
What Are Your Long-term Goals, Dreams and Aspirations? Anonymous 99362
Anonymous 99377
someday, I'm going to have horses again, and we'll disappear into a national park and never be heard from again
Anonymous 99381
I want to be a nutritionist. I want a friend group that I can have fun together with, I want people who I love and love me, and a cozy apartment with maximalist decor. I want to have a healthy and beautiful body. I want my life to be filled with beautiful sights, beautiful clothes, beautiful foods, and beautiful flowers ❀.
Anonymous 99382
I want to buy a pretty apartment and also get really good at painting.
I'd like to get better social skills as well.
Other than that I reached a lot of my goals already.
Anonymous 99401
I want some friends. I have none irl or online and it's lonely.
I'd also like to have a child. I want to help nurture and support somebody as they become their own person. But even though I'm an adult I'm very inexperienced and kind of dumb in general so I'm not sure I would be a good mom.
Anonymous 99404
My goal is to move to Canada and escape this hellhole, work with computers or maybe if I get REALLY lucky have a career that includes psychology in it, even though I'll always prefer to have a comfy job at home. I just want a nice apartment with two cats and a partner and be able to pay rent and afford food, that's literally all.
Anonymous 99456
>>99404That's pretty much my goal too, except I don't want a partner if I move to another country. I would add having enough money to keep my artistic hobbies and that would be my perfect life.
I already have my psychology degree and I would love to work there
Anonymous 99462
>>99456This is so amazing!! I strive to be like that, one day I hope I can finally start being able to afford my hobbies and stuff, but I don't think I'll ever be able to reach that because I do want to be a mother honestly but I'm really not sure ^_^
Anonymous 99497

Have as much fun as i can until i kill myself.
Anonymous 99565
>graduate undergrad
>go to b-school or law school
Most of my dreams atm are academic but I would also like to be financially stable. Also, pad up my resume with internships.
Anonymous 99566
have kids, have the strength to bring someone else into this world. i think years of anorexia has made me infertile though
Anonymous 100474
my dream is to rid myself of pesky people around me and finally achieve peace :) also start a family :) and not have people threaten to kill me on a daily basis or have any people i dont enjoy interacting with trying to come into my life and make me into something im not :)
Anonymous 100492

become mental health nurse,get a tubal ligation because i am terrified of pregnancy, adopt a few kids, live on some land and have a little animal sanctuary, interact with as little moids as possible outside of work and moid of my choosing.
radiation and nuclear stuff is my special interest too so i’d like to visit chernobyl
Anonymous 115480
I'm trying to grow an apple tree