Anonymous 10128
>easy to do
>both comfy and elegant
>makes your face look slimmer
>looks good regardless of your hair color
High bun is the best, how can other hairstyles even compete?
Anonymous 10131

I like the high bun, but I prefer the sleek/military low bun. Looks elegant on a lot of women.
Anonymous 10132
>>10131I like it too, but it doesn't slenderize your face. On the other hand it's better when you don't want to look to tall. Also, another advantage of all buns is that they make it much more dificult to pull your hair
Anonymous 10134
I have found this only looks cute on certain people. If you have a lot of hair, it easily looks too overpowering, and on thin hair, it can look turdy. Plus, it can look poodle-y. My point is, it's pretty when executed right, but it's harder to execute on the average person.
I prefer the chignon like >>10131; I think it's more flattering on any face type.
Anonymous 10137
>makes your face look slimmer
not if your face is a fucking square
Anonymous 10138
how do you make wearing up your hair look good without shaving that sideburn hair all the time? My hair is thick and it's so ugly
Anonymous 10140

Only works if you have a very feminine face. I tried it out once and looked like pic-related but without the beard.
Anonymous 10147
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>>10128No its not "the best". Thats a pretty character you got there thats why it looks nice.
Anonymous 10149
it just makes my head look pointy and my ears unnaturally long.
having a diamond face is suffering.
Anonymous 10168
How to do a high bun? I'm lazy and never learnt how to do my hair.
Usually just put it in a ponytail or leave it down
Anonymous 10174
>>10168fold the hair twice on itself after the pony tail lol. Thats it.
Anonymous 10191
For the high bun to be elegant and pretty, it needs to be very specifically executed otherwise you just look like you just got out of bed. It's not face slimming if you don't already have a slim face. It's not easy either, unless you AREN'T going for the elegant look in which case you just toss it up.
I have been doing the high bun for years and it's mostly just to get my hair out of my face, and it's extremely difficult to make it look somewhat put-together and nice. Usually I just look homeless. On the rare occasions it works well though, it can be really beautiful.
Anonymous 10195
The high bun is terrible. Only extremely beautiful women look good with it, and those women would look even better with nearly any other haircut.