
Anonymous 11863
do you think you're good looking? what would you rate yourself
Anonymous 11866

>>11863i can't tell. attractiveness is subjective but if you're objectively speaking i can't tell either. i don't go out rating people and giving them a number on a scale. sometimes i recognize that someone is attractive but i can't say that they're a 9/10 or 7/10 - they are attractive to me. i remember a gay man in my class was fawning over this '10/10' attractive classmate and i thought he was average. he had big fish lips and a cartoony oversized jaw. his nose was oddly shaped. and he had very big bushy eyebrows. i guess that is very attractive to an average gay guy? i really can't tell what is conventionally attractive or good looking. all i see are people and their faces. and i know what ugliness looks like however. usually there is something wrong with their face like their nose is too big, their eyes too small, they have tiny thin lips, or big teeth, or they have a giant 5head. maybe i focus on the facial 'flaws' too much to recognize beauty. i think i notice ugly people more because i have a negative mindset.
a nitpicky incel who obsessed over lookism gave me a 7/10 so i will roll with that
Anonymous 11867
My bf told me I was a 4-7
Anonymous 11869
>>11867not as bad as yours but mine told me im a 6 or 7.. i know im not a 10 but it still hurts lol
Anonymous 11870
>>11868Specifically he told me I was a 10 to him but this is how "other people" would see me
Anonymous 11871
>>11868>>11869If your bf agrees to rate you numerically leave him
Anonymous 11872
>>11871Why would you ask your bf to rate you?
Anonymous 11873
>>11872So you can break up with him when he agrees to
Anonymous 11874

A 5-6 but I've odd features due to racial ambiguity I guess. Not plain, but not a super hot face either.
Also HEAVILY dependent on the gender of the person rating me. Ime I'm a gay 6-7 but a straight 4-5 due to height, flat chest, deep voice, and muscles. My appearance confuses straight men since I am otherwise feminine, but gay girls get it.
By face alone I'd say solid 5. But realistically, most people judge the whole package.
>>11866I agree that it's subjective, both to the individual and their culture/generation/etc. Hard to say!
All you can do is assume you're hot if you have overwhelming attention and ugly if people hurl abuse at you on the street. Anything else, just live life and you will eventually find someone who has a thing for X trait you possess and finds you a personal 10.
Anonymous 11875
At my best, 7-8, most days probably a 6.
Anonymous 11876
I've had random people come up and tell me I am beautiful for no clear reason, but men have never shown interest in me or approached me.
Anonymous 11878
i think im an attractive person. people show interest in me.
Anonymous 11879
id give my face a 4/10 and my body an 8/10.
i wish i had a better looking face than body as i never wear tight fitting clothes nor does anybody see it other than me so it just feels like a waste.
i cant stand my face, even with makeup its ugly and asymmetrical. i have a huge forehead which is made even worse by the fact my hair is very fine so my bangs barely cover it properly. i think my side profile is okay but i want to get nose and jaw surgery as i wish i had a button nose and a more feminine jaw shape.
im scared that once i meet my ldr boyfriend and he sees how my face looks irl he wont be attracted to me anymore. no guys irl ever showed interest in me until i started wearing makeup, and even then, i only ever had one guy ask me out but he had a girlfriend at the time and clearly only wanted me for sex. i rejected him of course, but it still doesnt feel good that its the only interest somebody has ever had in me other than online.
i havent ever been catcalled or anything like that before either which makes me feel even worse about myself as it seems like most other girls get it a lot, and even though that obviously isnt a good thing and i wouldnt actually want it to happen to me, i overthink it and end up feeling like its all just down to me being too unattractive even in the eyes of gross desperate men who harrass women all day.
Anonymous 11880
>>11863I would say a fair 2.5/10. You can’t answer this without factoring in personality though, and once I know I am being observed, it is closer to 1.5/10. (These numbers are according to my personal standards. Men are biological mistakes and any system evaluating their attraction is as worthless as they are.)
Anonymous 11881
>>11880There's also gay and bi women
Anonymous 11882
>>11881I’m not a lesbian so I don’t see a point to rating myself through their eyes either. The most important opinion is always your own.
Anonymous 11884
I don't go outside so I don't care. You'd probably be better off not concerning yourself with moid-made "metrics" too. Humans aren't objects to be graded.
Anonymous 11885
>>11863my ex rated me 8-9 and my now bf rates me 10 but i know im just ok
Anonymous 11886
>>11874>All you can do is assume you're hot if you have overwhelming attention and ugly if people hurl abuse at you on the street. Anything else, just live life and you will eventually find someone who has a thing for X trait you possess and finds you a personal 10.solid insight. i have only met one person who was objectively attractive. he has the strangest stories of strangers throwing themselves at him because of his looks. they're pretty entertaining but also sound like a nuisance too. i think i would rather be a plain jane and blend into the background instead of having attention thrusted upon me like that. i wonder what hideous people go through? do they get ignored or do they get straight out bullied?
Anonymous 11887
6. I’ve gotten everything from 5-10 tho so idk
Anonymous 11888
riding bike.gif

I think at my best I'm a lower 7. I have clear skin, long and thick hair, an hourglass figure, and thick-ish lips.
On the downside, I have hip dips, a stupid shaped face, and a stomach that looks like a crepe because I've had a baby.
I also have L cup boobs, which some people might say is a bonus, but others think they're too big especially since their size makes them saggy and veiny.
Anonymous 11890
>>11889it's weird to me that I'm a mom too. I'm pretty much the same person that I was before I had a baby, even though I thought I'd magically become like all the other southern belle 20 something year old moms I know.
Anonymous 11891
i honestly can't tell, sometimes i feel cute in photos but then i look again, or someone takes a photo of me and I feel gross. i would say a 4, im so insecure. I get hit on though sometimes, and i have had a partner but I really feel disgusting most of the time
Anonymous 11892

I've been told that I'm cute and have a nice body but I legitimately have no part of me that I like. I just legit can't stand the way I look. 3/10
Anonymous 11893

>>11863i think 3 or 4 at best. i'm not that great looking. i think i look more like a little boy than i do like a woman. overall face is not bad (maybe 5/10) but body wise i'm just a flat board. it sux having no boobs or butt because no matter what guys will always prefer big boobs or big butts and i have neither.
Anonymous 11894

I think I'm a 4/10, 6/10 on a good day…
Anonymous 11895
Face wise, currently 5-6, but I used to be a 7 I'd say when I was skinny (ribs showing and all), because of my retarded, low-defined round jaw.
I have a retarded face that make me look chubby even though I'm thin. The only way to have an attractive face is to be really skinny, so it makes my face features look sharper. It used to be the case few years ago, when I had a much unhealthier lifestyle.
Is the any other unfortunate round faced anons here ?
I don't really care about my body looks, I only care about fitting nice clothing, what moids think about me when I'min swimwear is completely indifferent to me.
Anonymous 11896

id say im a 1/10 tbh LOL im half indonesian and am anorexic with 0 muscle and am around like 155cm ( i wish i was shorter, like 145cm ) im also flat but not too flat, like the largest an a cup can be :/ just an awkward size in my opinion
my skin is literally jaundice colored yet tan i hate it i keep having to take blood tests recommended to be from doctors because everyone thinks im sick but im not i just look like this i really wish i was white like from the bottom of my heart
ive got probably the ugliest face ive ever seen on a non physically disabled person im literally so hideous and my personality does NOT make up for any of it
sorry for being self deprecating i think its really cringe and i hate it too but yeah im a solid 1 lole…
Anonymous 11897
>>11896same except i'm east-asian (from a poor family) living in a white european country, it sucks. i hate my face so fucking much and racist people calling me names on the streets doesn't help at all.
Anonymous 11898
>>11897>racist people calling me names on the streets doesn't help at all.Does that happen often? Which country is this?
Anonymous 11899

>>11896 so ntayrt but it happens to me a lot even if i wear a mask being asian is probably one of the main reasons why i get bullied and harassed you know the ol' chink dog eater and so on not to mention how people treated me at the beginning of covid like i was some sort of diseased monster 0_0 but its no use getting upset about because this is what i'll have to deal with for the rest of my life since im asian and that cannot change unless i do heaps of plastic surgery and i dont have the money for that
im really sorry if im coming off as rude but where are you from if i may ask ?
Anonymous 11900
>>11899I'm from the UK. I don't think we really have much anti-Asian sentiment here and I kinda assumed it was the same across most of Europe.
Anonymous 11901
Like a 3/10, even if I lost weight I'd still be plain and brick-shaped
Anonymous 11902
>>11898not being too specific to avoid people connecting dots but i live in southern/central europe. you'd be surprised at how casual asian racism is normalized in some places, especially if there's a lot of boomers around (i mean, zoomers/millennials are just as bad, but could be influenced to improve in better)
Anonymous 11903

I'm not sure how to rate myself, but i struggled with body dysmorphia since i was a kid. I aways felt ogrish since i grew up faster than my peers and it stuck through my teens, i used to post a lot of embarassing shit online seeking validation too.
But a few months back something just clicked and i stopped caring. I was just done stressing about being ugly when there were more important things to worry about. I stopped comparing myself to 10/10 girls online and in real life.
And now i just look in the mirror and see a normal woman. I see things i could improve on but i haven't thought of myself as irredeamably ugly and ogrish in a while, i'm even wanting to get into sewing to make clothes in a style i like now that it doesn't feel like a waste!
I'm not sure what exactly made me get better so it's not much help, but i really, really hope some of you can stop being so harsh on yourselves too.
Anonymous 11904

Fat, hairy, acne, lots of pores and ugly teeth but some girls called me cute and want to protect me because of how shy, quiet and kind I am.
Anonymous 11905
6/10 but realistically probably 3/10
I've been trying really hard to improve myself with exercise, skin care and diet
Anonymous 11906
>>11899>>11897Have you two thought about moving to a city or country where the majority look more like you ethnicity-wise? I've heard from 2nd gen Asians who moved to Asia (not necessarily their family's country of origin) that they felt so much better to be treated like the rest and not having to go through overt racism.
Anonymous 11907

>>11906im too poor to go to a different country and too retarded ( like actually ) to go there by studying or whatever its called ; _ ; but thank you for the suggestion nona
Anonymous 11908
I'm ok. Was really pretty in my early 20s but never realized it. I'm a little more curvier with a few lines, no I'm no hag either.
Anonymous 11909
i get this a lot literally whyyyyyy i swear on everything im not wtf is it about my personality or typing style thats tranny-like ? the emoticons ? :( im sorry
Anonymous 11910
>>11909NTA I assume it's because you type "overly girly" and use pics of cute anime girls. but I think you just sound very young.
Anonymous 11911
>>11910I feel like if someone needs to avoid being "too girly" to avoid being perceived as a man on here that's really fucking paranoid and unfair
Anonymous 11912
I don't know how to rate myself. I can't tell whether I'm good looking or not. Despite all this I think my friends are way prettier than me :(
I'm overweight and always have been, but my fat distribution has saved me from looking like a fattie. At "worst" I look stocky
Anonymous 11913
>>11863Body = 7
Face = 5
I am what they call a "butterface"
Anonymous 11914

10/10 easily. I have no real flaws. All my features are moderately proportioned and I am in good shape.
Anonymous 11915
I hate rating people so I don't rate myself. I know I'm good looking and I'm happy with it, that's all I know.
Anonymous 11916
Like 3 or 4/10, maybe a 5 if I lost weight
Anonymous 11917
Oh boy.
When I was underweight I was like an 8. I was like 5’9 120lbs. I was accepted to a modeling agency but I turned it down cause I just idk thought it was dumb.
But I got put on a medication that made me gain mad weight in less than a year. I’m now 187lbs.
So I’d say I’m now a 5-6. At least I have an hourglass figure but the weight makes me look waaaay shorter than I really am.
I’ve tried to lose weight but the meds I’m on make it nearly impossible.
Most of my life I’ve been underweight and now I’m overweight, I don’t feel like this is my body. At all.
Anonymous 11918
i refuse to use a scale because that's shit incels use and i hate applying it to myself as a women and not exactly fond of using it to describe other people either because what would qualify as a 10/10 in my mind subjectively is applied to very few human beings
i would say i'm near average, i have some standout features and some working against me. example of the former, my eyes, eyebrows, freckles maybe my cheekbones. example of the latter, my body type which i personally hate and i feel like i've gained weight, having a moonface and feeling like some of my features are too close set, nose is too big, lips too small philtrum is too long etc. at some intersection between hot and ugly because while it comes together to make an average human being, in my mind, i single out the features i consider ugly or pretty and it offsets my perception of my face, but i guess they come together okay.
my personality is also feeling like i get shoehorned into the quirky eccentric girl box so maybe it makes me less boring idk i think objectively i am as basic as basic does
Anonymous 11919
I think I'm fairly good looking. I'm about 5'5, unsure of my weight but I have a fuller hour glass figure with not a lot of tummy. I'm well proportioned, round face according to the chart, and my hair is quite long at this point.
I'd say it there were things that could be improved on, I would say that my ass could be a little bigger/hips a little wider, my breasts could be a little fuller looking, and a clearer complexion would serve me well
Anonymous 11923
I used to be Plain Jane, and only got, "holy shit wow," comments about my body at amusement parks and stuff. I have a Barbie-like body (skinny and hourglass), but that'd make me uncomfortable 'cause I don't like sexual attention. I identified as butterfaced. Mousy brown, drab flat hair, brown eyes, nothing really stood out. Kind of similar to that "Miss Alice" cam girl, I actually got compared to her one time, and I'd say she was my equal
Then, around the 2011-2012 era, I got into alt fashion (the pink hair and shit), and started growing an online following of people who found me cute
I tend to overcompenstate with HUGE striking hair, but it's worked lol
After I got into makeup, fashion, and hair, and have a more striking look, I usually get told I'm a high 7, low 8 (7.5? lol) but I think i'm a lot lower (like a 4-6) maybe because I know what my base looks like and I have a lot of flaws like - crooked teeth, long nose, thin lips
based lol
Anonymous 11938
4,5. I look even pretty in some lighting if I smile, but monstrous in harsh light.
Anonymous 11941
I've been told I'd be a 10 if I smiled more. I dunno.
Anonymous 11944
>>11863West coast 3, regular 5, anime convention 8.
Anonymous 11961
9/10. Only flaws are I'm at the chubby side of acceptable to be stacy mode and I need thick glasses.
Anonymous 12007
Solid 7 according to my ex, I suppose.
Anonymous 12289

>picrel: what i wished i looked like irlprobably a 3/10 or a 2/10 to be honest. get called ugly in public and the whole shebang. not the end of the world though, some people are still genuinely nice to me despite everything wrong with the way i look. tends to be a very small number of people that can get over how i look to be nice to me, but i'll take what i can get i guess. trying to become okay with it because i am trying to get out of a depressive slump right now / hype myself up to interact with people in irl classes this fall
>>11884genuinely based and good advice
>>11895another round faced anon here, i just cope by not looking at my face with my glasses on most of the time. wearing masks has been a godsend ;-;
Anonymous 12314

I think it's a range of 4-6 for me. Some day I just look a lot better than others. I'll look at myself in the mirror and feel confident and then the next day I'll really wonder why I ever liked my hair or my jawline or whatever. I think on rare occasions I could look better or worse than the 4-6 range, but I think I pretty typically swing between slightly below average to slightly above average.
I don't feel bad. I used to be worse. Weight is really not becoming on a person and I cringe when I see my old fat photos. Also, I've gotten more of a fashion sense.
Anonymous 12319
2/10, overweight, hairy, receded hairline (no not a scrote… Just shit genetics), very visible face asymmetry, thin yellow teeth and overbite, and bad posture. But atleast I have a nice nose I guess. Try to not look in the mirror, and masks for covid have helped alot with my confidence. I think I'll keep wearing one even after covid ends, people are much nicer when they can't see my face.
Anonymous 12385

I basically look like a Russian granny, I am also chubby and generally I hate myself. People called me ugly in school, that was pretty bad, I'm glad adults in professional environments only think that and don't say it (to you).
That said a coworker called me cute last week and it still makes me happy so there is that. It's all relative.
Anonymous 12386
Its all subjective, but in my opinion I think people shouldn't rate themselves a 6 just because it seems like the number you hear a lot when people want to be reasonably modest but also quietly claim they're above average.
we know what conventionally attractive people look like, you just know when you see them.
If I can't see them in person or at least see a picture of them unfiltered myself, a self-rated 6 with no proof tells me nothing
Anonymous 12387
>>11892I have the opposite feeling about my hair when down/up in a ponytail. I think my hair looks bland but to me it looks nicer when its up - I think it accentuates my neck which I feel is slender. all in all I still have dry, sometimes slightly frizzy hair with no volume
Anonymous 12393

Solid 9 or 7-8 on a bad day. 10 on a good day. I'm a dancer at a very high end club not to start at SW argument or anything, I have naturally a naturally attractive youthful face (small nose, big lips and eyes, heart shaped, etc) and fit hourglass body and clear skin and my hair is nice thick and healthy. I guess my flaws would be all my health issues and the stuff that stem from it because if I don't workout my ribs and back bones start showing and my hair falls out and I get nasty dark circles, I also have a weird ab and stomach pooch hybrid where I clearly have abs but my low stomach has a tiny fat roll, picrel not me but you get the point. I also take terrible care of myself because I'm on sedatives and will pass out before I can wash my face and brush my teeth. Hips are wide but kinda square if you're really looking to nitpick and I'm only a C cup with small puffy nipples and they're slightly asymmetrical but hey I make a killing so it can't be that bad
Anonymous 12394
My boyfriend rates me a 10, but he is my boyfriend.
I am a tiny little bit above average. I could’ve been really pretty if my nostrils were not so big. I think it is my biggest flaw. My nose shape is nice, i have a small mouth but nice lips, my chin looks a bit weird but no one notices it. I have really big cheeks but people say it makes me look cute. My best feature is my eyes, they might be brown but they are such a nice shade of brown and have such a nice shape, I had so many compliments on my eyes even tho they are not blue nor green and it’s pretty uncommon for people to compliment brown eyes. They are my favorite color ever tho. I love my brown eyes, my brown hair and olive skin. It looks harmonious. Most people might not prefer it, but I do.
My body is okay, I got a small frame, C cups, slender legs, a normal ass, not flat but not big. I like my waist and hips. I have pretty wide hips and I really like that. I never showed it off tho, but I should. People would probably think I look better.
I wish I could look better, but I don’t mind. My boyfriend thinks I’m prettiest.
Anonymous 12403
>>12393sure jan
I'm a 5/10. There's nothing really wrong with my appearance, and the things that are above-average aren't super important or noteworthy
>thin >dimples >good facial structure (strong jawline) >good eye shape>straight nose Anonymous 12409

I think I look like a cabbage patch kid, but my nose isn't wide. Cute when you're 7 years old, but weird when you're an adult. 3/10 at best.
Anonymous 12418
5 on a normal day. 7-8 if I put effort into my makeup, hair, and fashion. My hair is a mess right now.
Anonymous 12422
Aging hag + crooked teeth + acne + asymmetrical face + butless skinnyfat + veiny feet/spider veins + hairy bellybutton + backne + sparse eyebrows + big chin
Anonymous 12423
>>12422Nobody cares about hairy bellybuttons, but you could try to dye your eyebrows, it sometimes makes a big difference.
Anonymous 12448
>>11863When I’m skinny like a 6/10 and when I gain weight like 2.5/10
I’m one of those people who looks hideous even with a little bit of extra weight on them, my facial and body bones are very small and my chin is quite weak so I go all skinny fat and double chinny and look like a much uglier version of Cassie from skins (after she got fat irl) when I gain weight. I would love to be more voluptuous but being overweight just doesnt suit me at all
Anonymous 12475
>>11863I’ve been told by guys on r9k I’m a 9. And offered modeling jobs so I’d think about a 9; but I’m too autistic to bother with that stuff. Both my parents are good looking normies so it would make sense.
Anonymous 12478
>>12475God I wish I was a fucking 9 so much god fucking damn
I honestly have no idea, maybe a hard 5? I try to look at charts and it never makes sense to me
Anonymous 12527
4. I think if I put some effort in I could be a 6 or a 7, but I'm comically bad at self care and too embarrassed of the learning curve to ever actually try and learn makeup (I avoid looking in the mirror in general so it would be harder).
When people compliment me it's usually about my dress sense or my personality. Maybe it's just a cope, but I prefer that to being hypothetically complimented on my looks. Being a 10 will fade with time, and you would have to watch in horror as your number decreases by the day in the mirror. Add some wrinkles to me and I look more or less the same, ratings-wise.
Anonymous 12528

>all the self hate in this thread
Anonymous 12548
>>12528That image does not have anything to do with self-hate, it's about mean people.
Anonymous 12550
probably a 7/10. I always refer to it as small town pretty. In my small town I'm quite attractive and get a lot of attention, in a large city i'm quickly out shined by modelesque women who actually know about fashion and have money lol
Anonymous 12559
Italian 4, London 6 and a Welsh 9.
Anonymous 12746
>>11863in my country no one looks at me but once I go to Europe a lot of guys try to hit on me, I don't understand, I thought I was objectively ugly.
Anonymous 12747
I used to be good looking but then I gained thirty pounds XD? My bad for eating during a pandemic
Anonymous 12827
>>12804What is this from? I can’t find it
Anonymous 12972
>>11888>On the downside, I have hip dipsHow is this a bad thing??
It's like having dimples on your cheek, a lot of people think they're cute and would kill for them.
Anonymous 13201
I feel like I generally have some good features, but I find it really hard to rate myself because a lot of my features don't have a clear consensus of being good or bad.
For example, some people really love my race and others don't find it appealing at all. That's something that makes a big difference depending on who you ask.
Another thing is that I am really short and get mistaken for underage, which I don't see as an ugly feature but it does mean that a lot of people around my own age or older don't see me as attractive. I don't know if I should remove points for that?
Anonymous 13208
>>12972They mean violin hips, not back dimples.
Anonymous 13230

>>12972I think she means having dips on the sides of hips, not dimples of venus.
Pic related
Anonymous 13231
>>11888>hip dipsDo men actually give a shit about this? I don't think i ever saw any moid care about hip dips, like ever.
Anonymous 13237
>>13231I don't think moids ever pay enough attention to details like that to explicitly state they find hip dips unattractive, but they might refer to women who don't have hip dips as "hotter" than the ones who have them without being able to explain the difference.
Anonymous 13260
>>11888>>13230>>13231>>13237>>13237i don't know why this idea that hip dips are ugly
to me hip dops are supe rhot, accentuate the shape of the lower body and make the legs look super good
Anonymous 13261
>>13208>>13230Nono, I know what hip dips are, and those are exactly what I meant. I only used dimples as an example because a lot of people want dimples because they look cute. I think hip dips are nice? And I've honestly never seen moids complain about them, I don't even think most of them notice or care.
Anonymous 13323

I'm a redhead with darker red/auburn hair, freckles, and pale blue eyes and weight less than 110 lbs, and I'm apparently higher than average. Throughout high school, lots of boys had crushes on me (albeit a vast majority of them were nerdy) but I was too naive/sheltered to do anything about it. The guys that were interested in me tried to pursue me sometimes, but that interested faltered when they actually talked to me due to my shy and awkward personality. I had a longterm high school boyfriend that told me exactly this: that if not for my personality I would probably be a lot more popular. I still don't find myself attractive whatsoever though.
Anonymous 13324
I like my figure. I'm really short (5 feet tall), but very proportional (waist-hip ratio, etc), so I'm compact and cute. My face is meh (big nose, long face), but I think my styling overall helps me looked put together and mostly OK.
Anonymous 13357
i was never really happy with myself but i get a lot of compliments whenever i go anywhere so i guess i am attractive to other people
Anonymous 13358
i don't give a shit anymore tbh. Well, the last time I've been called ugly is when i was in middle school, so I guess it doesn't count, right?
Anonymous 13359
a lot of people hve called me ugly in the past, im married now to a realy handsome man and i feel very lucky he finds something beautiful about me.
Anonymous 13402
7/10 on my best day, maybe. I'm 6'2" with a flat chest, so basically I have to be somebody's fetish for any moid (or woman) to look at me.
Anonymous 13403
>>13402>6'5>flatyou mean catwalk model stature while not attracting moids because you're tall? sounds like a dream
Anonymous 13404
>>134036'2", but yeah. Never done modeling though, lol. Maybe I should try it.
Most moids don't like it when a woman is equal to or taller than them, but the ones who do like it, REALLY like it.
Anonymous 15769
Based on the comments I received throughout my life people perceive me as attractive. Personal rating would be that I look fine.
Anonymous 15811
5/10 at best, I'm just a dorky nerd and look like it, awkward proportions, glasses, hair I can't do anything with, etc. My best features are mostly clear skin despite never wearing makeup and having a normal weight/height. I'm honestly jealous that most girls can look pretty and feminine without really trying. But can't be too mad since I managed to find a relationship, some guys will settle for anything I guess.
Anonymous 15907
realistically a 4 but i'm fine with it bc that's my favorite number
Anonymous 15913

2/10. I thought I was higher because of online stuff, but after consistently being called ugly to my face, being told I look like a man, creepy, like a dog chewed up my face, etc., I realize that I don't look normal.
Oh. And apparently I don't even count as a woman because I've never been crept on once by a man? As I've gotten older, the insults have shifted to 100% apathy. No man has said anything to me in years.
Like I thought this was normal and fine. But people keep acting like it's only a matter of time until a guy creeps on me for the first time and I'm told online that it's only because I don't go outside (I have gone out 100s of time since january, including to clubs with a friend). So, because of that, I feel like I must be even more hideous than I thought I was.
I feel kind of delusional for having a small arc towards feeling like I must feel ok. I should have spent the time and money I spent on trying to improve my awful looks on other, more meaningful and sustainable things.
Sry about venting. I'm just wishing I could make myself not care. It's not totally a bad thing that men ignore my entire existence now but getting out of the mindset that I must look straight up hideous…that's much harder.
Anonymous 15914
>>15913You don't have to be sorry about venting at all. I am wishing bad luck on everyone that's been horrible to you over something so shallow.
Anonymous 15932
i am ugly and cute
i dont know how i would rate myself with a number
Anonymous 15945
I think I'm a 5. Pretty ordinary. Maybe 6 just because I'm American and not overweight. When I was in my 20s I was really into makeup and fashion and then I think I was a 7 or 8. Now my makeup skills are shit and it's too much to put on a full face every day.
Anonymous 15963

I'm probably one of the ugliest women here. It makes me sad thinking about how different my life could have been if I were average looking. A life full of fun and friends instead of torment and misery. I wouldn't be the silent bug in every corner. Maybe I'd even have a boyfriend. It hurts to dwell on it for too long. I'm beginning to resent beauty. All this, for…?
Anonymous 15971
>>12827if you're still around anon, it's boardwalk empire season 3.
Anonymous 16012
4 or 5. Below average because of my posture. Higher on days I do makeup. Learning to love myself and my body/face despite my plain appearance.
Anonymous 16020
>>15963Ugly even hideous people have friends and partners too. Sure being attractive makes your life easier in some regards but you shouldn't hold yourself back in the assumption you can't have friends, can't have a boyfriend because you're ugly. Your mindset is holding you back more than your looks are.
Anonymous 16372

When I was younger, I used to look better and feel like a 6 or 7/10 more often.
Now, since I moved away from home, that is extremely rare and it's maybe a 3 or 4/10. My hair and skin look alot worse. I feel like I look like a homeless meth addict most of the time. I suspect it might have something to do with the water in this apartment because it's really hard and likely has wreaked havoc on my skin/hair over the years. I also still wear only old clothes from middle school and high school. Alot of other things need an upgrade, I just can't get it all now because $$$.
Back in middle school I got called average looking by one guy in my class. He said I'm not ugly or pretty. That still upset me because I do want to be hot, not middle-ground. But even that definitely isn't true today, because again my appearance has downgraded alot since then.
Anonymous 16374

>>16372Actually maybe this is a better representation. At this point I resemble picrel in almost every way, even though I'm a yuri fan not a fujo and don't have white hairs (yet…). Also just replace the tank top and underwear with PJs and otherwise that's literally me to a T.
Anonymous 16375
>>16374For a second I thought fujoshi meant futanari and almost reported your post lel
Anonymous 16376
>>16375Wtf? There isn't even a dick in that picture, jesus christ.
Anonymous 16377
>>11863No. 3/10 probably. Deep inside I wish to have bdd, but, alas, looks like it is not it
Anonymous 16378

I think I’m pretty ugly but I don’t care that much. I kind of look like one of those old European portraits of less attractive royal family members. Weak chin, bulgy staring eyes, pallid complexion, some pox marks on my face, slightly inbred looking, no lips etc. I’m okay with it, but the hard part is nobody really looks like me in media anymore so I don’t have any inspiration, and I hate boring normie style and don’t want to wear it. Maybe I should just go full crinoline larp to cope with it. I don’t see what other way to make it work.
Anonymous 16395
Sometimes when people compliment me i work myself up and think i must be at least a 7 or an 8, but truthfully you don't have to be that beautiful to be complimented i was just delusional because i want to be extremely beautiful so bad. Reality is, i think i'm a 5.5 most of the time, sometimes lower, and sometimes when i try really hard maybe a 6.
I get complimented quite a bit but if you're just average or a little bit more than average, you'll get compliments from nice old ladies/old men, scrotes trying to fuck, nice girls who want to be your friend. Doesn't mean you're really gorgeous. Was a hard pill to swallow but there's no way i'm any more than that because when i take pictures i look fucked up, my proportions aren't that great, my forward growth is bad, my eyes are meh, i have hormonal acne, my body is attractive but not exceptionally shaped, i don't have anything out of the ordinary that would make people drool really.
I hate it but i have to stop being delusional. I'm just alright. I wish i was model material. Not to get moids, i don't care i already get moids if i want to, just… I want to be the most beautiful version of myself, i want beauty in my life, it comforts me.
Anonymous 16396
I kind of look like Lena Dunham and people hate her and say she’s extremely ugly so I guess I’m probably a 2-3.
Anonymous 16405
Gradeschoolers want to marry me, people my age think I'm ugly & middle aged women keep calling me cute and adopting me, so I'm whatever all that makes me.
Anonymous 16406

>>11863Honestly, face 7,5-8/10, body 4/10.
Naturally big lips, green big eyes, clear skin, "soft" eyebrows, etc. People have gone up to me IRL to compliment me on my looks.
Small tits, a bit of a belly, too big butt. Trying to get more fit but I lack self-discipline.
Anonymous 16424
4-6 depending on the day
Anonymous 16451
In my own opinion, I think I’m pretty hot. Probably a 8/10. I’m 171cm tall, with a cute body with 31/23/37 measurements at 18 BMI. I have a roundish heart shaped face, which I used to hate but then I realized Sky Ferreira has the same shape kek. I’m half SEA, so I have big eyes and plump lips. I was lucky enough to have a small nose.
I’d be better looking if my hair wasn’t astronomically fucked up. It’s cut into a really short bob, and it’s deep fried and brassy blonde. Right now I have hideous black roots kekkkkk. Most moids don’t think I’m attractive though because I’m too “tall” for an Asian and I don’t have bolt on boobs.
Anonymous 16466
I’d give myself a 6. Maybe that’s being generous. I would have rated myself straight average, but I’m on the taller side and have good proportions (smaller head, longer legs) at least. I also think I dress okay for the most part. Although I could probably stand to lose some weight and maybe that’d bump me up higher. Anyway I think there’s something wrong with my personality. The only men who have ever shown consistent interest in me are the softest, most beta men and I don’t know what that says about me.
Anonymous 16467
>>16466Samefag but I don’t mean to come off as a chad chaser. I actually like guys who are sort of introverted and awkward, but the guys who tend to be into me are just excessively so. Like spineless to the point it’s kind of annoying.
Anonymous 16469
>>16467There’s nothing wrong with chasing Chad. Don’t let incels shame you for it.
Anonymous 16491
>>16467>>16469What the hell, i agree with the other nona you can allow yourself to be a chad chaser if you want to, and if you don't it's obviously fine too but i always question why some women don't want to pursue conventionally handsome men when, really, it's natural to be attracted to them? Seems like misogynistic men conditioned you into avoiding handsome men in fear of being categorized as superficial. Bitch, they are projecting because they are the superficial ones and seething because they're not chads themselves.
I'd even push you towards chasing a Chad at least once in your life, have some fun, enjoy yourself in the company of a himbo. Nothing wrong with that.
Anonymous 16501
>>16491>>16469You’re both right and I think I was just self-conscious of coming off as shallow even though there isn’t anything wrong with that. I don’t know why I’m not attracted to conventionally attractive men but even when I was a kid I was always attracted to pale, skinny guys with introverted, neurotic qualities. That being said, the only men who tend to be consistently attracted to me are the most spineless, white bread men ever and I wonder why. The few times I went on dates with more assertive, normie ‘chad’ types they lost interest pretty much after one date so that’s what I meant by I think there’s something up with my personality lol.
Anonymous 16503
>>16501No offense but aren’t tall skinny pale guys the default male beauty standard anyway? Sure the tan blonde tall muscular jock is one side but I feel like the tall skinny introverted moid is just the other side of the coin. Not hating or anything. I just don’t understand why people think this is an obscure taste when pretty much every girl I’ve ever known finds those men attractive, I think they’re actually more popular than conventionally attractive Chads.
Same way tan bleach blonde big boob bimbos are the beauty standard in the west and skinny pale brunette or dark blonde waifish girls are the other side of the same coin and probably more popular with men than the former.
But yeah there’s nothing wrong with wanting to date an attractive man. Don’t let men shame you for it.
Anonymous 16510
>>16469 NTA but I think you're right. A guy has been showing interest in me and at first it felt confusing because I'm not what most people would consider to be beautiful and my personality also tend to be shy and awkward and he's not just handsome, but also kind and caring. It felt weird that a guy so out of my league would be interested in me. And yet he's been really nice and doesn't seem to be bothered by my flaws. Part of my brain was screeching about me not deserving somebody like him but now it doesn't seem like it bothers him. He always tells me how wonderful and beautiful I am. And as long as it doesn't bother him it probably shouldn't bother me.
Anonymous 16511
I'm an attractive person with a good body and some great traits. My problem is that I'm being BTFO by the societal obsession with plastic surgery and the insane standard it sets. The current standard from beauty if to be an hourglass and have your hips start higher than your belly button, a feature only acheived through botched looking surgeries
Anonymous 16525
>>16511> The current standard from beauty if to be an hourglass and have your hips start higher than your belly button, a feature only acheived through botched looking surgeriesHuh? I have that naturally though I barely see anyone else with it irl. I think 99.9999% of girls shoop their pics now.
I always wondered why people refer to their thigh bones as their hips. Aren’t your hips the round part of your outer pelvic bones?
Anonymous 16544

I have two opinions of my looks.
The first is the absolutely rational Point, that I am just normal looking, like everyone else. So I would say a 5/10. There a humans more pretty and more ugly than me. If I would use make up and styling tips etc I could be a 6.5 I think.
Then there is my personal opinion in that I hate myself and find myself extremely unattractive. On better days I do not really care (then my rational mind is stronger), but on worst days I hope that I have an accident and do not have to live with my body and face anymore.
So yeah.
Anonymous 16545
>>16467There's nothing wrong with being a chad in fact isn't that normal? You're into a guy that takes care of himself, has above average hygiene, puts effort into dressing himself, has an interesting personality etc.
Idk what chad means to you but it's obvious that he's basically the ideal partner at least looks wise.
Anonymous 16555
I’m honestly a natural 2. I think the highest I can get to is 5 and if I got plastic surgery for my malformed nose I could reach a 7. I think my body is fine but I have a severely deformed face + my hair is thinning
Anonymous 16583

Miners, I may not be as ugly as I think I am and it scares me. A shop girl kept telling me how pretty I am and how cute my outfit was to the point I got so flustered today. All my life I've been told I'm ugly and fat by both my family and peers and it ruined my self esteem. But this is happening more lately where people tell me how cute or pretty I am or my hair is nice and every time I'm in utter disbelief. I try to keep a decent appearance for my own self, but still they're all surely joking, right?
Anonymous 16600

i wear a hair covering, no make up, and long sleeves and ankle length skirts on most days. not to mention my glasses, because contacts are just… ew. i could look decent if i took off the hair covering and put on some makeup, but that sounds unappealing.
men dont flirt with me either, i've never been catcalled in my entire life. the only boy who ever found me pretty is my current boyfriend.
i'm fit, young, i've got bright green eyes and 3 ft long hair.
For the reasons listed above I'd give myself a good 5.5
Anonymous 16608
At work I frequently get complimented and compared to very beautiful female celebrities. Men borderline harass me both online and in real life trying to ask me out. The one person I've ever felt strongly about in a romantic sense asked me out and we're dating now. Despite it all, despite the overwhelming evidence that it's good, I hate myself. I have the most freakishly negative obsession with my appearance and sometimes I start to feel so ugly that I feel disfigured. When I was younger I was a social pariah and also a bit fat and unaware of how to manage my appearance and I think I got called ugly so much in my developmental years that I became fixated on improving my appearance in any way that I could short of plastic surgery and injections (which I am morally opposed to). God man, what's wrong with me. I feel like the worst kind of narcissist.
Anonymous 16628

i'm nothing to write home about. i guess i would be a 4, maybe a 5. i got a weird chin, arrow shaped nose and boring eyes, but i like my face shape, and my facial feature placement is fine. i look like me, and i look like what i'm supposed to look like, so that's cool
Anonymous 16636
i think i have a really pretty face, but i've been fat my whole life. recently, i've been working out a lot and eating more balanced than before, and lost 45 lbs. the weight loss has def contributed to how people treat me now, theyre much nicer than before.
Anonymous 16643
>>11863I guess I'd rate me a 7/10. I'm slender, petite and I have a bubble butt and plump lips but my main flaws are my big nose and the fact that I wear glasses.
I also look much younger than my real age (I'm 31 but I pass as a teenager easily) but this can be both good or bad depending on the situation.
Anonymous 16646
>>16643Glasses aren’t a flaw if ure cute
Anonymous 16647
Solid 4 i have intense pretty eyes. Pretty lips high cheekbones. However my jaw, nose and long forehead make me below average at best
Anonymous 16652
>>16646I look okay without glasses, but I just don't like how I look like a fucking nerd wearing them. Sometimes I think about doing the Lasik surgery so I won't have to wear glasses anymore but I'm terrified of having some complication or even going blind. Maybe lenses are the way to go.
Anonymous 18139
0. my mother has bad pcos and passed it onto me, i look like a fucking troon with how much facial hair i get
Anonymous 18167
3-2/10 because of a chronic skin condition, was 5/10 before getting it
Anonymous 18640
Probably a 3-4. Cute face, bad body
Anonymous 18648
I could be a model if I lost weight, so that's my plans for summer. now it's 5/6.
Anonymous 18676
0, all around ugly garbage
Anonymous 18677
Honestly 8/10 appearance-wise. I have a model-like facial structure with a slender frame and a bubble butt that's gotten me quite a bit of attention. I have a fairly high muscle tone despite lack of physical activity. Only downside is a pretty flat chest and knobbly knees. However, I'm an annoying sperg who's shit at masking so my good looks don't even really matter in the grand scheme of things. They only garner me lots of negative attention from others. If I were neurotypical with the same appearance, I'd probably be an evil Stacy sorority bitch who bullies spergs like me.
Anonymous 18678
uhh like a 6 because I have a pretty good body and some nice facial features but my face can improve. I have terrible eyesight so I have to wear ugly ass giant glasses but i'm going to start wearing contacts instead soon and work on skincare and stuff
Anonymous 18690
>>11863I find myself pretty but I’m probably not that conventionally attractive. I think 6 or 7. I‘m afraid to ask other people though
Anonymous 18733
4. I’m fat, when I was skinny I was like 5, maybe a soft 6 at best. I have manface, big nose, massive jaw and a weird body shape (top heavy, pencil legs when skinny but built like a fridge when fat)
Anonymous 18736
I think I'm a 5 on a scale of 1 to 10. I'm a 4 on bad days like when I'm on my period and I break out in hormonal acne, or if the dark circles show up. I can be a 6 if I try hard enough, but I don't go out often so I don't really try. I'm okay with being a 5 most of the time. 5 means average, and most people in the world are average anyway. I'd rather be average than be ugly I guess.
I dunno, I have a skewed sense of self due to years of self-hatred. If my face were on someone else it would be fine, but since my face is attached to me I automatically hate it.
Anonymous 18786
I rate my face 3/10 and body 7/10. I don't know why my face is so ugly. My mother was a famous model and beloved for her beauty in her country but her genetics weren't passed on to me properly. I do have some of her facial features but I think they're just arranged in a….weird way? I have never been complimented (except by elderly) for my face, classmates I didn't even talk to would say to my face I look like a nerd for no reason (like yeah I do, but why do you feel the need to tell me that), kids would fake ask me out and also people would make school shooter jokes about me. I could have been born attractive, because I do actually have features that fit some beauty standards from my culture, but the pieces were put together in such a strange way where I just look ugly, too different or un-stereotypical, and like a man, maybe it's because my father's genetics mixed with my mother's poorly.
I never cared about my ugliness until I gained interest in having a relationship because growing up I never could identify with the female gender so I didn't pay attention to beauty standards and kind of even liked being ugly. Now I care because I keep thinking about how even if I date a guy he might monkey branch to another girl because it seems a lot of girls where I am like to date guys on a lower level so it wouldn't be hard for a guy to ditch me for someone prettier.