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Conflicted Anonymous 99685

Need opinions and this seems like an appropriate thread to ask.

A young, short guy moved in with a member of my friend group. He's got cute, delicate features, he's soft and gentle and kind. He's also smart but jaded about relationships, been hurt in the past apparently. I haven't talked to him about it, just been doing recon.

I can't tell if he's interested in me, he doesn't put himself out there romantically and seems indifferent about the idea of a relationship. Among our mutual female friends, there's a rumour he was sexually abused but so far no one feels close enough to him to ask him about it. "He reacts coldly to physical contact" seems to be the only evidence for this.

I feel like I'm falling for him, but I don't usually go for cute guys shorter than me. (I'm 5'8" he's probably 5'2" - 5'4") My type is a gymbro. Am I considering this because of pity? Is it because he is showing no interest in me? Both of these don't seem like healthy reasons to pursue a relationship.

On the other hand, he is witty, we share a similar (dark) sense of humour and several interests. He's got big, sad, grey eyes. My worry is a lot of his attraction comes from the mystery and I will lose interest as soon as I get to know him.

Thoughts? Questions? Concerns?

Anonymous 99686

>A young, short guy
>He's got cute, delicate features, he's soft and gentle and kind.
>He's also smart
>he is witty
>He's got big, sad, grey eyes.
Give him to me. He sounds like the perfect cute sub boy who exists only in my dreams.
>He reacts coldly to physical contact
Imagine him crying as you rob him of his sweet little virginity.

Anonymous 99687

Why do you like femboys? They are all gay

Anonymous 99688

>Is it because he is showing no interest in me?
Yep, in small or large part likely. I do this and hate myself for it. I'm trying to change my ways.

Anonymous 99689


He's not exactly feminine but certainly not manly. I would describe him as boyish. But I wouldn't describe any 3d male as a femboy.

Seeing him cry would break my heart, not turn me on.

What is your technique/practice for changing this and is it successful? Asking for a friend…
and myself.

Anonymous 99690

sounds like he has issues and hangups. avoid imo. boys like that are better friends than lovers

Anonymous 99691

I'm the Nona who gives attention to shitty men who don't give me back.

I've always done it and this is just a recent revelation. I'm getting older and can't keep doing this shit. You are likely much younger than me and have the capacity for young moid bullshit… it's probably how I'm wired. Wanting who I "can't have." Well the truth is I could have him, he's just a dick who doesnt talk to me. I know some will purposefully ignore you to seem aloof and mysterious. Mine tend to just be stupid dumbasses who are terrible at longterm communication

Sorry this reply didn't really go anywhere… it just boils down finding someone who gives you attention and care because you deserve it, Nona. We all do. Can't waste so much time chasing people who don't care about us.

Anonymous 99720

It's clear you have some kind of affinity or connection with him, though as you say that doesn't need to be romantic. How do you feel when you fantasise about him physically?

Assuming you are physically attracted to him as well, then I'd say just ask him out. Not like you need to be sure of your attraction to someone to date them - you'd just be exploring your feelings toward each other. If you're worried about hurting him should your feelings disappear, well that's really his responsibility. It's always a risk in dating and I'm sure he's aware of that. All you can do is tell him you'd like to spend time together, just the two of you, and let the chips fall where they may.

Anonymous 100212

Don't do it. You've said yourself he isn't physically your type, and its likely you only want him because you can't have him.

Let him go and find someone who actually reciprocates your feelings.

Anonymous 100250

But most men are fucking ugly anon.

Anonymous 100295

This, cherish a boy while he is cute

Anonymous 100298

>Imagine him crying as you rob him of his sweet little virginity.
Someone else already did it according to OP's theory

Anonymous 101182


Anonymous 101183

>I can't tell if he's interested in me, he doesn't put himself out there romantically and seems indifferent about the idea of a relationship.

Sounds avoidant. Stay away. Just because someone's a manlet doesn't mean they'll be remotely grateful for you taking interest in them - that's not how moids work.

Anonymous 101266

Damn nona, I was thinking the same! Never got to date a boy my height and I love to see men cry

Anonymous 101271

Why not both? Marry him and suck Chad's pp together, 98% chance he will be into it

Anonymous 101277

this thread is full of trannies, disgusting.

Anonymous 101295

Cope moid, no one wants ugly balding old scrotes. Girls like youthful men who look like anime boys.

Anonymous 101298

the problem there is that aging is a thing and 90% of short men age like shit, don't pursue someone romantically if you plan to drop them when they stop looking young, actual closet pedo behavior

Anonymous 101345

So whoever likes pre-wall men is a pedo and whoever likes fucking grandpas is normal? Go back to your coquette lana del rey hellhole.

Anonymous 101369


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