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How do i stop the self deprecating talk around my new friends Anonymous 97440

Ive had a rough upbringing and growing up I exhibited a lot of unhinged traits. Growing up its all mellowing out, but the shame and sadness about how my 22 years of life were so far is still there and it comes out around these people in the form of extreme deprecating way of talking about myself and just completely talking shit about myself. I dont want my friends to think im fishing for compliments (because im not, I genuinely think this way) and I don’t want to give them exact information of my weaknesses either. I cant seem to stop…

Anonymous 97441


Oh I am bad at this too. I'm too easy of a target for myself. We need to be kind to ourselves or we will drown in self pity. Maybe try complimenting yourself in private to start. Try looking towards the things you have accomplished. I struggle with negative talk. Try changing your language to positive words?

Anonymous 97442

That sounds so hard, im deep in self loathing

Anonymous 97458


It's going to take conscious effort every time you interact with another person. It would help you most to change your attitude about yourself, I know it's hard but watch some youtube videos about improving your attitude or positive affirmations. Even if it's not your thing, it can still help to get you in the habit of changing your thinking. Until you gain more confidence just remember that people who choose to be friends with you most likely don't gaf about your self-perceived flaws, and they really don't want to hear you talk down about yourself. If nothing else, be kind to yourself for your friends' sake.

Anonymous 97459


I used to have a similar problem, this is lame but iI tried to stop because I saw a tik tok dood saying how he started making sarcastic self aggrandising jokes rather than deprecating ones which tricked his brain into thinking more positively about himself (similar to how they say if you joke about a fetish too much you'll end up with said fetish)

An I gotta say lass it kinda worked, the jokes felt a bit forced at first but I got a lot more comfortable with it after a while and they seemed to be better recieved by others than the self deprecating jokes.

Good luck anon I hope you realise that you are not a piece of shit but in fact THE shit xoxo

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