
Anonymous 27259
Are there women in their 30s/late 20s browsing this board?
I'm younger but I'd like to ask a few questions.
>How is your life now (single, married, education, job, etc.)?
>How did life change in comparison to the previous years?
>What are the advantages of being at this age?
>How do people treat you?
Anonymous 27260
30yo anon here, we have a few threads like this fyi:
>How is your life now (single, married, education, job, etc.)?
I'm dating someone, but it isn't super serious
>How did life change in comparison to the previous years?
I was a total NEET during my 20s (save for a few years of working), I always thought I would be dead by 25 or 30 at the very most (had some suicide attempts, am chronically ill, and overall I'm a mess), so I never prepared for the future and now I found myself turning 30 and going, fuck, I'm still here, I have to start making use of my time. I'm working a lot more on myself now. My friends are all marrying, living with partners, getting serious about career, or other things, so it's been really lonely. Other than that, not much has changed.
>What are the advantages of being at this age?
I feel way more confident now. I feel like I'm finally past the "awkward stage" and I'm generally way more relaxed. I don't let people push me around as much anymore. Overall I'd say it's pretty good. I was really scared of turning 30 and aging in general because everywhere you're reminded that a woman is at her peak when she's young and beautiful, but I see that for what it is now.
>How do people treat you?
I don't go out much, but I don't feel like anyone really treats me much differently. Age is probably the least important factor in how people treat me because of my visible illness, extreme awkwardness, and slightly alternative look, all of which leads to people patronizing me anyway.
Anonymous 27261
>>27259>How is your life now (single, married, education, job, etc.)?I'm a married mother of one, have a full time professional job. Very satisfied both at home and at work.
>How did life change in comparison to the previous years?Depends on how far previous you want to go? I met my eventual husband the Fall season after I graduated from college. Worked crap jobs through my early 20s and started at the bottom rung in a professional environment in my mid 20s. Am still in the same position but at a much more prestigious business making a lot more money now. Married at 26, pregnant at 30.
>What are the advantages of being at this age?A much better sense of how much the doom and gloom of the internet paints a far worse picture of the world than how things really are. I feel very secure in my life, which allows me to be authentically myself.
>How do people treat you?Fairly well, but I'm conventionally attractive so that's nothing new. I still look much younger than my age so people treating me like someone without experience gets more annoying every year. Thankfully most people I encounter are self-effacing and apologetic if they offend me, so it's not too bad.
Anonymous 27266
>How is your life now (single, married, education, job, etc.)?Single, more underemployed than I’d like to be. My education is pretty good (went to a top school back in the day), but I feel like I didn’t take full advantage of it. Spent too much time studying when I could have been making connections/networking with people.
>How did life change in comparison to the previous years?An improvement from before, but I’m still constantly striving to do better.
>What are the advantages of being at this age?Honestly, I can’t think of any. Sometimes I wish I could turn back time and have a do-over, but that wish isn’t super strong either.
>How do people treat you?Nicely. I’m a pretty nice and polite person, so people generally treat me the same. I want to build more closer connections though.
Anonymous 27271
>How is your life now (single, married, education, job, etc.)?
I'm in a committed, long-term relationship, but not married. College grad, employed full time at a job I enjoy most of the time.
>How did life change in comparison to the previous years?
More bills. More responsibilities beyond myself.
>What are the advantages of being at this age?
None, really.
>How do people treat you?
I've become more proactive and assertive so I get more respect than I used to. People are often a bit surprised that I'm almost in my thirties. But I've always been a late bloomer and immature for my age. Now I come off as normal until people attempt friendship beyond small talk.
Anonymous 27272
>>27261>Married at 26, pregnant at 30.Nice. I 'm hitting 30 soon and want to start a family so badly.
Anonymous 27298
>>27259>How is your life now (single, married, education, job, etc.)?Dating someone and it's going pretty great. Not sure
how it's going so great honestly. Finished education a long time ago, and these days I'm self-employed. Money isn't great, but the hours and freedom are nice. Long-term it probably wont be enough, but for the moment it's keeping me going.
>How did life change in comparison to the previous years?Honestly the biggest change was starting to give less and less of a shit about things like peer pressure / what people around me thought. I was never all that susceptible but it still used to prey on me pretty hard. Nowadays, not at all. It's been pretty nice.
>What are the advantages of being at this age?I guess as above, I'm way more able to deal with my problems now. Not necessarily actually solve them, but at least being able to start tackling them without always feeling ashamed over them. All my friends were doing great and settling down, and I was just kinda here slowly falling apart for a long time.
>How do people treat you?I still get mistaken for a college student, which is sometimes nice but also very frustrating. It isnt a
huge deal usually, but it can be very annoying when people assume I don't know what I'm doing.
Most annoyingly, I just sometimes put my gender neutral middle name on work instead of my real name, and get a better response.
Anonymous 27311
>>27260Can I ask how you got out of your NEET/thinking you'd be dead by 30-state? Did you get a sudden ephiphany or did it happen naturally?
Anonymous 27341
>How is your life now (single, married, education, job, etc.)?
In a relationship, college drop out. Make around six figures doing what I love.
>How did life change in comparison to the previous years?
A few years ago, after contemplating it for a long time, I attempted suicide by gun and failed because some people were there for me. I had finally just plain broken under a lifetime of abuse. After that point I tried my best to put it all behind me. I was real with myself that I can choose a good life ending in death or a bad life ending in death, and I stopped bitching about the injustice of the world and made my choice. My life change was a complete 180 from thereon, though changes were definitely not overnight.
>What are the advantages of being at this age?
Super cliche: I feel younger than I've ever been and like my whole life is ahead of me. I realize how small and unimportant my years up until this point were. Just a few decades of suffering that I can't even really remember, full of stuff that felt so important at the time but are inconsequential now. All of my abusers, my trauma, the people who wronged me, none of them can even taste the dust on my heels. I live a good life and no one in my past would even recognize me if we crossed the street.
This is turning into a blog post but I guess I wanted to express that life changes, if you're the kind of person who's really down right now. So many hurt, depressed girls who don't make it to their twenties and beyond because they have no way to see that there's a chance that they can be happy, and that their abusers won't be able to ever hurt them again.
>How do people treat you?
With respect and care. I work a respectable job in a high end location and look put together to those who don't know me. I'm still fucked up inside and patching things up for some time yet. Because of that I just assume anyone no matter how successful or flawless they look have experienced grief the same as me if not greater.
Anonymous 94134
Entering my mid-20s now.
>How is your life now (single, married, education, job, etc.)?
For marriage, I am engaged to an empathetic, sensitive, caring, generous, good man and I am so fulfilled in the romantic aspect of my life. I'd say it's the best thing going for me right now.
As for education, I made the mistake of getting 2 Masters so I am basically overqualified for jobs that require 1. Additionally, I didn't try my hardest in my programs. I have very low confidence in my career path and am considering just becoming a housewife or at the very least work a cushy part time job. I have severe imposter syndrome and don't think I'm worthy of a job and the pressures and expectations a job would place on me. I crumble easily under stress anyways.
I did a bunch of internships in my undergrad and did a part-time job relevant to my field in my graduate degrees. They didn't make me feel equipped or fulfilled and prepared for entry level job positions though… People at the office basically made me do grunt work tasks like data entry or fetching them coffee or inventory or shredding things. I don't think I could handle a higher position because I'm not used to it.
>How did life change in comparison to the previous years?
My life hasn't changed much. I am the same old same old. At least I moved out of my parents house and am living with my fiance right now. Living with him is such a drastic change. For the first time in my life I actually feel like an adult? I am still learning how to drive though… at least I have a patient teacher by my side for that.
>What are the advantages of being at this age?
You don't have parents looking over your shoulder 24/7 and pressuring you to get a job and be independent because now you are somewhat independent. Also not worrying about school and being a student 24/7 is very nice too. The dread of an exam…
>How do people treat you?
I don't see many people… the only person I ever see is my fiance. I guess when we are out in public, a lot of older people and couples say we are a cute couple and are happy to see young love out in the wild.
Anons who had given birth to kids, what was it like getting pregnant and raising them? I do really want kids in the future but pregnancy is so scary…
Anonymous 94388
>>94134Just curious, if you don't me asking, how did you get these internships? Like who did you go to or what steps did you take to get them?
Anonymous 94396

>How is your life now (single, married, education, job, etc.)?
Single, basically officially unemployed - neeting since three unsuccessful attempts at getting an education, there are sparks of gigs once in a blue moon, but overall jobless
>How did life change in comparison to the previous years?
It was worse in terms of mental health, especially when I lived with my parents, I cried every day, occasional hysterics. Now I am feeling far far more secure and safe. But also far more stagnant, considering my age
>What are the advantages of being at this age?
Objectively - money, but for me - none. I could say that I am more chill and confident, but I was mostly chill about life earlier, so eh
>How do people treat you?
Normal, I guess. Nobody’s listens to me, because I am a woman, not because I am 30
Anonymous 94403
>>94388Happy to answer nonnny.
I was in an undergrad program with a co-op stream. I essentially took an extra course each semester when I wasn't working to learn how to job search, cater your resume and cover letter, fix your LinkedIn, participate in mock group and individual interviews, and the school I attended also had massive networking events where headhunters and corporate or organization representatives would visit the school to seek out student workers or soon-to-be fresh graduates. The school was a big "good" school too so they had student internships and co-op positions where the companies would only hire from our school.
I didn't get any good internships compared to my peers. I got the internships no one really wanted lol.
Anyways, check out what your school has for job opportunities whether it be a work-study program, internship or co-op opportunities, or look for your own jobs that are student-related. It's always good to get work experience under your belt. Makes it easier to climb the work ladder.
Anonymous 94435
>>How is your life now (single, married, education, job, etc.)?
Single and in college. I'm pretty sure I'm turning into a spinster at this point but that feels like NBD when I think how I'm someone extremely predisposed into ending up in an abusive relationship instead. It doesn't feel as lonely when I think how much worse and confining the alternative is. I've just been putting all my effort into improving academically and accomplishing my goals instead.
>How did life change in comparison to the previous years?
I became much more hard-working and goal-oriented. Socially, nothing at all. If anything I've even regressed in that aspect. Talking to anyone, even friends, feels like a chore more than ever and I'm now a worse texter than ever. There's someone I've habitually taken more than months at a time to reply to. I think some people even stopped wanting to talk to me at all because of it. lol It takes a huge amount of effort for me to try and maintain any relationship and now I prefer resorting to seclusion 99% of the time. I feel like some croon that's just done with the world and wants to go live the rest of my life off the grid.
>What are the advantages of being at this age?
I'm mid 20-s technically, not late 20s, but I can say about that that you (at least hopefully) have a more mature view of relationships, even if never having been in a real one like I haven't. You'll be able to better avoid fuckbois if you've had more time to figure yourself and want you want out. If you've still never been in a relationship at this age, the perception of being some crazy cat lady would automatically weed out a fuckboy so there's that I guess.
>How do people treat you?
Because of the large lack of socialization - pretty neutrally, like always. Only difference is it's not like complete shit, like it was for me in middle school. So I also hope to keep that the way it currently is rather than the alternative. Most people don't get bullied in college so I definitely haven't had to experience bullying there, but I am worried I will experience it in the workplace again one day.
It's really weird to me how college is a break from something like this, lacking so many of the issues with grade school, while the workplace can send you back to them all over again. You would think if it's at least a place where most of the people you are working with have a degree, that wouldn't be the case and they would have also used that time to mature, but it's like you find yourself back in high school all over again. College can temporarily pull the wool over your eyes, not just about your job prospects, but for how you would get treated in the workplace, too. If you survived all years of college without getting bullied, it's easy to think that means you wouldn't be at work and because people conveniently forget "adults" bully eachother too. I guess going back to this:
>What are the advantages of being at this age?
..the only advantage for that would be you have more autonomy to change your place of work and legal rights on your side as an adult, compared to a minor getting bullied.
Anonymous 94450
Thanks for making this thread OP. Lots of cool replies. I hope it bring some clarity to some younger nonas. The internet is an alarmist and toxic place right now and it's easy to get trapped in the gravity of all that negativity
Anonymous 94451
>How is your life now (single, married, education, job, etc.)?
in a long term relationship with a moid for the better part of 10 years, since i was 22. i regret giving him my "best years" so to speak but there is nothing i can do about it now, unless i want to completely upend my life. as for education i went to college in 2012, but since it was so long ago, i experience a lot of difficulty getting the job that i want and the jobs i do get, i have trouble holding down.
>How did life change in comparison to the previous years?
i have a better grip on my mental health thanks to being on the right meds. still have bipolar and experience symptoms frequently, just not as much.
>What are the advantages of being at this age?
less male attention both positive and negative. i see this as an absolute win.
>How do people treat you?
i don't really get out much, so i haven't noticed a difference in how i'm treated by people in general. but my family sees me as more mature and they don't try to intrude in my life as much anymore.
Anonymous 94457
34 years old
>How is your life now (single, married, education, job, etc.)?
In a relationship with my oldest friend, after dancing around each other for 10 years, because of an unplanned pregnancy I thought was medically impossible. Our daughter is nearly a year old now, and despite further assertions I can't possibly have children, we're going to try again. Went back and finished my undergrad when I found out I was pregnant. I went from a wandering office drone, spending a few months doing temporary analysis work, to writing full time with actual success.
>How did life change in comparison to the previous years?
I was basically adopted by my boyfriend's family, so I just suddenly gained an entire support network that I'd never had before. I now have a partner who's an actual partner to run a three-legged race through life with. I now have an actual home to live in and make mine, rather than a small beige cube stacked on other cubes, filled with yet more beige Ikea cubes.
>What are the advantages of being at this age?
None. My back hurts in the morning, I'm always tired after 9pm and I don't sleep as well as I used to. If could, I would've given up "the best years of my life" in my 20's to do all this in because it would've been so much more comfortable.
>How do people treat you?
Pretty much the same as in my 20's, with the exception of the thought I'd start the fade into middle-aged obscurity, but instead I get a lot more male attention. Other than that, I learned from my old boss to master the ice queen dominatrix tone that works beautifully to paralyse and intimidate anyone young enough to still have stress dreams and moments of panic about high school and strict teachers, so I don't take any guff from you young whippersnappers anymore.
Anonymous 94461
>>94451> i don't really get out much, so i haven't noticed a difference in how i'm treated by people in general. but my family sees me as more mature and they don't try to intrude in my life as much anymore.People in my family noticed this in me too. Before I used to throw autistic tantrums over silly things now I’ve learned to control my emotions and keep cool about trivial stuff. So glad my brain fully developed by 25.
Anonymous 94465
>How is your life now (single, married, education, job, etc.)?
I'm single, have a useless degree from 2011, and work as a production scheduler for a couple crappy factories. I'm also an alcoholic.
>How did life change in comparison to the previous years?
Life feels more dull, like all the joy I had evaporated. I am probably just depressed though. Friendships feel hollow to me now. Most people want to do atrocious couple's shit or immensely boring things like inviting you to eat in their yard.
>What are the advantages of being at this age?
I care tremendously less about other people's perceptions now. Everything else about getting older has been bad. I hate that I don't heal as quickly.
>How do people treat you?
Who knows? I'm not good at reading people. The biggest change I have noticed is not being carded buying alcohol most of the time.
Anonymous 94480
I'm going to be 28 in about 3 months.
>How is your life now (single, married, education, job, etc.)?
I'm single, but sort of attached to this one moid (who is also one of my best friends). I have a physics degree that took me 6 years to get and now work in aerospace engineering. I'm pursuing my masters degree now, too.
>How did life change in comparison to the previous years?
It's a lot harder to make friends. So many people are now paired off, getting married, having babies, etc. You have to seek out activities involving other people (like martial arts clubs, classes, etc). I've also become a lot more balanced and responsible. The ability to think about the future in a more concrete way is very nice.
>What are the advantages of being at this age?
As I mentioned, being able to think about the future. Being far more self-possessed and less worried about what other people think. You start to realize that nobody really has it figured out and we're all just winging it, which is a huge relief.
>How do people treat you?
I'm taken a lot more seriously now in general, but I'm expected to be more serious about a lot of things than I really want to be. There's also a mounting pressure to be married, having children, owning a home, etc. I try to ignore that, though.
Anonymous 94701

>How is your life now (single, married, education, job, etc.)?
I'm single but living with my best friend (who is also my ex of many years, we are WAY better as friends). No education and I currently hate my job but I'm financially stable bordering on comfortable.
>How did life change in comparison to the previous years?
It's markedly better than when I was young. I skipped college mostly due to poverty, low self esteem, and depression. I no longer suffer any of those things (ok there's a splash of depression maybe but I'm not drowning in it).
>What are the advantages of being at this age?
I felt there was a lot of pressure around my youth and what I was going to do with all my "potential". Now that I've aged past that point, no one cares and I can do whatever I want pretty much free of judgement.
>How do people treat you?
With a lot of respect most of the time. I lean more into being a hardass than feminine at work and I find intimidating men is more effective for getting what I want out of them than being flirty. I also respect myself more and carry myself differently than I used to and it really reflects in other people
The biggest difference between my 20s and now is that I grew up with zero sense of purpose or dreams. Now I have both and I doubt I would have found my current path without the struggles I went through before.
Searching - be it for a higher purpose, meaning, answers, or even for yourself - is an incredible teacher.
Anonymous 94704
>>27259I'm 36
>How is your life now (single, married, education, job, etc.)?Single,I work in a hotel at night and write there, which I really enjoy. I completely pour myself into it. I'm not participating in society because I loathe it. I am inheriting a house and other things, either way I'll be ok most likely. No kids! I thank god more and more each day with where the world is heading. I am building a vivarium and getting into aquascaping as well.
>How did life change in comparison to the previous years?It's so much better. Every conceivable thing. I don't think most normal people would be able to appreciate this. They would say i should be miserable (??!) but my life is bliss. It makes me cry thinking about it.
>What are the advantages of being at this age?Your clarity drastically improves,you know exactly who you are and what you want.
>How do people treat you?I'm hermit but I work with the public. Usually it's fine but people are generally ridiculous the older you get. I get along with my family. Sometimes I meet interesting people at my job so there's that, but it's pretty rare.
Anonymous 94732
>How is your life now (single, married, education, job, etc.)?
Married. BA in something useless. Full-time job that I find rewarding and fulfilling.
>How did life change in comparison to the previous years?
No more partying. I don't need to do a full face of make up to go out. Started seeing a psychiatrist and I've been fixing my mental issues. I'm way more chill now.
>What are the advantages of being at this age?
I care way less what people think of me and it's pretty freeing. My zoomer coworkers respect me because I'm older and they think I have authority. I don't keep up with pop culture and I've even lost interest in the news tbh.
>How do people treat you?
More respect, because I have more respect for myself.
Anonymous 94733
>>94732Fotgot to add I'm almost 33.
Anonymous 94745
>>94732Is your current job related to your BA?
Anonymous 94746
>>27259> 32>Recently Married, no formal education, used to work as an Admin for a catholic mental health facility but left when i moved to my husbands home county. Honesty I have to say my 30s have bee kinda poppin so far. as I was able to do alot of the stuff I was only day dreaming about in my early 20> i dont think i could accurately describe the changes, all i can say is where i was (a neet 20 something e girl streaming on porn sites for cash to 30s something, religious, married e girl who posts on boards for internet attention), I certainly feel less shamefull then i used to when it comes to what people think of me but in contrast to what one of the other anons said, i still feel the need to wear make up when i go places bc i still really really wanna be seen as the hottest one in the room, always.> Id have to say the experiance, I feel i have a way better time handling things that would have destroyed me in my 20s>Most people think im a zoomer so i still get treated like I dont know what im doing still even after they know my age Anonymous 94785
>>94745No, but you need
a degree for my job, so it's not really useless I guess.
I did some internships related to whst I studied but I was straight-up told there was no money to be made. But it's my own fault. I actually considered studying what I do now but didn't.
Anonymous 94797
>How is your life now (single, married, education, job, etc.)?
I'm married and going to school right now. Unemployed because I'm too fat and mentally ill to get a retail job, that's why I'm going to school and trying to get healthier inside and out
>How did life change in comparison to the previous years?
I was really lonely before I met my current husband. Worked as often as I could and that was basically my life. Dating was a nightmare and all of my "friends" turned out to be shitty people.
>What are the advantages of being at this age?
More life knowledge I guess
>How do people treat you?
Like crap tbh
Anonymous 94809
>>94797How did you meet your husband?
Anonymous 94813
>>94785What is it that you do now? I have a useless degree too and am looking for jobs that aren’t too gruelling. Enough to feed myself and that’s it. Would prefer a work from home type job but I know people are taking those away now that the covid scare is gone.
Anonymous 94856
Over 30
>How is your life now (single, married, education, job, etc.)?
Single, never was in a relationship and never want to be. No kids. I work for the goverment so it is chill and good. I like it that way.
>How did life change in comparison to the previous years?
Nothing really, I live a simple and quiet life which I really enjoy.
>What are the advantages of being at this age?
I do not really know. Maybe that I am a little bit more stable in my worldview?
>How do people treat you?
Most people treat me nice and friendly. But I also do not really leave the house expect for work. So Do not meet many.
My father is a little bit annoying because he fears I will regret my decision to live alone. He is a family man and the though of me not wanting any of that is so foreign for him he can't grasp it. But I know he means well.
Anonymous 94866
download (24).jpeg

Turning 30 this year. Feel more beautiful, strong and clever than ever. Hated my teens and twenties until 27 and it felt like my peers caught up in terms of maturity and not acting like kids. Men years younger started flirting with me only recently and the older moids have finally left me alone. Been with the same guy for a long time not planning on getting married anytime soon cos it's not that important to me. Since ww3 rhetoric ramped up i've been seriously considering a selfish child free life against every mothering instinct i've ever had but thats just 2023 in general. Glad i didn't have children yet (or maybe at all) my peers who are mothers seem very miserable and their babydads and husbands suck.
Anonymous 94933
>fetish image
Anonymous 94934
>>94933That's a fetish image? Embarrassing. I used it because it was a woman looking into a crystal ball. Now you mention it the feet are a bit much. I'll repost with a different image.
Anonymous 94935

>>27259Sorry the second question gets a bit rambly.
>How is your life now (single, married, education, job, etc.)?Life is pretty good. Married with a house, nested and chilling. Will probably want to drop a kid in the next 1-4 years before I hit 35. I never went to college but I have a decent enough job. Husband is the same, no college etc but 4 years older.
>How did life change in comparison to the previous years?My 20s was a mild ride. NEET from 20-22, then got a retail job, stuck it out for 2 years and hated every second of it, but I liked having a little money to play with. When I met my husband I was 20 and he was a NEET too. He got into tech, seeing how successful that route was for him I went into tech too. Now we're a pair of low-effort front-end web devs who work from home together, different companies, same little office room. We help each other and it's pretty fun. Though I'm sure both companies would have a shit fit if they knew we knew so much about the other companies IP. I've written entire features for his company because I could do it better/faster, and he mine.
I thoroughly enjoyed NEETing around with my then also NEET boyfriend, but when we decided that we wanted more than daytime TV, video games, shitposting and smoking weed in his moms basement and we wanted to get ourselves into a position where we were standing on our own two feet and ready to start a family of our own. We worked hard to break out of our shells and change. But we thoroughly enjoyed having all the time in the world to spend with each other. The existential dread of our peers surpassing us never really set in because neither of us had any friends. We only had each other. We're still the same for the most part only now we have work friends which is nice.
Our parents never really minded the NEETing either. But I think were glad when their little autists both got jobs and started getting our shit together. Happened relatively quickly too, as soon as my husband landed a job we moved out and started from nothing. Most of our furniture was stuff people were giving away on facebook marketplace and he was on a junior dev salary so things were not exactly tight, but not lush either. We saved every penny we could and when we bought a house we bought new furniture. Things are pretty cushy now. We can even afford to go on vacation together to nice places which I never would have thought possible even 3 years ago.
>What are the advantages of being at this age?Your 20s I feel is the time where you're trying to find what works for you. It's easy to sit and think that because I was a NEET I wasted half of it but the more I think about it the more at ease I am. It was a great time with plenty of happy memories. We might be a little behind our peers but when you hit 30 nothing really seems to matter as much as it did. You have the experience under your belt to realize what's truly important and what isn't.
>How do people treat you?Nicely. I've never really drawn peoples ire. At work now I can stand my ground which is nice. I command a decent amount of respect and my juniors and boss listen to me.
Anonymous 94938
>>94934Someone keeps pearl-clutching on here about people's picrels. It's getting annoying.
>>94935Your life sounds awesome. Exactly what I would want to be honest. It would probably sound boring to alot of people chasing money and status, but I'm not and just want to settle down and live in a way that keeps me average. You and your husband sound like very modest people. Wishing you the best!
Anonymous 94962

>>94938Hey thanks Nona.
I feel like you understand what I was gunning for. I've never been the kind of person who has craved a high-power job or huge wads of cash. I've never given much thought as to what people think about me or how I measure up to others. All I've really wanted out of life is to be loved in a way that would make other women feel uneasy by a man who really, truly loves me and accepts me for who I am so deeply and completely it feels like we're soulmates. I've found that in him. 10+ years of being together and doing everything together, sharing the same space and only having each other to speak to and it's all still there and deeper than ever. He's the sweetest man I've ever known and he's mine. I smile whenever I think about it. It might just be the most mundane goal a girl could strive for in life, but one that's so elusive that you're considered amazingly lucky if you can obtain it and I did it on my first shot. Everything else to me is secondary.
Anonymous 94965
Reading this thread as a person who's slowly entering the early stages of adulthood gives me alot of useful advice. Thanks nonas.
Anonymous 95032
>>94935Wow nona this sounds like such a comfy lifestyle. I wish I could live my life out like this. I’m currently NEET looking for low wagie no qualification jobs because I never went to college. Hoping I can claw my way out with the sudden determination that hit you. Do you have any advice on gathering the motivation to get a GOOD job not just any job like flipping burgers?
Sage 95038
>>94962Good for you nona. In some ways, having a thriving career for myself seems more attainable than finding a man who will genuinely love me like that. Your life sounds comfy and that’s what matters. I hope when I’m in my 30s I can feel as happy with my life choices and day to day life as you do!
Anonymous 95062
>How is your life now (single, married, education, job, etc.)?
In a relationship but I'm unsure of what direction it will go in, not doing well but better than before. Not college-educated, work wagecuck jobs to get by. Trying to maintain my apartment. Struggling with alcoholism.
>How did life change in comparison to the previous years?
Don't want to die anymore, just want to start living for real. Use to be on the street, not technically homeless but living in squatter houses/trap houses. On drugs. Had some bad shit happen and moved back to my hometown. Was trying to do something in a bigger city with my art but it failed.
>What are the advantages of being at this age?
Self-reflection. You're not old but you're not young anymore. Life is still more ahead than it is behind you.
>How do people treat you?
I'm a bit intimidating and I'm kind of just in a "not giving a fuck" mode right now. I'm polite and well-spoken so people's first glance judgements usually fall through.
Anonymous 95094
It's awesome that you own a house. How did you manage that at 27?
Anonymous 95097
>>95094I’m curious too.
Most people who have a house under 30 get assistance from their parents. I’d be inspired if nona did it all on her own which seems reasonable. She’s got a good head on her shoulders and sounds like she’s near the apex of her career at a young age
Anonymous 95105
>>95094>>95097I'm not the anon you're replying to, but I also bought a house in my twenties so I figured I'd reply. For me, I lived at home with my parents and worked full time so I could save for a down-payment. If you have parents who are willing to let you live with them without paying rent, I highly recommend it.
Anonymous 95122
>>95105NTA I’m living with my husband right now and his Mom bought him a condo. We just pay strata fee as our rent money to her. The Condo’s sales will contribute to the purchase of our first house. So I guess technically she is assisting us.
Anonymous 95432
>>27261>>27261>What are the advantages of being at this age?>A much better sense of how much the doom and gloom of the internet paints a far worse picture of the world than how things really are. I feel very secure in my life, which allows me to be authentically myself.This is such a stupid take.