
What mistake keeps you up at night? Anonymous 97154
Place to discuss your failures.
For me, it’s over sharing on non-anonymous online platforms and forums. Specifically, this one forum that doesn’t let you delete postings. Anyone who knows me can easily piece together that it’s me.
Anonymous 97160
>Anyone who knows me can easily piece together that it’s me.
The world doesn’t revolve around you anon, unless you know a mentally ill stalker freak, you’re going to be fine. My biggest regret is confining im my mentally ill family when i needed serious help in high school, my life hasn’t been the same since.
Anonymous 97162
I failed a group interview for an exchange program when I was 14 because I muttered "shit" under my breath. I don't even know why that word came out then. Crazy how different my life would be now if I had actually gone on that exchange for a year. Eh. In hindsight I was more overtly autistic in Highschool and didn't glow up yet so who knows might be I'd have gotten beaten or raped or killed in a school shooting or something.
Anonymous 97168
Failing out of college freshman year and losing my full-ride scholarship. I am currently studying at a community college and am in the process of reapplying.
Admittedly, though, I’m scared of rejection and failure. I know I will be readmitted, I’m just afraid I might not be cut out for college.
Anonymous 97169
>Failing out of college freshman year and losing my full-ride scholarship. I am currently studying at a community college and am in the process of reapplying.The same happened to me. I didn't have a scholarship, but I also started my first year basically almost full ride due to grants and my dad's help. Then I fucked that up because I stopped going to any of my classes whatsoever. To be fair, my depression had worsened to the point I could not get out of bed for any reason. I was eating all my meals in it and even stopped showering. I attempted suicide. It had never been that bad before.
After that, I had to transfer to community college to retake my failed classes. It got alot better, though. When I got back to my home university, I worked really hard to keep passing and was already on the honor roll multiple times by my second year. College is mostly perserverance in doing the work. I hope you can have the same success story nona.
Anonymous 97171
Embarrassing myself in 10th grade because I started crying because I couldn’t balance on rollerskates and felt like I was going to die.
Anonymous 97172
>>97169>Then I fucked that up because I stopped going to any of my classes whatsoever. To be fair, my depression had worsened to the point I could not get out of bed for any reason. That’s the exact reason I failed out. I wouldn’t even necessarily say I was depressed in the fall semester, just tired after grinding all of high school. I wasn’t staying in bed all day like I was in the past, I would go out and walk on campus, sometimes always make it to my class but feel too anxious and would go elsewhere. But the walking would just feed into my anxiety. I felt purposeless.
>stopped showering. I attempted suicide. It had never been that bad before. I also wasn’t showering or changing my clothes (including underwear) for days. I also became suicidal for the first time in my life, thinking about all the ways I could end it.
>College is mostly perserverance in doing the work. I hope you can have the same success story nona.College really is perseverance! Sometimes the what-ifs drive me crazy but I’ll try to not let them get the best of me. Thank you fo the good luck <3
Anonymous 97177
I saw the beginning of Bitcoin Cash as it skyrocketed. I knew I needed to get on it but my parents were out of town for the weekend and I was having one of my mental episodes because I was very unstable back then so I let it go. After all, I didn't have money and I was too shaken-up to tell my parents we had to do this immediately.
God how much different my life would be…
Anonymous 97181
>>97154My dad offered me a place to live for $400 a month. It was an entire condo/ loft that he owed and rented out. I was being stalked at the time and terrified of going outside for this stretch of time and couldn't hold a job. He kicked me out of there and fucking sold the place. I learned how to get by after I moved away and rent is insane now. Holy fuck it makes me mad thinking about it.
Anonymous 97186
Becoming friends with the wrong people and not cutting them out of my life as soon as they step on my morals.
I don't blame myself because how is a dumb sheltered 15 year old supposed to know but damn do I wish that I had never met many of the people I have. I also regret not being meaner in the past honestly.
Anonymous 97193
Not taking the time to process what the hell I want to do with my life BEFORE letting my parents talk me into jumping straight to college after high school. My god, I wish I just sat down and thought about my life first.
Anonymous 97285
I let my long distance fiance go back to his home country so we would do a K-9 visa instead of marrying him while he was here and adjusting his status. Corona lockdowns delayed those visas for so long I started to doubt if we would ever see each other again. We did close the distance and get married after the lockdown lifted but I wonder how our life would be if we were two years younger in our situation than we are now.
I also poorly managed my money until a couple years ago. I do proper budgeting now and penny pinch like crazy but I kick myself over the dumb shit I wasted money on. I really hope the tuition payback goes through, college was a waste of money for me.
Anonymous 97287
>>97285Millions of people including myself are in a similar scenario wrt the visa/LDR. Don't stress it. You'll look back on the covid era as being a test for your relationship
Anonymous 97288
>>97181your dad made you pay for a place he owns… men moment…
Anonymous 97303
>>97285What did you waste money on?
Anonymous 97312
dropping out of high school after experiencing a complete mental breakdown when i was on the road to receiving a scholarship due to my grades
Anonymous 97318
>>97193IDK how it is in other countries but in America the general sentiment of "if you don't go right to four-year college after graduating high school you are going to die naked in a ditch" has probably hurt more people than it helped. I'm nearly 2 decades removed from high school but still get so fucking mad whenever I think about how hard going to a REAL college was shilled to me.
Anonymous 97322
getting on psychiatric meds and wasting close to 3 years of life
Anonymous 97323
not getting a job sooner
i'm in my 20s and have 0 experience. nobody wants to hire me.
Anonymous 97342
>>97303Mostly books, manga, art supplies, and video games but also deli food and I never used to plan/budget groceries. It's easy to overspend on food especially if you're not cooking for yourself.
Entertainment is fine but don't buy stuff you're not going to use if it's still going to be available when you do eventually want it.
Anonymous 97391
>>97323Just start at an easy job. Lie on your resume and make shit up and do research about the job so you do it really well so nobody notices.
Anonymous 97428
I wish I wasted time and money getting a degree when I was 18 to at least have the credential. The kind of work I do doesn't require a degree but it would have given me so many opportunities to have one, especially since I want to emigrate to another country in the future. I don't want to spend that kind of money on something that won't get me a job I like when I could use my money to travel or do literally anything else
Anonymous 97940
I had an interview recently and I forgot about it. I had already done most of the interview on Friday, and just forgot there was one more person I had organized to talk with on Monday. I realized 15 minutes into the scheduled time when I saw my note about the time written down. Before that I was just sitting around, cleaning up. they called like immediately after I realized I fucked up. I’m going to not get this job because I can’t stay organized, idk what’s wrong with me.
Anonymous 97941
>>97154>it’s over sharing on non-anonymous online platforms and forumsI relate to this. I regret voicing my opinion to people where it's written and evidenced. I'm afraid someone will use it to try and "cancel" me someday, but I love my friends and hope they won't rat me out. /
Anonymous 97943
>>97154Doing cosmetology school and have a catholic lady trying to convert me. I was pretty sheltered so I didn’t know what to do in social situations with older people and this one lady tried to control me since I was so gullible and lost at mentally. TW; I ended up trying to take my life and eventually when I told her she said I was a coward for doing it.
I liked beauty and things related to it, but it was never really my environment to begin with. And this lady made me fear that there’s more people like that out there in that industry.