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Growing out hair Anonymous 10659

Does anyone have tips for keeping your hair healthy as you grow it out? My hair is almost at my butt, but I’ve noticed I get a lot of split ends even though I try to cut them.

Anonymous 10660

I like to apply a DIY mask to my hair once every month or so to help keep it soft and prevent split ends. I use one egg yolk and one cup of mayonnaise, whisk it together, apply it to my hair, and then leave it on under a shower cap for at least thirty minutes.

Another thing I can recommend to keep it healthy is to condition a lot. I only shampoo twice a week or so, but I use conditioner every time.

Anonymous 10661

Friction causes split ends for me. I also make diy hair masks just like the anon above but with avocado too.

Anonymous 10662

Back when I used to keep my hair long, I used to make hair masks from hibiscus leaves. Just stick them in a blender and it makes this really slimy goo. It leaves your hair feeling super soft and moisturized. I recommend washing with cold water, as heat damages hair and because hair is made from dead cells, the damage never really get repaired (except when the hair grows out and gets replaced).
Also, you can get rid of split ends without having to make your hair shorter by twisting your hair and just trimming the ends which stick out.

Anonymous 10664

Don't use any heat products at all. No hairdryer, let hair air dry.

Use the conditioner that comes with home hair dye, it is the strongest. They sell it separately.

Use sulphate free shampoo - look up the product list on r/curlyhair.

Don't pile your hair on your head when you wash it as it causes tangles.

Don't brush wet hair.

Sleep on a silk pillowcase and only use silk hair bands.

Keep your hair in a loose plait when not going anywhere to stop it getting tangled and needing brushed more.

Have someone you trust trim a few centimetres offf your hair every few months. Don't go to a hairdresser, they are always obsessed with cutting long hair short for some reason.

Tie your hair up and wear a hat when in the sun to avoid it getting dried out.

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