicose veins, my bacne is still there and I have stretch marks like a tigger. I'm not improving but I'll do whatever it takes to be healthier and at least I'll live longer than my cat.
Anonymous 35604
Not at all. All fat girls I know have had bfs.
Anonymous 35606

>>35605>fatty copeMy BMI is 20, anon. I wish losing weight would help me get a bf though.
>>35603It's a good mindset to have, health should always come first. And stuff like stretch marks, bacne, etc. can be improved.
>at least I'll live longer than my catLol, love ya anon
Anonymous 35608
Fat girls can get mediocre men. Is that what you want?
Anonymous 35629
>wear makeup
>have feminine bone structure
Anonymous 35631

>>35606>And stuff like stretch marks, bacne, etc. can be improved.Well, not really, unless you have a shit-ton of money to remove them surgically, wich I don't have. But yes, health is the first thing. Being healthy (physically and emotionally) and clean makes a huge difference.
Anonymous 35644
>>35629have less food and have more baths
Anonymous 35647
>>35644what does this have to do with what I said?
Anonymous 35653
>>35644>>35629They're not wrong. I'v seen so many guys be fine with anyone long as they aren't fat
Anonymous 35668
i just haven't had many experiences with males irl past primary school. went to an all girls high school, my classes in college were mostly girls and its generally difficult to socialise with anyone at uni. men are almost alien to me. one of my friends is flirted with often in front of me which is a bit embarrassing lol, i've been told by my friends that i'm good-looking but unapproachable at the same time.
i think about cute guys a lot but i don't ever consider that they might wanna talk to me, because they never do and i rarely seem to get opportunities to talk to men generally. but i'm also not very desperate for a relationship? tbh i mostly just want a male friend who i can develop feelings with/for
Anonymous 35671
>>35668I think you should never think about very large groups of people like "men" or people from different countries as strange because it makes this walls in your head. Dealing with people is mostly about attitude. If you believe you won't be able to connect with them, you won't.
We had a survey some time ago which concluded that quite a lot of posters here are male. So you most likely have been talking to men without knowing it.
Anonymous 35962
>>28734>>28738>>28753>>28786I don't like the distinction between incel or femcel, or both words period. Both are very derogatory towards men (saying they are not even worth having sex with) and women (saying that a woman can easily have sex but will never be able to develop a proper emotion relationship with a woman).
I also don't like the differentiation between the words because most classical "incels" are just men that also want love or a relationship in one way or another. It's not just about sex.
Anonymous 35966
incels and femcels are both picky, humans naturally are. i dont think someone stops being femcel or incel just because they wont be desperate to shag anyone who offers. i feel like both just require being socially ostracized and either too spergy to be super liked or too ugly
Anonymous 35967
>>14748the term involuntarily celibate was coined by an experimental artist named henry flynt, i guess a woman made the acronym but henry flynt was the first to actually write about what incels are and this was many many decades ago
Anonymous 37260
>>30339this may be true but I will probably never find out
Anonymous Janitor
Reminder not to respond to male posters!
Anonymous 37326
idk if the dom anon is still lurking but nowadays female dominated realtionships are becoming more mainstream, all the femdom bdsm stuff is considered artsy and hip so anytime soon men in general will be more openly looking for something among those lines
Anonymous 37866
>>30339This is true, the only times I've not been depressed is when I've been loved and in a relationship. It really is like the childhood light returns.
Anonymous 38128
Femcel is a state of mind: deep inside you feel like a loser and you think no man would appreciate your company.
Anonymous 40147
>skinny liberal men
Yeah probably, going off of the soyboy cuck blacked memes
>long distance runners
wot ?? explain
Anonymous 40158
You say “willing to be subs” vs “are subs” as if it’s something you’re convincing them into trying lol
Though I guess if they let their gf push them into being submissive, maybe they were already submissive in the first place??
Anonymous 40165
>>14730I gave up on men a couple years back. After lurking various male forums and relationship advice boards for years I realized that men are really not capable of love. Nor are they programmed for monogamy. I just see absolutely no point in wasting my time on them anymore. If I am in a relationship I want it to be forever, and unfortunately that is not possible, so I reject it altogether. I had a brief e-relationship a couple years back where I found out he had a porn addiction and was soliciting girls for nudes behind my back. It just confirmed my biases unfortunately.
Anonymous 40182
There's some stuff south of vanilla that I would say would be fine in a romantic relationship, i.e some aspects of gfd, but otherwise I agree
Anonymous 40183

>>40165Lowkey agree. After lurking in male spaces and having mainly male friends, the amount of romantic long term men is…bleak.
Settling down with an equally as awkward woman is pretty ideal anyway though. The main draw to men is the novelty and contrast, but familiarity and comfort are underrated virtues of same sex relationships (romantic or platonic).
Anonymous 40184
>>40183Most of my friends and myself have been stunted developmentally in ways that messes with our expression of gender such that I identify more with my male friends than normal women but I have no idea if someone could grow up like that without becoming a basket case or being one from the start
Anonymous 40187
>>40184How were you stunted?
I feel kind of similarly in that I do relate to normalfag women the least out of all groups, but I'd still rank other spergy women as the closest to my experience.
As close as my male friends are, there is still a connection I have with women on here, lc, and similar weeb/very online/fandom female spaces that can never be present in men.
I'm interested to hear if it's different for you, though.
Anonymous 40188
>>40187I'd say spergy women can be easier for me to relate to but depending on how their issues manifest they can also be less relatable to me than my male friends. I think the main deal with me is that my parents didn't feel particularly strongly about pressuring me into feminine behavior but I also didn't have actual friends until high school so I wasn't really socialized into gender so for me that stuff is almost completely utilitarian. As for finding some spergs more or less relatable I'd chalk that up to how different personalities interact with mental illness and how people have different coping strategies, I can't relate to someone who's depression manifests more as explosive negative emotions instead of an anhedonic haze for example
Anonymous 40192
>>40188It sounds like our relationships to femininity are similar.
Of course we can't expect to relate to everyone just based on sex alone, though I did generalize that way. But I still believe that some biological realities and enculturation regarding gender are common traits that are unavoidable, save for people who are completely isolated from all media as well.
Even if I had "unisex" interests as a kid, was a loner, and self-inserted into male characters, I was still aware of how women were seen in my culture and was also aware that I was going to become a woman. Other little girls in my area also experienced this to varying degrees.
What I'm saying is I see this commonality as an enhancer rather than a guaranteed "yes I will have sisterhood with all females." It's a nice extra to a partner who would otherwise match in other ways as well.
And in the original context of romance, it's just to say that more women may have the same expectation as me from a relationship than men. Not all of course, but, either due to culture or biology, there's comfort in the fact that I know a woman could love me the same way I'd love her.
Hope this reply wasn't too messy.
Anonymous 40194
>>40192I guess the only way we differ is that I'm of the opinion that people like I really vibe with are rare enough that everything else aligning is way more important than gender, I also want to say that the specifics of my mental health issues are more common in men so that skews things, the main thing with romance for me is finding someone I can relate to who is also a functional human being and also improving my mental health enough that it's not something I would burden my partner with. 'm also straight as far as I know
Anonymous 40206
>>22884Sometimes the stars align just right and all it takes is a little push from your side.
>what's a moid? Anonymous 40208
>>40206Oh, wow; the posts here a really old. fugg :DDD
Anonymous 42561
I'm extremely ugly and don't feel attraction to any guy even close to my league. I don't need gigachad but even average looking men with decent personality are out of reach for me. I've literally never had anyone hit on me.
Currently losing weight but I suspect my face is so busted that it wont make much difference.
Anonymous 42579
Have you tried pushing yourself to messaging them first for a change? Also they probably can't meet for a coffee 'right off the bat'.
Anonymous 42581
>>42561Losing weight is the best thing you can do to attract a guy, at least that's what r9k keeps telling me. What do you mean by busted face, were you abused before?
Anonymous 42582

>>42561seriously lose weight, dechonking yourself will always make you more attractive than a fat women regardless if you have good facial structure or not
Anonymous 42595
Lost my self esteem from years and years of having to deal with acne. It's not even horrible right now, but i still feel like it's not good enough to attract a man. I'm too ashamed.
Anonymous 42772
>>22897How does this line up with the equally trustworthy and frequently reposted graph that says that all men are pedophiles who are most attracted to 13 year olds?
Anonymous 42776
That pedo graph is bogus. But if you actually look into this, most studies and surveys done in the US/EU shows that men of all ages generally find women between the ages of 20-23 to be the most attractive.
If you're between 24-30, you're a necessary evil for childbirth.
If you're above 30, your worth is zero, because your healthy childbearing years are behind you.
Simple truth. And lmao at the mods deleting this post just because it hurt your fee-fees. Respond to my post with your arguments instead, you retarded dyke.
Anonymous 42930
I'm a lonely person, I have a few internet friends but 4chan and cc have been my only social contact for years. I go to a local trail nearby once or twice a week by myself and I always see a particular guy there. Hes cute and looks friendly and approachable, but I feel like I'm to ugly and shy to ever say anything. But we look at each others face and eyes every time we see each other. Why can't he just make a move
Anonymous 42960
>>42930If you want something to happen do it yourself.
Anonymous 42966
>>42964>>42960Hes kind of skinny where as I'm kind of chubby. Do you think he hates fat girls? What if were both awkward and stumble on our words or its quiet? I never knew what to do growing up when the talk got quiet
Anonymous 52505
>>42966If you noticed him in a public place, he probably already is one of those who stands out and doesn't blend into the background like most unremarkable moids.
Means he probably already has a gf and enough interest from other girls.
Approach him, but don't expect much and be prepared to be informed that he isn't single.
Anonymous 52513
It is a me problem, I can't open up or trust. I hate myself also and feel like a retard. I overthink every social interaction and regret it every time I show the real me to someone. Being with a guy or girl would fill me with shame and self-loathing. When people know things about me or see me make mistakes or be vulnerable I start to resent them and believe they secretly hate me. At that point I have to push them away and cut all ties. I also have OCD so we couldn't live together. I am working on these things but it is hard and I have made little progress.
Anonymous 54639
Well I'm a fat rectangle in terms of body shape. I have a resting bitch face and am very quiet/hate small talk. Because people have destroyed my confidence over the years, I am no longer a smiler. I have nothing to offer a guy in a relationship other than virginity and sex. Problem is that I like a specific type of guy and the guys I think would be interested in me are ghetto as fuck. I've tried to improve in terms of looks and health, but the damage is there. I'm not confident with men. I'm too involved with my hobbies to care anymore.
Anonymous 54672
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rv8xJ91s_AMAuch, forgot to sage. Reposting with url because direct linking YT doesn't work for me apparently.
Anonymous 54682
>>54672Thanks for posting that video anon, it was very interesting. I think the girls in this thread are way too hard on themselves.
Anonymous 54762
>>22900Men message every one they find attractive. The problem is some women are attractive to 90% of men and some women are attractive to 10% of men. If you are 50%+ you have probably more options than you could ever process at least online. Also for men that sort of sucks. Women don’t find men attractive but date them anyway. I don’t know about you but I wouldn’t want to date someone that did not find me attractive.
Anonymous 54765
>>54762>Men message every one they find attractive>Women don’t find men attractive but date them anywayIsn't it the other way round?
Anonymous 54766
>>14730>>54765That’s what I observe and that’s what the chart says. Do you think it’s the opposite?
Anonymous 54767
>>54765I would like to say the last couple years while some men have become more desperate overall it does seem like they are starting to give up as a group on love, but like that could just be my demographics. There’s definitely still 10,000,000’s of normies.
Anonymous 54768

you can always be happy without men, even without just dating women you can lead a full life with your friends and hobbies
Anonymous 54769
PTSD and avoidant cocktail, I tend to stay away from social interaction and just hide in my apartment. Men are scary and women will just pick on me for being less than them
Anonymous 54801

Eyecel ugly in general
But mostly mentalcel due to being really autistic, depressed,hikkikomori ,in general weird. I am really lonely but I don't want to either embarrass myself get heartbroken or get taken advantage of abused
Anonymous 58610
>>14730I’m ugly but I want a cute/hot boyfriend. That’s my problem.
Anonymous 58662
>>58610What makes you think you're ugly?
Anonymous 58671
>>58662The fact that I am not attractive lol
Anonymous 58681

I'm a lesbian and women hate me and I have nothing in common with them.
Anonymous 58706
>>58681Same. you're not alone in feeling like this
Anonymous 58714
There's got to be at least some group of lesbians you have shit in common with. They may be across the world but…definitely out there.
I won't specify her characteristics because it's so specific and I know she uses imageboards, but a very "niche" and unconventional old friend of mine has had many suitresses and now a wife. Idk man. Keep up hope.
Even if it's not just interests/presentation and is trauma, there are many traumatized and mentally ill women out there.
Anonymous 58717
>>58681Im straight but men hate me and are hostile towards me. Girls are always really nice to me. All I want is a cute nice bf.
Anonymous 58733
>>58714well the thing is, i'm also fat and ugly
Anonymous 58738
>>58717Same here, it's always girls who talk to me first and are nice to me. Guys however just ignore me, unless they're the type to be uber-friendly to everyone. In turn, I don't even approach guys anymore if I need help or answers (in a store or at work or something). I just feel like I'd be bothering them.
Anonymous 58740
>>58735>>58738i see you guys say this all of the time but seriously, i'm convinced you guys just can't tell when men are flirting with you. you don't need to be attractive to be asked out or flirted with irl. men flirt with and ask out women they aren't ideally all that attracted to irl so that's not an excuse either.
Anonymous 58741
>>58740>men literally don't even interact with us>"you guys just can't tell when men are flirting with you!!11!1!!"Okay Stacy.
Anonymous 58743
>>58740I can honestly say I have never been hit on. No guy has ever had a crush on me. It’s like my face just completely repulses men or something even though I’m just average with no facial deformities or obviously weird features. They’ll look at my face for a moment, then look away and not look back again, ever lmao. It’s like watching their brain make this split second decision of ‘yep, ugly bitch detected, ignore, ignore’.
Anonymous 58746
>>58743if you're completely average looking, i really doubt no guy has been interested in you.
Anonymous 64710
>>17698I'm the same but I was diagnosed schizotypal.
Anonymous 65401
>>58743If you truly are "average" then men have definitely been attracted to you, they have OBSCENELY low standards. You might just give off a vibe of "if you hit on me I'm going to murder you".
Anonymous 65407
>>58733Same, it’s easier to buy tendies and read romantic stories all day, than to improve myself.
Honestly it’s not just about weight and stuff, it’s that everything else in my life is fucked as well.
Don’t even know where to start. At least I’m not substance addict, homeless, or criminal, but that’s about it.
No one should date me rn, since no one deserves to be dragged down with my baggage, wouldn’t do that to someone I love.
Anonymous 65567

i get a lot of attention from men but it is distressing as i have an extremely poor perception of what i look like and quite honestly find my face- absolutely hideous.. i wear my mask at all times i can because if not i feel like a freak of nature outside of it?? anyway. but men in public stare the fuck out of me. and i mean the bar is "low" for what men qualify as attractive. its like if you can walk you are good.. but they really eye rape me. doesnt help that i have social anxiety as well…. even my male coworkers look me up and its like i cant fucking exist without being sexualized. i get so scared when men walk behind me (bc i know theyre being disgusting in their heads)i start walking funny or twitch.. yeah long rant im too high for this
Anonymous 65579
>>65567you're probably just very young/short and have a babyface and developed for your age, that's why they're ogling you like a piece of meat. no true love or any desire to make you happy, just impure, utterly filthy lust and pedophilic tendencies.
>i get so scared when men walk behind mesame, i usually let them pass by pretending i got an urgent message or a call
Anonymous 65599
>>65567Are you American? I feel like American dudes have power standards. In my yuropoor country we have nothing but ogre men and Stacies and babushkas, so even the hideous men demand a beautiful skinny blonde Stacy at the least, and often get one too. Fat or ugly women are just invisible. I hate the couple looks imbalance here.
Anonymous 65602
Depressing that I was one of the first posters ITT and am still so lonely.
I'm a lot cuter and mentally healthier now, but being reclusive and odd is a big handicap when it comes to romance. I'm happy now and am ready to share it but just have no idea how.
Anonymous 65607
>>65602Are you enrolled in university?
Anonymous 65616
>>65607Yeah, but it hasn't really helped. Just got a series of romantic blunders, then a friend who was unclear if he shared my feelings and also couldn't date me even if he did.
It's hard to accept, but I may just be destined to be alone.
Anonymous 65619
>>65599yes i am american :,)
>>65579i'm 20 so i suppose my body is still ripe to most men.. wearing baggy clothes helps in a way
Anonymous 65631
>what’s stopping you from not being a femcel
My hideous face and terrible personality, duh.
Anonymous 65641
>>58743Honestly it sounds like your personality is hella awkward. People can sense when your energy is low, if what your thinking is in a downward spiral.
Anonymous 65644
>>65631Mostly though its the energy you live in and spread around. So sick of women on here falling for the sleazy one way 'looks maxing thing'…brutal self-judgement. As if that is actually designed to help you at all. Ripping yourself apart because of your appearance and is what men desire. They want the freedom to be buttfucking ugly while you probably look 3x as good and hate yourself anyway. I never meet a single guy, that ever talks like the women on here. Even male incels manage to have a spine and an iota of license to do whatever the fuck the want.
Why the fuck don't you guys again? You literally have nothing to lose so why don't you??
The energy in this thread is so slimy and REPRESSIVE, and it's like why? Why the f do the self brutaliZing women here care so much???
If your aura is heavy and awkward, then you're making people around you deeply subconsciously uncomfortable as well.
It's not about your looks 80% THE TIME and even if you look bad you can still have great energy. I'm pretty average looking but I dont have half your freaking problems and it's fucking offensive the way women here talk about themselves. It's so embarrassing I just can't.
I dont really follow this thread much because the energy I know I'll catch is slimy. The way you girls talk about yourselves and stew in it is the main problem out of all your problems
Anonymous 65709
>>65644I've seen moids complain about shit genetics like having no chin or being short or having a small dick, but it seems like only a fraction of them (like Lookism guys) go to the effort of completely deconstructing themselves like so many women do
Anonymous 65715
>>65644Listen to her. So much this honestly, thank you anon. Many people need to hear this.
Honestly, I think what fucks girls up is how vocal men are when it comes to their sexual attraction towards a woman that is conventionally attractive, or that fits their idea of what sexy is.
They create a huge myth around specific features most women don't have (and if they do, they inevitably will lack some other fundamental one), by gawking, cat-calling, creating entire porn spaces to shate and discuss it, fetishizing said features massively etc.
Most women don't tend to express as much and with as much energy how handsome they think a guy is. If they do, it's usually around other trusted female friends, and they're not as interested in meaningless sex and cookie-cutter physical appearance anyways.
Attractiveness for women is more complex than it is for men, that's why some idolize males that look far from beauty standards.
While female sex symbols are always, always a "perfect beauty" type.
Incels complain that they find a variety of women attractive while girls only like Chads but as usual they are just projecting how horrible they are. It's the other way around.
They would just fuck anything because they lack self-respect and because they are weak animals desperate for sexual gratification and the status that comes from having muh gf, but they still massively prefer only the conventionally beautiful type and do think they're otherwise settling.
We should start making men massively insecure about their 100× times worse than ours appearance.
Anonymous 65721
Having higher expectations but being willing to sleep around more are not mutually exclusive.
Men have a lower threshold for wanting to sleep with women because they have on average a higher sex drive and due to various societal reasons, but their preferences are pretty much always geared towards conventionally beautiful girls. None of them prefer quirky looking girls sexually, they just go for them anyways.
On the other hand, there are plenty of women into any kind of man. Sure many girls like the model-type guy, but there are just as many into legit uggos, and that's their actual sexual preference, what they actually get aroused by, not a shortcut to sex because they can't have the max beauty standard adhering person, which is the case for men.
Anonymous 65734
>>65644>its about your energy not your looksLol no it’s about my looks. I’m an objective 3/10, possibly less. The only time it becomes relevant is in terms of dating and relationships. I also have a disability. The rest of the time I don’t care how I look, I’m too focused on trying not to feel like I’m dying.
Anonymous 65774
>>65715Most incels and moids in general will be happy with any variation of not fat and white. Of course your nose shape or boob size or eye color doesn’t matter when you fill those two basic requirements that 99% of moids find attractive. Nitpicking that much is disingenuous and self indulgent, ethnic femcels will know how much harder it is irl.
Anonymous 65790

I'm obese 30 year old virgin hermit with mental illnesses and I seriously fantasize of paying for male escort. Even just to hang out, hug and be able to touch another human being. It's been several years since I hugged anyone. But I'm too ashamed of myself and I'm sure no man would be willing to be in the same room with me even if I paid him. I'm objectively 1/10 in every sense. I know I should just kys but I can't do that to my parents so I'm stuck mentally wasting away from zero contact with humans.
Anonymous 65805
>>65774Sure, moids will not kill themselves and then others if they have a non-fat, white girlfriend. Still, doesn't mean that's enough for them to feel lucky and genuinely appreciate the girl's attractiveness.
No woman wants to be the pacifier of a desperate for sex guy that thinks he can't do any (of what his media monkey brain perceives to be) better.
I'm sure most girls want to be seen as genuinely attractive by their partners and as a catch for them.
If men disrespect, cheat and kill beautiful women, imagine what they'd do to someone they're with just because.
Anonymous 65809
>>65805>my dad calls me beautiful and cute every morning>I am literally a 4/10 at my best Anonymous 65854
>>65790go to a massage therapist (male of female) and get a nice massage. it will help you relax, fix muscle knots and fix your need for touch.
also try going to a gym and starting a weight loss journey so oyu can feel happier and way less depressed.
Anonymous 65859
>>65805I’m pretty unattractive but I’ve had two boyfriends who were probably a lot cuter than me and were also really nice to me. Having a high quality partner who treats you like gold isn’t about whether you are good looking or not. It’s literally just about who you let into your life. I know a few Stacies irl and they have horrible boyfriends who aren’t even attractive yet still cheat on them all the time. But at the same time those Stacies have masochistic tendencies and genuinely go crazy over assholes which is why they get treated like garbage because they invite it. And I know average and below average girls like myself who have qt partners who absolutely adore them. It really is just about choice and vetting guys properly before dating them. Which sadly many girls don’t do enough.
Anonymous 65861
>>65809I wish I had a dad like that. You have no idea how lucky you are. Any positive male influence in my formative years would have made all the difference to my attitude towards men :/
Anonymous 65862
>>65859Oh and uh sorry if this came off as arrogant or humblebragging it wasn’t my intention. I was just trying to make a point that beautiful women often attract the worst kinds of men and that plain, below average or average girls can still be loved and adored, as long as they choose the right man. Pretty privilege is real, but many guys deeply love and appreciate their non supermodel wives.
Anonymous 66102
another day of me waking up and looking at white women on my screen for hours then looking at myself in the mirror and realising that I'll never make the cut, the way the current beauty standards are just the default of a white person even though I'm in a non-white majority country hurts, add to that the media I consumed online for years and years and my self worth is in the gutters.
I hate everything about myself and I feel too shitty ugly for even fantasizing about this guy that I'm talking with who is already showing little to no interest because his type is white.
I was gonna post this on
>>59574 originally since it's the femcel general and there was a discussion on gatekeeping femceldom from white women but it's true, any white woman/pale asian who identifies as a femcel doesn't realise how much easier she has it. I've always fantasized about being paler since I was a kid because if I did many people would've found me more attractive, I want to stick to my principles and not skin bleach and embrace my tan skin but on days like this it's just so hard not to.
Anonymous 66103
>>65862So true. The more you expect the more you get. The more you write yourself and what you should expect off the more you miss out on. I still bet half the women in here are more like 7/10s, because its exactly like you say, my god. Women in general just trap themselves with this self-loathing mentality that they MUST settle for something, even if its he's hot garbage. Even if they're beautiful. It makes no difference if your head is a cesspit you will live like you are a cesspit.. I mean look at Britney Spears she was beaten down like a dog. Honestly its not even worth it to beat yourself up for any guy, no matter who he is. Men WANT you to live in a self-hatred circle in your head so they can manipulate you and coax out anything they want from you so.. Why would you do it? You should live like you have nothing to lose no matter who you are, because none of its worth experiencing dark self-loathing over a guy. Its fucking shameful to trap yourself mentally that way. Its rigging your own mind to screw you in the end.
Anonymous 66598
>>66102Well it goes both ways actually doesn't it
Woc are also mostly attracted to euro features more than their own ethnic group features
They are fixated to getting a white bf, so many women who throw other women especially white women and men of their own race under the bus
Anonymous 66865

I'm too much of a retard socially, but also the fact that I honestly just don't give a fuck anymore. As I've grown older over the years my mental health has steadily declined to the point of being exhausted when dealing with people.
Whenever I find myself affectionately gravitating towards a guy, my mind just automatically mentally distances my feelings from them; convincing me I'll never be good enough, that they're not good enough, and I don't fight it, I don't have a reason to.
I don't make myself seen, don't have an interesting personality, I just literally do not care. I used to be insecure over being unattractive, but eventually I came to terms with it. Sure, it's hell when I get horny every month a week before my period, but I try my best to suppress any feelings, though of course I do have urges. I remember I unironically used to think The One would come one day even if I did nothing, fucking laughable in retrospect. But honestly the difference between me and your average incel is that I don't think looks play the biggest role in me being alone, just my schizoid ass. Solitude can be painful but I've chosen it, so I persevere.
Anonymous 69249
>>65599Aren't ogre men and stacies a good thing though? mybe it's just my fetish talking but I feel like high sexual dimorphism is a good thing, everyone in the uk looks metrosexual to me.