
Big breasts thread Anonymous 11662
Who here /titcow/?
There is a small breast thread, so I thought we could make one too to discuss our ailments/blessings.
>Do you like having big breasts?
>Would your change your breast size? Have you ever considered surgery?
>How has it affected you growing up? Any bad experiences with moids? Any nastiness from other girls?
>Has anyone ever made assumptions about your personality/character/libido because of your breasts?
>Do you consider any types of clothing a no-no because of your breasts?
>Any favourite bra brands or types?
>Any perceived advantages?
Also don't forget to self-check for lumps. Goes for our itty bitty sisters too.
Anonymous 11663
koko strapless.jpg

I will start.
>Do you like having big breasts?
I hated it throughout my entire teens and even early 20s but now I think I finally came to terms with it and can even appreciate them. The fact that I have a bf who adores them definitely helps.
>Would your change your breast size? Have you ever considered surgery?
I have considered a reduction, but after seeing the scars and post-op recovery I decided against it. I am very glad I didn't do it now.
>How has it affected you growing up? Any bad experiences with moids? Any nastiness from other girls?
I think it contributed to my shyness and hurt my self-esteem. I got my breasts very early and was always aware of how big they were and how much attention they got. I never had much contact with boys, but whenever I had to I knew I would end up hearing some gross comment one way or another. I have started hearing disgusting pick-up lines from old men on the street as soon as I hit puberty, they wouldn't even care if my mom was there too.
Jealousy from other girls has also been an issue in the past. I have had girls making "boob size" lists to embarass me, outright insulting me for it, calling me "fat" even though I never was, calling me a "slut", comparing me to pornstars, adult teachers shaming me and making me cover my chest with oversized jumpers…the list of shitty experiences goes on. Now I am old enough to realize it was all salt and coping on their part but at the time it was tough.
>Has anyone ever made assumptions about your personality/character/libido because of your breasts?
Yes, see above.
>Do you consider any types of clothing a no-no because of your breasts?
I have avoided strapless and backless tops because of the bras, but I have found a potential strapless bra that might work (pic related) so I might try them this summer. I also avoid deep cleavages and prefer taking advantage of them with tight clothing instead. I avoid all cheap lingerie brands as they seem to function on a big cup = big band basis. Thin people with big boobs exist.
>Any favourite bra brands or types?
Panache. Literally the only sports bra that works. Hunkemoller has some cute big sizes with small bands too.
>Any perceived advantages?
I think they look good and squishy. It's easy to make simple outfits and basic cuts work.
Anonymous 11665
my boobs bounce too much on the bus and it's really painful but I have to be careful holding them to stop the bounce, because if a hobo sees me touching my boobs he might try to rape me and I don't think my pepper spray will work on someone high on bath salts.
Anonymous 11670
>>11662>Do you like having big breasts?they felt so useless and stupid when i was in middle and highschool, but now i am trying to accept them and work my way around them.
>Would your change your breast size? Have you ever considered surgery?i think in a moment of weakness, i did wish i didnt have any boobs when i was younger because it felt weird when i used to run (without a bra because i didnt realized i even needed one lol) and it made me insecure, but i never considered surgery.
>How has it affected you growing up? Any bad experiences with moids? Any nastiness from other girls? I was frumpy and in the background a lot. The only thing I can really remember though was when I was with my friends and they were talking about having a flat chest. I remember agreeing with them, but then they just stared at me. This was during a time my breasts were just starting to grow and everyone noticed them but me :/
>Has anyone ever made assumptions about your personality/character/libido because of your breasts?i dont think so, then again i was always quiet and frumpy when i used to go outside (pre-covid)
>Do you consider any types of clothing a no-no because of your breasts?turtle necks and anything strapless.
>Any favourite bra brands or types? During covid i was able to discover minimizer bras. There are some that feel weird, but in general i like how they make me look and feel.
>Any perceived advantages?no major ones so far. But when I am alone i like to lie down and put a cup of juice with a straw on my boobs and just take lil sips as i watch a movie or play a game. i do it often because
Anonymous 11671
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>Do you like having big breasts?
Yes, along with my hair it's my favorite thing about my body.
>Would your change your breast size?
Honestly? I'd rather go bigger than smaller.
>Have you ever considered surgery?
I've thought about It when It was younger, but I was too scared of regreting it later.I've never hated them, I always loved the good parts of having big breasts and since I've learned to love them it was the right decision.
>How has it affected you growing up? Any bad experiences with moids? Any nastiness from other girls?
I think they are the only reason why I wasn't systematically bullied during highschool, even if I was bullied a bit because of them. Some girls did say I was fat and stuff like that which… wasn't 100% incorrect, but I wasn't that fat, and many of them were, so I think most of them were jealous of me.
When It comes to moids, some of them were really shameless about talking about them, and I do know about some stuff that they used to say like "how can a girl with those breasts be so retard", but I didn't care that much. Thank god none of them ever grabbed my breasts.
I should mention that there was a girl with gigantic breasts in my school that was all around gorgeous toi, so I didn't receive that much of attention thanks to her. People sometimes compared us, saying how even I looked small when compared to her, but she was in the center, and she seemed to like it.
>Has anyone ever made assumptions about your personality/character/libido because of your breast
Yes. A biology teacher once said that "girls with huge breasts tend to lose their virginity earlier" because moids pick on them first, the usual stuff. Everyone knew the other girls with big breasts weren't virgins so one of the flat girls that I think were jealous asked me in the front of the whole class If I was a virgin (I was). I didn't answer, but I almost cried. Turns out that I find sex pretty boring overall even if I enjoy having It once in a while, but that's maybe because most of the moids I've dated are bad at sex.
>Any favourite bra brands or types?
Yes, but I live in a shithole, so most of you don't know any of the brands.
>Any perceived advantages?
Other than it's funny to have something soft and warm to squeeze once in a while? Well, as I said I find sex pretty boring most of the time. Knowing that I can just quickly give my man a titjob that he'll enjoy just as much as something that demands more work (and what's even better, I don't need to hear about anal sex requests, quite common where I live) is something that I like. Also, when it comes to my personal preference I do find big ones prettier.
Anonymous 11672

>Do you like having big breasts?Not really, but it doesn't bother me either.
>Would your change your breast size? Have you ever considered surgery?If I could magically change them I might shrink them down a few cup sizes so I could fit clothes better, but it wouldn't be worth getting surgery.
>How has it affected you growing up? Any bad experiences with moids? Any nastiness from other girls?Honestly, the sexual attention bothered me so much that I tried to troon out. I ended up developing really bad posture from trying to hide my breasts too. I don't know whether or not I got negative attention from other girls though because I'm an autist.
>Has anyone ever made assumptions about your personality/character/libido because of your breasts?Don't know. I mostly dress to hide them so I'm not sure if people around me actually know how big they are and like I said I'm too autistic to know what other people think about me unless they say it outright to my face.
>Do you consider any types of clothing a no-no because of your breasts?Yeah, no crew neck shirts, tops that can't fit a bra without it showing, and anything cut so that your boobs have a specific place they go (like pic rel)
>Any favourite bra brands or types? I think balconettes are super cute, but not very comfy. I also really like japanese style bras with lots of lace and bows, but I've never found any that fit hucows. I like to buy uniqlo bralettes and get them tailored so the band fits properly.
>Any perceived advantages?It's more conventionally attractive and balances out my hips, so it's nice for going out clubbing or for dating. (not that I actually do either of those things)
>>11671>Yes. A biology teacher once said that "girls with huge breasts tend to lose their virginity earlier" because moids pick on them first, the usual stuff. Everyone knew the other girls with big breasts weren't virgins so one of the flat girls that I think were jealous asked me in the front of the whole class If I was a virginThat's so weird and inappropriate, wtf?
Anonymous 11673
>>11672Some people are just mean, anon. I had some terrible teachers, my geography teacher for instance loved telling us racist jokes, so that biology teacher was just one among many others.
I should mention that this was somehow a watershed moment however. I already knew some of these girls were jealous, but that helped me tô realize I was literally renting free in the head of some of them, which made me feel desired. I was indeed considered attractive to them, so the bullying actually boosted my self-confidence. As I've stated in my other posts I always found big breasts beautiful, what I didn't know was that they made me more attractive too.
Anonymous 12193
Why did this thread get fewer replies than the other one?
Anonymous 12195
>>12193Non obese women have B/C cups on average, im guessing that most girls here are younger and younger people tend to be a healthier weight, there arent many girls with big boobs.
Anonymous 12200

>>12193 The stereotype among men online (and many women who spend time around those type of men) is that women here are fat but there’s enough anachan-lite posting here to let an observant viewer know otherwise.
Hell, I’m pretty sure I’m one of the fattest people on here. Boobs are proportional to my size though so I’m not udder-maxed or anything.
Personally, I think many of the bigboobed anons are recent migrants from Redshit and hi cow. Fucking Stacies
jk pls don’t leave sage but have big boobie anime mom
Anonymous 12201
>>12195I mean what's really considered big? I feel like C-D cup tier anons are in this weird middle that if they're around people who have fixations on extremely large fat breasts on large and fat female bodies, those women are probably going to be called flat chested, where as if you're around very skinny girls who have B cups you'll probably get called large chested
Anonymous 12202
>>12193I can think of three reasons.
1 If you have large breasts, chances that you need imageboard support is smaller since you tend to be more desired and a higher self esteem.
2 Since larger breasts are more desired, the perception of "big" and "small" is overall controversial. Above average is not optimal for societal standards, and as a result most women average breasts tend to think they have in fact small breasts. It's like height for moids: 5'10'' is above the average American male, but it's still considered "short" by many.
3 For some reason users with bigger breasts decided to not post, or they didn't see this thread.
Anonymous 12210

>>12202Tbh the fixation on large boobs is almost exclusively a western thing, and possibly related, exclusive to countries with high obesity rated.
Not saying there aren't men in Asia or anything who like big boobs or idealize it, but the extreme push to get the biggest tits possible is almost exclusively American and British. Anyone who's lived in several parts of the world knows this
Besides, from what I've seen most subreddits, magazines, internet boards, etc most women have sizes like pic related, there are some with bigger are smaller but the most posted ones seem to be B-D cups unless you're in a place that is specifically asking for large or small breasts
Anonymous 12211
>>12210Is it true that gravure models go on hormones to make their boobs bigger?
Anonymous 12212
>>12211Wouldn't know BUT I do know that japanese porn is big on prosthetics, like those breastplates cosplayers wear but more natural looking. Prosthetics boobs, prosthetic nipples, prosthetics dicks. That's also why you see so many of those weird nipple fucking pornos from Japan
Anonymous 12213
>>12212I did not know they made any live action versions of nipple fucking. Jesus. How couldn't that trigger tryptophobia in men? Not everything should have a fucking hole in it.
Anonymous 12214
>>12213I feel like a lot of it was just porn directors and stuff just fucking around with the prosthetics but moids being the mindless coomers they are jumped on it anyway because daddy porn told us it was hot
I'm glad porn is dying out at least, it's be dystopic as fuck it that became more common and the average woman was expected to enjoy and provide their nipples to get fucked in, they already do this with our poop holes
Anonymous 12215
>>12214In which universe do you live where porn is dying out, and how can I get there immediately?
Anonymous 12216
>>12210People in China, Korea and Japan are even more obsessed with huge breasts than the western world, actually. The fact that there are fewer Asian ladies with huge breasts makes them even more insecured about smaller breasts than Americans.
Anonymous 12217
>>12216I said there's people that like it but it's not mainstream, if it was we would see the average japanese model or porn star almost exclusively having huge boobs
Anonymous 12218
>>12217I'm not the most educated person in porn, but most JAV actress I know (Anri, Hitomi, Kaho, among a few others) are a lot bigger than the average western porn actress.
Anonymous 12220
>>12193I don't really have anything to say that probably isn't already news to other titcows. I REALLY hate the common sentiment of "boob jail" and praising being braless like all women just want their tits to be free. These suckers are locked up at all hours since they came in and I like it that way.
Also I'm regularly seething about cute tops being unwearable. I didn't browse the small boob thread specifically because any of their complaints would set me off about it haha.
Anonymous 12274
>>12220That thread was pretty chill overall, actually. Just like on this one most users there seem to be happy with their sizes. Now, there are some threads on /b/ with lots of self-hate coming from women with small breasts.
Anonymous 12276
>>12274I think it was just moids trying to neg women
Anonymous 12277
>>12276Yeah, I also thought about that. Same with the "all women with big breasts are morbid obese" posts.
Anonymous 12282
>>12277Where was these posts? I kept up with the boob threads but I never saw that
Anonymous 12285
>>12282It was a thread on /b/ a while ago. It's gone now though, since it was filled with shitflinging and bait posts from moids.
Anonymous 12287
>>11662Does anyone else get this problem where you buy a cute bra or swimsuit r whatever and when it arrives you see it has loads of padding? It's so annoying because then what, you have to cut out the padding? Wear it and look ridiculous?!?!?
Anonymous 12293
>>12287Yeah, I assume it's because of the whole "there's never such thing as too big" deal which is why so many girls who already have big boobs end up using techniques to make them even bigger (two bras, push ups, bra inserts, etc). Just feels extremely ingenuine,esp when those girls complain about having big boobs
Anonymous 12543
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>Do you like having big breasts?
Sometimes it's more comfy than being flat, othertimes I wish I could run or jump…
>Would you change your breast size? Have you ever considered surgery
I think I would keep my breasts the same size.
>How has it affected you growing up? Any bad experiences with moids? Any nastiness from other girls?
Introverted as fuck so haven't had a chance to be bullied. Sometimes I would be insecure about my chest looking fat.
>Has anyone ever made assumptions about your personality/character/libido because of your breasts?
Thankfully not, although online friends have made fun of me for being "flat"???
>Any favorite bra brands or types?
Sports bras are the way to go, I can't do tiny straps, super annoying.
>Any perceived advantages
It could be perceived to make me seem more womanly/friendly/motherly.
Anonymous 12600
>breasts look 10/10 when I am wearing a bra, a bikini or anything low-cut
>also look like garbage when I'm naked
Anyone else have a similar problem? I think it's because my left breast is far bigger than the right breast. My SO says he doesn't care as long as I can fully envelop him (he seems to like breast sex more than penetrative sex), but I wanted than to have a better shappe for me.
Anonymous 12601
>>12600Most boobs look weird in general anon, I feel like most girls who are smaller or larger than B-D cups will have "weird" looking boobs, bodies are weird
Anonymous 12602
>>11662Having big boobs is the only thing i like about myself
although there was this time at the fair where the safety bar couldnt come down far enough bc of my boobs
Anonymous 12618
>>11662>Do you like having big breasts?Back pain, weight distribution, and sensitivity. Not really tbh.
>Would your change your breast size? Have you ever considered surgery?I'm getting them reduced once lockdown is over. My bf was devastated to the point of crying in public when I told him. Not a good sign.
>How has it affected you growing up? Any bad experiences with moids? Any nastiness from other girls?High school was weird because I got constant stares from boys and male teachers, and also some younger girls. Girls my age treated me pretty badly and called me a cow and my breasts 'udders'.
>Has anyone ever made assumptions about your personality/character/libido because of your breasts?Moids tend to assume (or hope) I'm dtf, even when I tell them I'm taken. Some girls also assume I'm a bimbo.
>Do you consider any types of clothing a no-no because of your breasts?Bikinis. I look so oddly proportioned in them.
>Any favourite bra brands or types?Curvy dot com dot au works for me. Good support. Not super cheap though.
>Any perceived advantages?It's sometimes nice to be stared at and to flaunt them
and because they're big but still sensitive, they have several good uses in the bedroom Anonymous 12619
>>11662i dont even know if my boobs are big or not anymore. to me they don't look big because they're shallow at the top and blah blah blah body dysmorphia. i constantly just ping pong to wishing they were A-B or wishing they were bigger, pain. they mostly only look sizeable in a bra, but also i'm so used to seeing them that who knows
>How has it affected you growing up? Any bad experiences with moids? Any nastiness from other girls?no moid attention b/c of baggy clothes mostly, but holy fuck were people in general nasty towards me otherwise, esp since due to neglect/poverty i didn't have a bra a lot of that time period. even my family would make comments about how i needed to get a reduction, when i was maybe 11-12. really fucked looking back on it as an adult, why would you make fun of a kid like that?
otherwise nowadays i do whatever i want, fuck it. i'm sure overtime it definitely led to my posture being horribe + back pain but it is what it is, surgery is scary and i'd rather not go down that slippery slope anyways, i'd rather just.. accept things
Anonymous 13010
Has anyone tried wearing a binder to make their chest temporarily smaller? I'm considering it since I have trouble finding buttoned shirts that fit well. Every binder I find is for trans and I'd rather support something intended for regular women.
I don't think I count as "big" but I didn't want to make a whole thread for this. Some people call my chest large though, so I don't know? I wear a 28F.
Anonymous 13011
>>13010I'm pretty sure 28F is quite big and it's a awesome size considering you're probably very slender too.
Anonymous 13015
>>13011I'm 28I/28HH and get called small here and there
Anonymous 13016

>>13011I think I don't have lots of breast volume but it looks bigger on me since my skeleton is really small regardless of my weight? Kind of like this image. I'm pretty short and my ribcage circumference is 26 inches, my mom and sister are average height so it's a weird development. 28F is the same cup volume as 34D and 36C just on a shorter band.
I used this tool's measurement style if anyone is interested:
https://abrathatfits.org/calculator.php Anonymous 13020
>>13015>>13016Maybe that's because you girls are all around small? I dunno, I consider myself big, but I'm definetely smaller than you and I'm seething with jealousy of you now.
Anonymous 13023
>>13020I notice some girls are bigger than me but they claim smaller sizes because they're measuring differently, so I wonder if that's what's going on. Have you gotten measured at a bra boutique before? I dunno what size you are but there's a lot of girls who get sized at Victoria's Secret or some mall-tier store and they often end up in sizes with bigger bands and smaller cups because the brands try to cram you into their size range to make a sale, even if you don't fit.
The calculator I linked is pretty good in my opinion, on par with or even better than some professional boutiques. It also has its own sub that explains a lot, I recommend it to all women
There is also a site called Bratabase where you can see non-sexual images of different sizes, and also see reviews on bras.
Anonymous 13044
>>13016I am 28F too and I see what you mean. I think that size is definitely bigger than average, but not as much as the number makes it seem. It looks disproportionate on a small frame. Since you're 28 I assume you're also pretty thin. I get the frustration with the tops not fitting but please don't bind. It is so unhealthy. Try going to specialized stores and getting a proper fitted bra. It will make everything seem much more flattering and it will probably even make your breasts look smaller since they're not spilling out or being squished together.
Anonymous 13050
>>13023I used the r/abrathatfits calculator and I've been professionally measured. 28I anon again. I use to wear way too small 28Fs just because i squished my boobs down too much when measuring my breasts. I also wear minimizers and am surrounded by fat people who often have boobs twice the volume in mine but not that much of a proportion difference and most people usually look at volume rather than ratio. Once I moved out of my obese hick town the flat chested comments completely ended. I also got out of a relationship with a porn sick scrote too
anyway - if you're not sure if your breasts are big or small def cut out insecure obese people + porn sick moids then determine it
Anonymous 13051
my breast size is 38B/38C they're not huge but they look bigger than that I'm not sure why. I did measure my size myself with the measuring tape and it matches with my bra size when I used to wear them.
Anonymous 13052
>>13051 and i used the calculator from here >>13916 and i have a 34DDD/G (US)/ 34E/F (UK), I've been measured first in a bra boutique and might have a point
>>13023 because all my bras were super tight, but even when I used self-measuring charts I still got C/B cups. weird.
guess now I'm officially a titcow. I need a minute to reanalyse all the years I lived thinking I had medium breasts
Anonymous 13059
>>13052There's this super prevalent but outdated method where you add 4 inches to your underbust measurement. There's some history about why it came into place but nowadays it persists mostly because of ignorance and because it helps brands cram more people into their size range. Basically ignore it, even if a brand says to +4 for a good fit, I haven't heard of any where that's reflected in the design of the bras. The bra industry is a mess.
I'm guessing that at 34E you're approximately 34 inch underbust and 40 inch bust, which is a 6 inch difference. Count 6 letters in the bra alphabet and you get E cup in UK sizing, so 34E.
But if you added 4 to the underbust, you have a "38 inch" underbust and a 40 inch bust, which is a 2 inch difference and thus a B cup, 38B. I hope that helps explain where this result came from
By the way UK sizing is recommended regardless of your country because it's the most consistent and it will be easier to find bras in your size of UK origin. UK letters go A B C D DD E F FF G GG H HH J JJ etc.
note that DD and E are not the same in UK even though they are in US Anonymous 13093

>>13059This. I'm a 28H and wearing the correct bra size made me realize how uncomfortable a lot of bras are since they have weird measurement systems instead of acknowledging most women have rib cages between 26-34 inches. That being said I most certainly can't fit into a 32C which is what I would be for the +4 band size. I got measured at Victorias secret once and they told me I was a 38B!! basically looked similar to picrel who was a 34F and was told by Victoria secret she was a 38B, not even close to a comfort Victoria secret bra size for me or here which would probably be a 34DD lol it's absolutely ridiculous and the reason why so many men and women have warped ideas of what boobs are supposed to look like
Pepper the bra company and the American girl puberty guide is also guilty of this. According to those then me, someone with breasts I have back problems from, would be a A-B cup like lol most certainly not
Anonymous 13135
>>13093I knew my boobs were "big" so I thought "big=D" and was walking around with C and D cups with huge bands like i was doing something kek. looking at pic related literally gave me pain.
Anonymous 13660
I sometimes wear padded bras even though my breasts are quite large. I dunno, guess that being even bigger makes me more secure and makes me feel more attractive.
Anonymous 13787
God yes. I can't remember what it's called but I think I have that thing where you make excess estrogen and your boobs get impractically large. To fit the requirements, your breasts had to be at least 3% of your weight, and mine were 12.5% of my weight. I'm a 53 L and have a normal BMI.
>Do you like having big breasts?
I used to hate it and thought my breasts were hideous because of the veins and inevitable drooping. But I've come to like it. They're almost like an accessory. Since mine are as large as they are, I also feel like they make me look unique.
>Would you change your breast size? Have you ever considered surgery?
I used to really want surgery so I could be a B or C cup. I was very fixated on having small boobs. Unless my back got so bad I couldn't do anything at all, I don't think I'd get surgery.
>How has it effected you growing up? Any bad experiences with moids? Any nastiness from other girls?
People always assumed I was way older than I was. I remember telling someone I was 12 and they thought I was 18. I had a man my dad's age hit on me when I was 11. Middle school was rough and boys sexualized me really intensely, and I wasn't old enough to really understand it so it was pretty overwhelming to go from class clown happy-go-lucky best bud to "that girl with the big tits" in a single year. Men are of course gross and tend to assume if your boobs are above a DDD that you are just asking for it. I posted a picture of myself in my work uniform (a t-shirt and jeans) and got messages asking me about my tits for a solid month. Most women aren't mean about it, but pick-mes or old conservative women very much are. I had some weird trump loving weeb girl on Facebook tell me I look like a man (in her words, because of my "enormous jaw", which I was super insecure about at the time but looking back it was such a fucking retarded issue because my face is literally just an oval with no angles to it) and that my boobs are disgusting and men prefer hers because hers are "pure muscle and perky". I had another girl do something similar but without the telling me I looked like a man aspect; she insisted I was lying about how often I get harassed because "she doesn't get harassed that often" (why would you want that?) and then told me I probably had giant pancake nipples. Old conservative women will act like I'm a whore if I wear anything short of a binder and a dress that goes up to my chin. When men act weird it annoys me and is gross, but I expect it from them and thus just completely avoid them. But when women act weird towards me, it gets to me a lot more.
>Has anyone ever made assumptions about you because of your breasts?
Definitely. Usually that I'm a whore or an evil harlotrous harpy. Sometimes that I'm stupid or a bimbo. Or some extra creepy online moid will start asking me how fertile I am.
>Do you consider any types of clothing a no-no because of your breasts?
Pretty much just any SUPER deep plunging neckline because I don't want to flash a nipple at someone. I don't like babydoll type tops because they make me look really wide since they just drape off my boobs.
>Any favorite bra brands or types?
Any bra that fits. I don't really get to be picky.
>Any perceived advantages?
They fill out a lot of shirts really well. You can also use them as a little table or a weapon too.
Anonymous 13790
>>13135I did the same fucking thing. I was like "well I definitely have big boobs and everyone online says DD is big so I'll wear DD". Then I got measured officially and I was an H cup. Now I'm an L after pregnancy.
Anonymous 13791
>>1378753L, at a normal BMI? ouch, you definitely should get the surgery because it could cause a ton of damage to ligaments, joints, etc, especially to your neck. if you go to a skilled breast reduction doctor it actually makes your boobs look way more attractive after since they shrink the areola and lift the breasts and keep a nice curvy proportion
I've went from a J cup and DD cup and had men think they were fake before from how symmetrical, round, and perky they looked despite size. It's a huge benefit both physically, and for your back and neck, please don't listen to weirdos who fetishize overly large breasts
Anonymous 13792
>>13791I do have chronic pain in my neck and sometimes my upper back will just go numb and tingle for a while. Stuff where I have to stand and look down (like cooking) can be painful and I hate bending over because it hurts my back. However, I'm kind of just used to it and it doesn't bother me much.
I'm not too concerned about looks and I'm definitely not keeping them for men, I'm more just so used to them it seems so weird to get rid of them I guess. but if the pain got to the point I couldn't ignore it I would want to fix it. I also don't have visible areolas anyways since I'm redheaded. I'm glad the reduction helped you so much. Most people I've known that got them look so much happier afterwards.
Anonymous 13793
>>13792I understand but this going on for a while can cause a lot of issue, if you don't want to get a BR I'd definitely recommend seeing a chiropractor regularly, prolonged stress on your bones and joints can cause lots of damage and cause things like stress fractures and all kinds of other scary stuff, it is weird to see yourself differently but this is the only body you have and I promise you if you don't take care of it you don't want to be living in and out of hospitals when you're older
Anonymous 13801
>>13787That's really cool that you maintain such a positive and open-minded attitude about it despite people being nasty to you! A lot of people either hate themselves or they delve deep into fetishist mentalities to cope, it's nice that you have a balanced outlook
>To fit the requirements, your breasts had to be at least 3% of your weightWhat's an average %? Mine are loosely estimated to be around 2%. I feel like I have really soft and not-dense breast tissue though.
Anonymous 13803
>>13793a chiropractor is a really good idea. and you are right.
>>13801Thank you! I try to maintain a mindset that how other people see is not my responsibility or something I can control, especially when it comes to something I can't even help anyways without shelling out a bunch of money. I'm not sure what an average % is to be honest. The average breast size if you're not overweight is like a C cup I think, and that's maybe like…1 pound total? So not much. I have dense breast tissue on top of them being large, so they weigh a lot even for their size.
Anonymous 13827
>>13787Please, don't creat an onlyfans to share your blessings with moids, they don't deserve it and no money can buy it.
Anonymous 13845

>>13827>blessingsNo offense or anything, but trying to promote the idea having breasts that are painful is attractive does more harm than good
Anonymous 13846
>>13845God forbid someone is happy with their body, right?
Anonymous 13847
>>13846You can be happy with your body without fetishizing an unhealthy body type. How would you feel if a woman came in saying her BMI was 12 and everyone said she was "blessed"? Some people can naturally be extreme but it's not healthy and it certainly shouldn't be sold to women as the best body type women can possibly have. I say this as someone with large breasts
Anonymous 13850
>>13845Those aren't L-cups, and you can be healthy with huge breasts, all you have to do is work out enough. Trust me, there are far worse things for your health that you do on a dialy basis. Anyway, I know what you want, and you're not getting it from me.
Anonymous 13852
>>13845Unless you're a lesbian/bi with huge breasts fetish I can't think one one singe good reasons why you would have this image saved.
Anonymous 13853
>>13852>why would anyone ever google something to post a related image???>>13850Chronic pain doesn't seem healthy to me. Accusing me of being malicious or something isn't going to help. If having extremely large breasts was healthy why do so many doctors advise against women getting XL implants and advise women with macromastia to get a reduction for the sake of their health?
Anonymous 13854
>>13787How are you measuring this anon? If you're a normal BMI a 52 band size wouldn't fit you and would be way too big, a 52 inch rib cage seems abnormally large
Anonymous 13859
>>13847"Unhealthy"? Anon didn't inflate her boobs with giant implants or anything, anon. It's her natural body, and she didn't choose to have it. If she thinks the back pain is more worth it than a breast reduction (which she might not even be able to afford, and it's also a non-trivial surgery which can leave her with pain as well), then there's nothing wrong with coming to terms with it and feeling good about it. Your comparison to anorexia, a mental disorder, is completely inadequate.
I for one think red-headed big titty anon sounds hot af.
Anonymous 13861
>>13859And? Plenty of very skinny women never asked to look the way they do. No one's saying she can't feel good, just trying to advertise extreme proportions as ideal has never once worked in anyone's favor. I never said she had breast implants either, health can also be determined by features you can't help and if you have chronic pain because of any oversized part it's simply not healthy and shouldn't be advertised to women as a body type they need to strive for
Anonymous 13862
>>13861Ah, I see what is happening here. Well, I won't take the bait. I'll just say that no one here tried to make the point that L-cups would be "the ideal", and you should probably think about why you interpreted it that way. Peace.
Anonymous 13863
>>13859 NTA and I do hate when people pull this card but I honestly think big titty anon -might- be a scrote, not saying that as 100% truth or anything, constant mentioning of L cups throughout this thread and others, mentioning they're redheaded with pale nipples when no one even asked (?), talking about their body constantly, bra sizes not adding up for someone claiming to be a normal BMI, also 12% of the body weight? And she insists on not doing anything to improve it? That makes no sense especially considering world records and things like that, and I'm sure world record holders don't post anonymously about their tits none stop on an imageboard that's constantly being raided by men. Just my two cents so don't get butthurt
>Inb4 why would people lie on the internet??? Anonymous 13864
>>13862Someone comes in talking about their bra size and the amount of problems it gives them and then immediately starts getting told they have blessings and are too good for men, imagine if you had a body part that was giving you pain and people just fetishized it and put it above all others. That's the issue. You know that her boobs are hurting her and you fetishize it.
Anonymous 13865
>>13863Anon is not even close to the world record of 102ZZZ. L is not unbelievable for gigantomasty, which is probably her condition. It's also very common for women to wear wrong bra sizes, as you've seen in this thread. Also it could be a European or French band size, where a 52 wouldn't be impossible (actually very small).
I find it unlikely that she's a moid given her post
>>13787. This was too close home to my experience as someone with big (but not gigantomasty) breasts.
Anonymous 13866
>>13865 moids has successfully larped before by imitating other women's experiences so it's not impossible, plenty of other world records relating to such still exist and women like that often get news articles, medical journal papers, etc, either way it's obviously an extremely rare thing to happen and it's not the first time people have lied about their body being extremely out of proportion via internet boards, why do people think this doesn't happen? hell for a while every girl and their moms was claiming to have 56-25-56 proportions on lolcow, last time I checked the average imageboard user isn't shaped with curvier proportions than less than 1% of the population
Anonymous 13867
>>13866L cups are not extremely rare anon. We're not even sure about her band size, so it's likely that it's not even that. I also struggle to think why anyone would LARP the way she did.
Anyway, anon, LARPer or not, ultimately said she likes her breasts and the back pain isn't unbearable for now. So I don't see why she should chop them off…for some anon's comfort?
Anonymous 13868
>>13867 cup size average between A - DDs depending on the country, that being said L cups are indeed very rare, anon claimed to have a 52 band size, which unless she's morbidly obese which she claims not to be then her actual cup size would be much larger if you know how the sister sizing system works, no one is telling her to "chop them off", we're saying people on imageboards have lied about having extreme proportions before and this is probably just another case, regardless of what you think the reasoning is
Anonymous 13869
>>13868I'm sure you know "larger than average" does not mean "extremely rare and worldrecord worthy". Anyway if you believe it's a moid just report it.
Anonymous 13870
>>13869 anon we are not talking about 3-4 cup sizes larger, we are talking about 8-10+ cup sizes larger and possibly even larger considering the sister size example as I've said, I did report and I never communicated directly with the anon but there is a boob obsessed scrote here who probably just wanted to start shit up yet again and if people don't learn to call it out then how we will ever handle the scrote problem? CC is raided way more than any imageboard I've ever seen
Anonymous 13871
>>13870The boob autist is the one who responded trying to get her to chop them off, but it wouldn't surprise me if it were the same person so you're probably right.
Anonymous 13872
>>13871 are you new here? there's been a big boob obsessor constantly talking about big boobs 24/7 and telling everyone how all women need to have them and that's the only way to be attractive, no one told her to chop them off for the upteenth time, do you really like lolcow and CC just happens to be filled with women shaped like IG models or?
Anonymous 13873
>>13872I won't contribute to the fire, but I wasn't the only once who noticed ITT. Peace.
Anonymous 13879
>>13863>she's not doing anything to improve just because she doesn't want to do what you want her to doMaybe she's happy about her size?
Stop gaslighting the others, if she's happy than who cares? Pretty sure Christina Hendrix is still quite healthy even though she's almost 50 now.
Anonymous 13881
>>13787>>13863 was the first person ITT tô mention L-cups. I remember someone saying they were M cup a a year or two ago on the Bra thread but I've never seen anyone else saying anything about being a L here.
Anonymous 13882
>>13879Christina Hendricks also has a lot of money and has a medical team to help her, interesting you automatically assumed helping yourself = not being happy with your size, while reduction doesn't have to be an option you should still take care of yourself a lot better for pain and mostly bones, this is also why doctors recommend women who get a certain size to get a reduction, are you trying to convince us that you know more than doctors just because of body positivity?
Anonymous 13883
>>13881They posted several times in other threads also talking none-stop about their L cups, I'm not saying there aren't people who are shaped like that but it's perfectly healthy and sane to acknowledge the fact people lie about their bodies on the internet
Anonymous 13884
>>13883Would mind quoting some examples? I swear I've never seen anyone here saying these things.
Anonymous 13885
>>13884They posted a couple of times in this thread mentioning their cup size, then in the ideal body thread, and pretty sure they posted in another thread that I don't feel like digging up, all within the timespan of a few hours, same wording, and always mentioning their L cup
Obviously I'm not saying there aren't women who are shaped like this but constantly mentioning your cup size just seems like a weird moid larp, most women will just mention it once and move on, not constantly discuss it
Anonymous 13886
>>13885I for one constantly mention mine because I'm quite proud of it.
Anonymous 13888
>>13886That just screams scrote or unbearable, I have a big cup size too and I couldn't imagine being friends with someone who constantly mentions their bra size and I actually knew people who did that, they were almost always delusional about their bodies too
Anonymous 13889
>>13888No, I only do it on the internet.
>scrotenot with these G cups.
Anonymous 13890
>>13886Well, I personally think it's quite dumb to be proud of something you cannot control. Love them? Of course, I do love mine too, but pride is a bit weird.
Anonymous 13893
>>11662I definitely will not, don't worry
>>13854I'm on the bigger end of a normal BMI. For the cup I measured the difference between my breasts and above my breasts, and for the band I measured around my boobs (like I put the tape in a ring formation around my back and the furthest outward part of my boobs). Is that how you measure the band?
Anonymous 13894
>>13863I'm not a dude, and I mentioned being pale because someone mentioned how a breast reduction would shrink my areola size and I had to explain I don't have very visible areolas because I have red hair and that's a common trait with gingers. This is literally a thread about having big boobs and I've commented on a couple of other threads regarding physical appearance about it because it's relevant and it's a part of me that has had a lot of influence on my life and how people perceive me. Also, I've been in and out of the hospital a lot since 2019 and I've racked up enormous amounts of hospital debt, so I don't really want to jump straight into surgery just because my back hurts. I'm just talking about how I have big tits, not how much sexual pleasure they bring me or how much I love fondling them in public, they're just a fucking body part that I didn't choose to have and that I had to learn to get used to and like because I don't want to spend my life being miserable over some oversized, veiny bags of fat on my chest.
Anonymous 13895
>>13865Thank you! L is large but it isn't unbelievable. My aunt is an R cup. and yes gigantomasty is exactly what it is.
Anonymous 13896
>>13868>>13883I have posted about being an L cup in this thread and probably two other threads talking about appearance and body image. It's not something I'm dumping in every possible thread I see.
I haven't even started posting here again until literally this week after I took a several month long hiatus.
>>13870Thanks for reporting me for being a man since I mentioned having large boobs in a thread about having large boobs. I feel so normal and good about my body right now, since apparently me even mentioning it is enough to make everyone think I'm some kind of pervert.
Anonymous 13897
L cup anon here, and yalls responses are pretty much just like the same men I was talking about treating me like an object. I'm not some fetishy weirdo just because I was born with a genetic trait I didn't ask for. I don't appreciate having to justify to a bunch of strangers why I don't want to pay out a shitload of money for surgery when I already have a shitload of hospital debt (and before yall ask, the hospital debt is for a gallbladder removal, an ectopic pregnancy removal, and a gallstone removal from a bile duct). No other comment in this whole thread got the same kinds of responses and neither did any on the small breast thread. They were all allowed to just talk about their experience without everyone immediately freaking out and calling them larping perverts. Will it make yall feel better if I talk about how ugly my tits are? How they're covered in giant blue veins and get zits on them and how I only own one ugly beige bra because I can't find any bras that fit me? How sweaty they get when it's hot and how washing under them is a giant hassle? How I have a mole on my left tit? How they droop to my stomach when I'm sitting down? How since they're made of dense tissue, I'm not only overly prone to breast cancer but they might never find it if I do have it because they wouldn't be able to see the lump through all the ropey tissue under the skin? How I was being sexualized when I was still playing with fucking littlest pet shops and pretending I was a wolf in my backyard? But regardless, I'm going to ignore that little nagging voice that tells me my tits make me disgusting and innately wrong, because I worked really hard to become neutral towards my body and I'm not going to have one thread take that from me.
Anonymous 13901
>>13897You realize creepy comments even from women like the ones made here are why children who bloom early get sexualized right?
Anonymous 13908
>>13895Dw anon. Some women get weirdly antagonistic about stuff like this. The only important thing is you liking and feeling comfortable in your body, everyone else has nothing to do with it.
Anonymous 13910
>>13893also apologies for samefagging but you are measuring it wrong. for the band size, the tape is supposed to go under the crease of your boobs and measure around the ribcage. then for the cup you measure the difference between the band and the measurement of around your boobs at their fullest point. you are probably wearing the wrong bra size, which doesn't help with the back pain.
Anonymous 13911
>>13897Does your husband like them a lot?
Anonymous 13914
>>13901I'm fully and unfortunately aware, and it bothers me so much more than men's bullshit. The shit men do is like getting attacked by a wild dog – terrible, but unsurprising. Women saying this shit is like your own sister slapping you in the face.
>>13910Ohhhh ok. Somehow I did the cup measurement right but the band size wrong. No wonder whenever I tell people the band size they tend to think I'm really fat.
>>13911Yes my fiance likes them, but I've made it clear to him should I ever decide I want surgery I'm going to do it regardless, and he is ok with that.
Anonymous 13915
>>13914also, I've been thinking about this thread a lot, and it didn't make me hate my body, but it does feel pretty fucking isolating when you find a community of women who you thought you could relate to and then they just start treating you like some type of disgusting freak because you have a physical trait that gets hyper sexualized against your will. To have a bunch of people jump straight to calling me some undercover man just feels like people are telling me "your body is wrong and I have decided that it only exists as a pornographic fantasy to men". I guess only As - DDDs deserve to feel like humans and talk about their bodies openly.
Anonymous 13916
>>13915Anon it was only one or two people. One of them is notorious for shitting up threads, they did the same thing with the ideal body thread last week. So you shouldn't take it personally.
Anonymous 13917
>>13915Ignore the haters, I sure most of us are happy with the fact that share this place with you.
Those that was shitposting about your breasts either ia:
1 Men trying to make you insecure. Wouldn't be surprise if at least one of them were also shitposting on the small breasts thread.
2 Girls with a modest chest that are jealous
3 Women with large breasts that is insecure that someone is so bigger than her. I've met people with this mindset before and I'm not gonna lie, if I could spend most of my day working out and developing a strong back I'd love to be a couple of cups (got it?) bigger too, maybe even a L.
Anonymous 13918
>>13916This. I don't get why we keep taking the bait instead of reporting the boob shitposter(s) who've posted in several threads already.
Anonymous 13920
>>13918I have done that but it's ignored.
Anonymous 13928
>Do you like having big breasts?
there were times in my life where i coped with them by fetishizing it, pretending that i preferred large breasts so this was good, but i really don't feel that way anymore
>Would your change your breast size? Have you ever considered surgery?
i'm torn because at this point i considered them a part of me and have some personal/moral issues with surgeries, but at the same time if i could afford it i would just do it. i would probably get a butt reduction too if i could afford it. people love to say that society is the real problem blah blah and that feel good stuff but society won't change overnight and it gets unbearably hard to cope with the dysmorphia i get from it
>How has it affected you growing up? Any bad experiences with moids? Any nastiness from other girls?
i started puberty early, use your imagination. PE and doing jumping jacks at school was also a nightmare
>Has anyone ever made assumptions about your personality/character/libido because of your breasts?
i was called a slut a lot and accused of being a spoiled rich girl whose parents got me implants at 14 which is kind of funny in hindsight. my parents aren't rich but i still begged them for a reduction around that age
>Do you consider any types of clothing a no-no because of your breasts?
anything that shows cleavage
>Any favourite bra brands or types?
i order from onehanesplace online since my size isn't in stores and they're pretty good
>Any perceived advantages?
no. lol
Anonymous Moderator
>>13920That user got a warning ban. Please keep reporting.
Anonymous 13948
>>13917Or maybe some people are just so used to moids larping that they see it literally everywhere. This place gets raided very often, that's a fact. It's not always jealousy.
Anonymous 13966
>>13948This plus the creepy comments fetishizing the anon also screamed moid.
Mods also suck with deleting obvious moid/bait posts but will delete posts for no reason and other anons here will help further bait the anons instead of just calling out the moid or reporting and ignoring. Seriously I've seen completely normal posts disappear for no reason yet all the boob baits seem to stay up, I feel like mods are just troons at this point
Anonymous 13979
>>13966You already got a warning ban. What else do you want?
Anonymous 13981
>>13979Can you make a good point or no?
Anonymous Admin
>>13966I'm leaving this up just to respond but for the final time,
1. Innocuous comments get deleted if they're a response to a comment that has been removed for violating the rules. It's to keep threads readable, otherwise threads would have massive holes, users would ask what happened and restart the same argument.
2. Report posts you think are suspicious, you're not currently doing this. Post grievances in meta and stop derailing.
Anonymous 14297
>Do you like having big breasts?
Yes, I always wanted to be busty growing up and used to idolise glamour models. I guess I’m quite unusual that I was average sized as a teenager and gradually went up a cup or two every couple of years. Now in my early 30s I’m pretty busty.
>Would your change your breast size?
>Have you ever considered surgery?
I did consider implants for a long time but I felt a bit self conscious about wanting to be busty that much. Now I’m mostly happy with my size, however once I reach a new cup size it no longer feels huge anymore. I don’t have back issues (not related to my cheat anyway) so I haven’t thought about a reduction. My sister was busty and got a reduction, though she grew quickly as a teenager and probably had more downsides.
>How has it affected you growing up? Any bad experiences with moids? Any nastiness from other girls?
I don’t recall any. As well as growing gradually, I’m still able to go braless as my breasts are more cone shaped than hanging. This means that I can play down my breasts easily on a day to day basis.
>Has anyone ever made assumptions about your personality/character/libido because of your breasts?
I think at university, when I was studying STEM, people thought I was dumb because I had blonde hair, would sometimes show cleavage, and my ADHD can make me a bit scatter brained.
>Do you consider any types of clothing a no-no because of your breasts?
Things that are tight on the bust sometimes just don’t button up, such as work shirts. Thankfully there are brands like Pepperberry that made curvy clothes.
>Any favourite bra brands or types?
I realised the other day that the only bra type that works for me are padded half cup “cakes on a plate” styles, such as the Panache Masquerade Antoinette. That made looking for new bras a lot easier. However, most of these styles seem to stop at a G cup and I need a H (UK). They also just don’t make that many of them so I have to comb through bratabase and ebay for discontinued styles. Sometimes they can be multiway ones but I’m allergy to the latex in them which narrows things further. Plus I need a 28 band and not every brand does that. Sometimes the wires can be too wide too. Bra shopping is just a huge pain.
>Any perceived advantages?
Being busty balances out my giant unproportional butt. I think cleavage is cute so that is nice too.
Anonymous 14298
>>12211They have a technique of half filling saline implants in Japan that looks very natural. I’m pretty sure a lot of topless models there aren’t as natural as they pretend.
Anonymous 14548
Anyone else feel unwelcome in discussions around clothing and fashion due to their chest size? I'll see other women discussing "I have this fit issue, my measurements are x y z" and receive advice and support but when I do it it gets dismissed as "humblebragging" or disingenuous somehow? It's an objective fact that my measurements are what they are and that I have the fit issues that I do, how the hell do you want me to get around that?
>hurr durr but men find your body type attractive
1. Is that my fucking fault? Do you think I dictate what men are into or the way I went through puberty
2. Why is what men like even relevant??????? How does that change the fact that I am looking for a shirt that doesn't pop open because I DON'T want men to see what I have on underneath
Anonymous 14549
>>14548you might find r/bigboobproblems more welcoming for discussing these things
Anonymous 14550
>>12618>My bf was devastated to the point of crying in public when I told himWhat a worthless piece of shit. He cares more about his dick than your comfort.
Anonymous 14556
>>14548>hurr durr but men find your body type attractiveFrom my experience this argument usually comes from women with small breasts that don't know the problems of having big boobs. Most women I know that have big breasts are happy with them because
they think they look, but I've never seen anyone using the "I like my boobs because men like them" argument IRL at least. I quite sure there are petty people that want to have bigger breasts or like their large breasts only because of what the others think, but this argument is still quite weak IMO.
Anonymous 14560
>>14548Reminds me of the HAES argument that men like skinny women therefore skinny women are somehow privileged or should shut up about struggles with their body
Anonymous 14592
This thread makes me seethe so bad it's insane I'm about to go out on the streets and steal some boobs this mid-to-small-tittery of mine is killing me
Anonymous 14606
>>14548This only happened to me once, some woman told me to "hurr durr get a reduction" because all the bras that fit my size were ugly.
Anonymous 14607
>>14592Which posts make you seethe, anons complaining about having big breasts or anons saying they love having big breasts?
Anonymous 14609
>>14548>Anyone else feel unwelcome in discussions around clothing and fashion due to their chest size?it's about that thread on /cgl/ isn't it? salty bitches lol
Anonymous 14902
>Do you like having big breasts?
No , they're my biggest insecurity
>Would your change your breast size? Have you ever considered surgery?
I actually got breast reduction surgery , 0/10 would not recommend
>How has it affected you growing up? Any bad experiences with moids? Any nastiness from other girls?
got molested by family member since like 7yo and I still feel like if it wouldn't have happened if I didn't have large breasts , and yeah I always get catcalled because of them once I step outside , once in class a boy I knew straight up pushed my shirt and looked at them , doesn't help that I'm short so had full view . No girl has ever been nasty to me because of them
>Has anyone ever made assumptions about your personality/character/libido because of your breasts?
I'm very introverted so no not really tbh
>Do you consider any types of clothing a no-no because of your breasts?
anything tight or revealing , once during summer when I was 15 I was gonna wear a tank top to the beach , my dad basically called me a whore for it so I never wore one again
>Any favourite bra brands or types?
sport bras
>Any perceived advantages?
none , other then my girlfriend would like them I guess lol but now they're just mutilated so too late for that
Anonymous 14903
>>14902>got molested by family member since like 7yo and I still feel like if it wouldn't have happened if I didn't have large breastsThis is terrible, anon, but I don't think your boobs are the cause since you probably didn't have any when you were 7. Don't blame yourself for what others did to you.
Anonymous 14906
>>14903thank you for the kind words
Anonymous 14910
>>14902>0/10 would not recommend Why wouldn't you recommend it anon? I'm thinking about it again after yet another cute dress I couldn't fit into because of my boobs.
I'm so sorry about your abuse experiences anon. It wasn't your boobs' fault, it's the abusers' fault.
Anonymous 14911
>>14910Not that anon, but your breasts often get full of scars, and sometimes they end up even more irregular after a surgery. I'm glad I didn't get one.
Anonymous 18935
I have to wear two wireless bras while working out to keep things in place.
Anonymous 18953
I'm not a titcow tier maybe not big enough to post idk.
>Do you like having big breasts?
Yes and no. I think big breasts contributed to my scoliosis, back pain, and asymmetrical body but it's not as bad as it sounds as they are not massive like some anons ITT. I also look stupid because of how top heavy I am because of my breasts, I would honestly look much better flat. I also am not looking forward to dealing with sagging tits in the future. However, I also like squishing and playing with my boobs because they are fun and soft, boobs can be fun to have so I have come to like them now.
>Would your change your breast size? Have you ever considered surgery?
Now no, but I used to when I was a young teenager for a short period of time.
>How has it affected you growing up? Any bad experiences with moids? Any nastiness from other girls?
From when I was 11-17 years old I would wear sports bras almost exclusively so they were flatter and wouldn't move freely like with a regular bra. I also wore oversized shirts and sweaters, or jackets to further obfuscate them and I was a hunchback too. I have been stared at before. There was one time when I was 13 I was felt up by a little kid as he shouted "MELONS!" when he groped me and whenever I remember that I laugh because it was so random it was silly to me be but he definitely needed to be wrangled by his mother to prevent future pervy antics.
>Has anyone ever made assumptions about your personality/character/libido because of your breasts?
I don't think so?
>Do you consider any types of clothing a no-no because of your breasts?
I don't know what fashion style it's called but I think some skirts and dresses with straps and suspenders, like high waist suspender skirts I can't wear I've tried one of those before and my boobs wouldn't let me. I also hate wearing tight long dresses because I hate the body shape it accentuates as my boobs makes me look fat.
>Any favourite bra brands or types?
I like Asian brands. Idk what type they are or called but they're all the same for the most part. I've worn a few western brands before but I really didn't like them because they weren't comfortable for me but Asian bras are more comfortable for me, fit my breast shape well, and provide more support for them and my back.
>Any perceived advantages?
Can use them to sip and carry a drink and I like playing with them.
Anonymous 19023
>Do you like having big breasts?Overall, yeah. I personally like the way they look in form fitting clothing. I can't go braless though
>Would you change your breast size?No and no
>How has it affected you growing up?I've always worn baggier clothing up until hs and my breasts aren't big enough to be noticed in baggier clothing so no harassment from moids or jealousy from girls
>Clothes that are no-no for meI'm at a healthy bmi with a larger bust; generally speaking, a lot of women's tops fit too tight around my breasts
>Any favourite bra brands or typesThis is an unpopular opinion for some, but I actually like Victoria's Secret bras
>Any perceived advantages?If I wanted to, it's easy to get attention from men. My bf likes them. I also like how they look in a bikini
>>14902>dad called me a whore at 15 for wearing a tanktopI had a similar experience when I was going through puberty. I was slutshamed into putting a shirt on at a water park by my grown ass dusty brother. These are the same men that don't wash their ass
Anonymous 19028
>Do I like them
I do, I think my body is nicely proportioned.
>Bad experiences
I hit puberty kind of early and once my boobs got bigger I wore a bright purple hoodie every single day for a year while I was at school because I felt like everybody was looking at me. I even had an older female teacher point out my hoodie one day and I never knew why she would do that.
I owned few bras growing up and wore bras I grew out of for way too long because anytime my mother brought me clothes shopping I was too shy to say I needed bras, and I felt bad at how expensive they were. It never even penetrated her brain that I had outgrown the need for a training bra and needed to be taken to the store until I spoke up because the training bras stopped fitting.
The girls never minded me but I was standoffish and didn't engage in much drama. I always thought my sister was jealous but I didn't give a shit if she was.
Some boys of certain persuasions would try to ask me out because of my boobs but I always turned them down in an absolute manner and they never bothered me more than once. As an adult people don't bother me about them. I just don't wear low cut tops out unless it's really hot. I know men will look and if their mush brains perceive me as inviting it by wearing certain clothes then they'd be more likely to cause trouble. Unfortunate but that certainly won't change.
>Would I change my boobs
I never thought about getting them reduced. Back pain is assuaged by posture and keeping fit. As for augmentation, no. I'm personally against body mods and especially fillers. It's best to accept what you have and work with it. (I know some people have extreme circumstances, they can do what they want to themselves.)
>bra brands
I get lacy underwire bras online. I would never go braless, I think I would feel like everybody is looking at me again. Men take that kind of thing as an invite, so I really don't get it.
I like my body…but it can be hard to find clothes that don't stretch too much in the chest and I almost can't wear button downs altogether.
Anonymous 19045

I used to really dislike it now I feel pretty neutral
Honestly no, I used to seriously consider breast reduction surgery but I decided aggainst it as it would be expensive and the idea of going under the knife scares me
Oh yeah I've always had to deal with moids being disgusting and the occasional but of jealousy from women, you get used to it after a while tho but u remember having big boobs as a young teen and being treated like a sex object by filthy cumbrained moids
Oh yeah loads of people have assumed I sleep around or something just because of my cup size lmao
Tbh I'm very autistic and prefer baggy clothes regardless I try to avoid low cut tops because otherwise a lot of people won't make eye contact
I like Freya and fantasie but tbh I usually stick with sports bras as they comfier
Eh not really, they're fun to stim with I suppose
Anonymous 19388
>Do you like having big breasts?
yes and no. for me the only good part of my body are my breast imo. but they look nice in certain types of clothes, like form fitting. i look terrible and fat in baggy shirts and dresses though.
>Would your change your breast size? Have you ever considered surgery?
i've considered surgery but i wouldn't go through with it bc surgery scares me. but id change my breast size to a c
>How has it affected you growing up? Any bad experiences with moids? Any nastiness from other girls?
they developed very quickly. by the time i was 12 i was around a c cup. and yes people stare, its disgusting especially if its from someone you dont like
>Has anyone ever made assumptions about your personality/character/libido because of your breasts?
most people think i'm stupid so i guess yeah
>Do you consider any types of clothing a no-no because of your breasts?
tube tops and strapless bras.
>Any favourite bra brands or types?
victoria's secret push up bras are the best and most comfortable.
>Any perceived advantages?