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Fathers Anonymous 99833

Why are dads so fucked up sometimes? My dad straight up admitted his life was ruined by having a daughter. He's let it slip so often and I've cried about it before. This is like the fifth time and I haven't cried at least. I think it just finally sunk in my dad wishes I was never born. I've just been staring blank-faced at my ceiling this whole night. I'm not even that bad of a kid. I struggled in school I guess when I was younger. I have no bf (he has always talked bad of slutty girls), I work, etc. I feel empty more than anything. I just wish my dad could love me. I'm so sad.

Anonymous 99836

I'm sorry, Nona. Glad you are tough about it though.

Anonymous 99909

It's unfortunate but you have to realize that a shitty father isn't the basis of your existence. You can wish all you want but if he doesn't care then fuck him.
You go off and be happy.

Anonymous 100069

I'm so happy for you, anon! I'm glad youe biodad turned out like this. Wishing you a good relationship with him going forward.

Anonymous 100077

My dad doesn’t like me, but he pays my tuition and rent so idc.

Anonymous 100122

My father transferred all his pathetic neuroses to me then halfassed his suicide so badly he achieved nothing but mild retardation. Thanks for the cautionary tale, dad.

Anonymous 100174

That seems mean
It doesn't look like you did anything bad

Anonymous 100907

Wtf why do racists date or marry out if they hate them so much

Anonymous 100919

be happy you ruined a worthless scrote's life, proceed to make your own better than his out of spite

Anonymous 100936

This is honestly such good advice and I needed to hear it. Thanks.

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