
Rate Menstruation Products. Anonymous 14073
What is your list to the most usefull to worst menstruation products?
Mine is:
>№1 Sanitary Pads.
>№2 Tampons.
>№3 Menstrual Cup.
>№4 Reusable Sanitary Pads Made Out Of Cloth.
Anonymous 14074
I've personally never used anything but disposable pads but I'm curious, what was so bad about the reusable ones?
Also interested to know if anyone here has experiences with period panties (reusable underwear that absorbs blood)
Anonymous 14075
>>14074They are uncomfortable for me, can't change them whenever you want and no matter how I putted it or fastened it, it was always getting out of place.
Never had this experience with ordinary ones.
Still I know the damage it does to the enviroment, so I'm using biodegradable ones whenever I can.
Also a lot of admiration to the women who use cloth ones to help the enviroment.
Anonymous 14076
They are all terrible. So it taking pills to stop periods.
Fwiw I use cup but only so I don’t have to remember to buy anything.
Anonymous 14077

Has anyone used menstrual sponges before?
Pad are great as long as I can change them. If I wear it too long it feels super gross and lead to a rash.
Tampons are fine. Not great, they can be uncomfortable if they are the cheap ones. They don't stay in as well now that I am older (after kids mostly).
I likes the cups, but they can be super inconvenient if my flow is heavy and I want to empty it in public. Sanitizing it can be gross, like I don't want to use my pot I cook food in. Maybe go to a thrift store for a pot just for that, but then I have to store the pot, too.
Homemade ones can be uncomfortable since they don't absorb fast and it stays wet. They have to be changed often and I don't want to carry them around with me if I am out and about.
I haven't tried the period underwear, yet. I would love someone to share their experience.
Anonymous 14079
>>14077This looks like a way better alternative to tampons and menstrual cups.
Anonymous 14083
I'm also curious about period panties, but I don't know how many I need. Is 3 enough? Assuming i'll be home when I change so i'll be able to wash right after changing and hang it out immediately to dry.
Anonymous 14103
>>14073i've been using a menstrual cup and some reusable sanitary pads made out of cloth for some years now
feels good to know i haven't made any trash for so long and this works very well for me and doesn't bother me in any way
(i did have to get used to the cup and i did leak in the beginning because i didn't know how to insert it properly but figured it out eventually)
i wear my cup everyday of my period and only use the pads on the first two days (and nights) when my bleeding is the heaviest and i will leak because of that (but the leakage is very small). if my period is not so heavy anymore, i will only wear the pad
>>14077before my cup and reusable pads, i would always use tampons but i read that they absorb way too much of the good vaginal juices and that's unhealthy, so i wouldn't recommend a (sea) sponge or whatever they make to absorb your period, even when it's good for the environment
Anonymous 14113
cups are awful. I can't figure out how to get mine to not leak, they're expensive as fuck, I could've bought 1,5-2 years worth of tampons for the price of one cup and they're so inconvenient when you're in a public bathroom withourt sink in your stall, I always struggle to get it to open up and theg're slow to change on top of that. Sorry environment but I'll stick to tampons, they're convenient and easy and quick to change. I don't know why women have to be pestered about using tampons or pads for our natural bodily function anyway, pester people about their extreme and unssercary (I can't spell) consumerist habits before getting to tampons and pads.
Anonymous 14165
Does anyone else have an aversion to having things up and inside them?
I tried tampons ONCE and that was all it took. I also tried a cup, and I just hated it.
I only use pads for this reason.
Anonymous 14168
>>14165Yeah I feel the same. Plus the area gets really sensitive and tender when I'm on my period so it rapidly feels sore if any pressure is applied
I only use pads but I really hate how much trash they make, like even with envirofagging aside I just don't like producing bins of gross junk that I have to throw out, and having to buy more all the time. My flow is heavy so I go through a lot of pads every month. I want to try period panties eventually.
Anonymous 14186
>>14113agreed, theyre so uncomfy trying to get in and take out, if i havent clipped my nails that week theres no fucking way.
i have a really light flow, so it might be different but i tend to wear it throughout the day and keep a pad with me just in case im away from home for a long time, because truthfully its so gross even trying to wash it in the public restrooms.
>I always struggle to get it to open upthey have different cups that have a pulley device to break the seal, but for me i just try to put my finger against it and press near the top, then i pinch the bottom and pull so so gently lol
Anonymous 14188
>>14073>01. Freebleeding (unironically, but I also have an incredibly light flow so I know this isn't an option for most people)>02. Tampons (if it's day 1 of my period and I'm leaving the house)>03. Pads (don't use them because they're uncomfy)Haven't tried anything else.
Anonymous 14210
For me, it's this:
1. Reusable cloth pads
2. disposable pads
3. tampons
4. menstrual cup
I hate having anything inside, and I especially hated the cup. I prefer cloth pads to help the environment + save lots of money. They also feel better against my skin.
Anonymous 14226
I only use pads- I don't want to use anything I gotta put inside myself.
I will probably switch to reusable ones once I have access to my own washing machine (have to use the landlord's)
However, I definitely recommend switching to cotton ones if you use Always or some other plasticky brand. I made the switch recently, and I have noticed that I no longer get that terrible achey soreness I used to on the outside of my hoohah. I read some thread on Tumblr a long while back about girls saying that they stopped having that bruised-like pain after switching from the usual plastic/scented pads to cotton ones, and that has also been my experience. I used the Cora brand, the overnight ones since I don't like to fuck around with leakage.
Who knows what kinda weird shit they put into menstrual products? I think using an all-natural alternative is probably better in the long run.
Anonymous 14233
>>14077I've tried period underwear and I disliked it, it has diaper-type energy, kind of like a wet pad but worse. I have a light flow so it may be v different for you
>>14188do you designate particular pairs or do all your unmentionables have stains. I am considering this
Anonymous 14235
It depends on my flow. I have an extremely heavy flow so I have to change it up through the week. on heavy days i wear a menstrual cup + a pad and on light days i just use the cup alone. at night sometimes I just free bleed with 2 thick towels underneath me. kinda gross.
1. menstrual cup
2. organic pads
3. free bleeding
tampons and chemical ridden pads are of the devil. i always get a weird rash if i use the wrong pads.
Anonymous 14236
>>14235also, the only problem i had with menstrual cups is that i swear they've stretched me out a little. everyone told me that's not how vaginas work but the cup slips in so easy now it's a little scary. anyone else have that happen? should i be doing more kegels?
Anonymous 14240
>>14236I think it's more likely the sillicone just became less stiff after a couple of uses + you're more practiced now and that's why it goes in easier.
Anonymous 14244
>>14077Dang that looks really nice. As much as I hate cups, I would like an hybrid between a cup and a sponge just so the sponge would be easier to remove. Also I was thinking but wouldn't the sponge soak too much moisture from the vagina?
Anonymous 14246
>>14077they only work for about an hour and then you start leaking blood
their only real use is having sex on your period
Anonymous 14284

>>14073pic related is my #1 and only product i use
i developed an allergic reaction to plastic pads and these are the only ones that don't itch
i'm too scared to stick a cup up my vagina
i've used tampons twice and i got toxic shock syndrome
birth control pills gave me joint pain
i'll probably just use pads for life
sort of interested in getting reuseable pads, esp for my light days, but scared abt the maintenance
Anonymous 14285
>>14284> i've used tampons twice and i got toxic shock syndromeI’ve never tried tampons in my life because of hearing about TS. I remember I told a doctor that and she acted like it was ridiculous but why risk something that can kill suddenly if you don’t need to? Even if the risks are small.
Anonymous 14383

Took the plunge and got my first cup today.
Here's hoping it fits me nicely and that I get the hang of it quick
Anonymous 14400
>>14383It takes a few times to get it right so I recommend trying it at home first. You have to learn how to scrunch it up to get inside and then to know when it opens up and forms a seal. I cut the stems off of both of mine as they irritated me so you might need to do that too.
Basically don't give up if it seems like it's not working.
Anonymous 14442

normal pads are expensive and some have been found to have cancerous materials so I've been thinking about making my own (also been dealing with enviromental guilt)
but wtf am I gonna do with them when I need to change my pad in public ew
when I try to research them I rarely find any useful info because it's usually from people trying to advertise their etsy business or something
Anonymous 14443
>№1 Mirena IUD.
>№2 Panty Liners (not the thick pads) for the two mild periods I have while the IUD is fading.
>№3 Tampons for the one real period I have before the IUD is changed every 5 years.
don't really like anything else. I bleed an enormous amount when off hormonal b/c so the diva cup was a real joke.
Anonymous 14464
>>14233I have designated underwear in case I leak, but even when freebleeding, I don't generally stain my underwear. I pee often enough that I end up wiping anyway any bit of blood that has come out. But as I said, my flow is super light.
Anonymous 14480
>>14442You use a wetbag essentially. Something waterproof to hold a used pad in until you can take it home. I take my used ones and soak them in oxyclean.
T. Make my own reusable pads
Anonymous 14925
I love a menstrual cup. I used one for YEARS before they were "mainstream" so my only option in-store was the Diva Cup. I was on the implant and bled for 3-4 months at a time once so it was easy maintenance for me. Wash in the sink in the morning, in the shower in the evening. This also allowed me to make sure that I was bleeding a healthy amount because you cannot see how much you bleed into a pad or tampon.
I'm currently pissed right now because I bought a new menstrual cup before I gave birth, buying the bigger size, then had an emergency c-section and it's entirely too big. So I just wear my period underwear and change it as often as you would a pad, and wear my menstrual cup when I swim. It's larger size works better for that but is not comfortable for day-to-day use. I bought the saalt cup because I heard it was the most comfortable. I might write an email because I'm too broke to buy another one.
Anonymous 20034

Do you guys know of any period products whose packaging doesn’t use language that erases women? A lot of the packaging I see for period products calls women something in the realm of “people who menstruate” and I don’t really want to support it. The only company who doesn’t do this that I’m currently aware of is The Her Inc, and they only do period panties. I don’t really have anything against period panties, I’ve just never tried them.
Anonymous 20036
I've only used pads, tampons, and wahable pads. I only used tampons breifly, and the first time was when I was in my 30s.
I prefer pads. Regular or washable.
I'm interested in menstrual cups but it seems like a steep learning curve? And I don't really like sticking things in myself.
Anonymous 20037
I use period panties and it's my lifesaver. Even though they're basically adult diapers kek. I can't deal with the leakage caused by pads. No matter how much I try using pads, there will always be leakage, for me at least. Too retarded.
Anonymous 20045
>>20037I was just looking at these at the drugstore but they're so expensive.
I also saw these thin things that are flushable that you can use on super light days or use on top of a pad on super heavy days. Has anyone else seen or used these things?
Anonymous 20050

Cup. I replaced my diva cup with a pharmacy dupe due to price and them no longer using female language. I first started off with discs to test, but swapped to a cup cause at the time it was the only reusable option. Now there are reusable silicone disks I might try next year when I replace my current cup.
Reusable pads
Tampons at subterranean level
My cycle and bleeding isn't consistent so tampons are just the worst. The last time I used them I had bled through 3 in 4 hours to then not bleed for 9 hours after inserting the 4th which was a super heavy tampon. It was so painful pulling it out and I was paranoid I'd get TSS or something. Never tried period panties, tbh as gross as it is, my panties have thick enough lining that when I spot I just let it be. I tend to spot less than I discharge around my ovulation period so I've always gotten or sewn in thicker padding for the lining. Now that laundry machines have good cold functions I just toss my panties in a cold load and no stains for me. Not that I really care cause they're ancient cotton panties but idk, I find it cool that I no longer get any stains on my panties cause of a small tech improvement.
>>14077Late but these have been linked with serious illness cause unless you disinfect it right before insertion, you never know what's in the core. Unlike silicone it's going to be absorbing not just blood, but airborne bacteria as well. Not to mention it can get a moldy middle cause it's a thick sponge so when you wring it dry after cleaning it might fester if it stays damp.
Anonymous 20092
An absolute lifesaver. They pair with any other menstrual product. For cleaning can hand rinse or soak in cold water but I usually do a quick rinse in the washing machine in cold water with no detergent before putting it in with a normal wash. I have ones for super heavy flows that are marketed suitable for postpartum. Only problem is I need to buy more as I’m currently just cycling between 4 pairs and end up doing a lot of wash…
Only thing that I can use internally. I was a tampon girly from age 13 to 24 but I only use them for swimming/exercising now. No problems with them, just found that period pants were better. The scented ones can get fucked though
3. PADS (Disposable)
The OG. I always end up bleeding around the pad (even with wings) so it’s more trouble than it’s worth if I have other options. I also put disposable pants in this category.
4. CUP
It pains me to say this but I could never get on with the cup. I bought a size 1 at a pharmacy in 2018 and no matter how hard I tried despite not being a virgin and being in my 20’s. I know there’s other brands out there but I’m pretty sure have a narrow vagina with a high cervix so I think I’m just not built for the cup.
Never tried reusable pads but I am interested.
Anonymous 20106
I really liked my thinx period underwear when I had them, but I threw them out after that lawsuit came out about them and the PFAS chemicals in them. Anyone have a rec for good period undies that don't have that same issue?
Otherwise, for me it's menstrual disc, menstrual cup, tampon, pads.
Anonymous 20119
>>20106I have hello girls pants. Brand focuses more on period poverty rather than being super crunchy but they claim to be toxin free as well. Not sure if they ship outside the UK but if you can get your hands on their super soft pants they’re the best I’ve tried.
Anonymous 20122

I've only have tried some form of pad but I've recently switched from disposable to cloth pads a few months ago. So far I like them. They're actually comfy to wear rather than the plastic/diaper-esque feel of the disposable ones.
Plus the ones I bought have some cute patterns so wearing them has kind of made there be 'something' to look forward to during my period rather than just a chore to get through.
Negative sides are that they slide up and down out of place and sometimes need readjusted like a wedgie. Also if I go out, I have to either bring a ziplock bag to stow them into until I get home or only go out within the time frame of pad changes.
Anonymous 20157
I wanna try tampons but I can’t because I live in a shitty muslim country and I’m supposed be married to use one.
Anonymous 20165
>>20157i grew up muslim and literally never heard this. what kind of shit hole do you live in?
Anonymous 20167
>>20165It's not just a Muslim thing, I'm in Canada and I've encountered a small catholic town in Quebec that didn't sell tampons cause they're supposed to be virginity stealers. I also noticed menstrual cups were hard to find in Nova Scotia because they're more conservative too. It was a few years before they were in every major pharmacy. A friend of mine from a small village in Newfoundland told me some girls who bought tampons keep it quiet causes it's associated with being a whore cause men believe they are pleasurable for us to wear and plus they think it breaks the hymen so some assume you must have already lost your virginity if you wear it. I presume some rather backwards countries which still allow virginity checks on the wedding night would ban tampons for that reason seeing as this is the state of some provinces here in the west. My mom is from Pakistan and she said growing up tampons weren't a thing to buy but women just stuck cotton up there cause pads were just cotton since disposable pads like today with the plastic film didn't exist back then. Last time I was in the country you could buy always tampons at any pharmacy at a bazzar so I presume it's different now but some places are probably stuck in the past. I wouldn't trust the tampons though, a cousin warned me she imports pads cause she gets rashes from the crap brands sell there vs elsewhere. God knows what's in it and that you wouldn't want to insert it into you
Anonymous 20213
5. Cups - Top tier 10/10 my beloved
Used since 2012, no major failures. Literally only used other options in emergency situations once i adopted them
4. Tampons 5/10 mid not a fan
Kinda hate them because they can hurt like hell when taking out. Kinda hurt in general when putting in too because of how dry.
4. Reusable Pads 3/10 literally only becasue they're reusable, never used
3. Disposable pads 2/10 shit tier diaper crinky bullshit. Plus I have to wear panties which I'm against because theyre a huge scam. No one needs to wear underwear, literally fake useless piece of clothing. Just to siphon money out of your pocket.
4. Period panties 0/10 shit tier, would genuinely just rather freebleed so the blood isnt smooshed up against my bush to dry out and clot up. Gross gross gross.
Anonymous 20253
Period cups changed my life. Period discs even more so. They are easier to empty, to insert and to remove, plus I've always hated the idea of the cup creating suction inside me.