
Do you shower more than once a day? Anonymous 12485
Anonymous 12486
Sometimes, yeah. I like taking showers in the morning because my hair looks bad when I sleep on it and I can't just brush it. Then if I exercise later I shower again.
Anonymous 12487
>>12485Usually full shower in the morning and just rinse in the evening, but it also depends if I plan on hanging out with someone in the evening, otherwise just the morning one is fine
Anonymous 12488
really try not too since showering dries out your skin a lot. i usually shower every evening if was out the whole day. otherwise i'll just wash my armpits and other parts with a washcloth.
Anonymous 12489
>>12488I find cold showers help retain hydration
Anonymous 12490
Shower once and wash face two more times. If I work out, shower twice and wash face just before bed.
I used to shower twice regardless of exercise because I was neurotic about smelling bad (I smelled fine). It dried me tf out, made my hair fall out and made me itchy all the time.
Anonymous 12491
>implying showering once a day is the norm here
tbf I'm ashamed, but it's so difficult for me to do it. I've only successfully showered once a day when I'm in one of those mind-numbing periods where I have school and work all day and never have any leisure time.
Anonymous 12493
I shower every day I leave the house, so usually 6 times a week.
Anonymous 12494
I shower weekly to keep the skin and scalp oils from going out of whack. Constantly using soap ruins your hair and skin.
Anonymous 12495
I shower once a day, I know that the ideal is showering a couple times a week instead but I like taking showers.
Anonymous 12496
>>12492me too or sometimes 2 times a week. But I don't smell and my hair doesn't get too greasy so I don't feel the need to shower every day (also I'm lazy and my room would be filled with towels hung to dry all the time if I showered daily)
but I do wash my feet every day.
Anonymous 12497

>>12492>>12496Is it ok not to wash yourself down there everyday though? Or do you girls do it daily?
I showered a couple times a day when I lived in a really hot place, now I just shower once a day.
Anonymous 12498
>>12497I don't wash "down there" every day (yeah I know what you're thinking) but I've never had any sort of problems
Anonymous 12499
>>12497I rinse it thoroughly everytime, but don't always soap, feel like it might not be good for it
Anonymous 12500
>>12498Nah I'm not thinking anything bad. I need to do it everyday to feel okay, but as far as I know it cleans itself, right? So if you've never had a problem it must be fine.
Anonymous 12501
I shower daily and every person so far who told me showering daily is too much also smelled really bad.
Anonymous 12502
Sometimes but not as a rule. It's always either because of exercise or as stress relief. I take a lot with showercaps because my hair is difficult but my armpits and ass need washing often.
Anonymous 12503
I shower once a week tops. :[ I don't have time and energy for that.
Anonymous 12504
>>12489I've heard so many benefits to cold showers but I'm too weak to withstand it. It would ruin the pleasantness of bathing for me.
Anonymous 12505
>>12504Gradual transition to colder and colder showers makes it pleasant, really hot showers used to be my favorite but they feel painful/gross to me now.
Helps to avoid tensing up your muscles when the cold water hits, try to forcibly relax them if that makes, but keep your body moving, get all of it wet, spin around so one side of your body doesn't warm up while the other stays cold, and breathe slowly
Look up some stuff on Wim Hof if you want more advice on it
Anonymous 12506
Someone on ruby.parlor told me if I dont shower twice a day than I will never get a bf
Anonymous 12507
not usually. when it's really hot out, i do step in another time just to feel refreshed. i wash my face twice a day though
Anonymous 12509
I haven't showered in over a month.
Anonymous 12510
>>12485Nope, I shower every 2-3 days because it's better for my hair.
Anonymous 12511
What do you mean by shower? You mean the simple standing in the water for 30 seconds or the more advanced stuff like thoroughly washing your hair (every other day), scrubbing your feet, amongst the obvious cleaning of the "dirty areas"
please explain in great details
also check this (10 minutes) (2 minutes)
both sources claim dermatologists as their sources.
Anonymous 12512
I shower like once every 2-3 days
>inb4 you're disgusting
i usually don't produce body odor for some reason, and i find that my hair looks better (more texture/body) on day 2-3 than it does on day 1. by overwashing your hair, you're stripping it of natural oils.
Anonymous 12513
>>12505Man, Wim Hof seems like a magician to me. I get the feeling everyone should be doing that, it should be a skill as vital as swimming. How they tested him and everything and it just worked. Maaaaan.
Anonymous 12514
In summer I stand in cold water without soap two or three times a day, when the weather is nice I shower once a day because it feels nice, in winter I wash my feet, armpits and woo-hoo daily but shower only every two or three days. I wash my hair once a week, which is great since I used to wash it every three days.
My diet is clean and I have easy going hormones so I produce almost no body odor.
Anonymous 12515
>>12512Same. My skin/hair feels better the less I shower. I really appreciate living in a cold country where I don't sweat unless I work out. When I go abroad, I shower daily due to sweating but I always notice that my skin and hair become dry.
Anonymous 12518
I shower second or third day. Especially for how humiliatingly greasy my hair gets when I'm sick of dry shampoo.
I don't think I ever learned how to take care of my hair properly, either. My parents just never taught me and I was amazed other girls could wash my hair and make it look so shiny. I felt like I was observing this secret art everyone knew but me.
These days in between hair washing days I just do a rinse if it looks clean enough to go out and keep a short haircut to minimize stress.
Anonymous 12519
>>12512Same here I have a really dry skin and showering every 3 day is so much better for my skin.
I don't sweat much so smell or unhygienic is not a problem for me.
Anonymous 12520
Once a day or every second day. Sometimes twice in summer or if I have gym that day.
I have seborrheic dermatitis so I have to be very careful about how often I shower, wash my hair and the water temperature, I can't wash too often but I can't go too long without showering either. I live in the arctic circle so cold showers in winter are a no, hot water feels good but dries out my skin a lot. It's a bitch to balance out, especially since my schedule isn't very flexible.
Anonymous 12521
No lole.
What are you, a normalfag?