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/cyst/ Anonymous 16323

does anyone get bartholin cysts? they seem to be pretty ignored by gynecology. I've just recently been seeing medical sites claim they're linked to STDs meanwhile entire communities of women who get them are saying they've never had an STD, myself included. Just got tested.

Mine seems to reoccur whenever something "traumatic" bodily speaking happens. Usually if there's an extreme irritation to the area. Some pads seem to trigger it too so I've switched to menstrual cups. It finally fucking came back after I got my first brazilian wax…

I'll post ways ppl deal with them later. Some are kinda goofy.

Anonymous 16327


Hey I had that!
My doc wanted to send me to the hospital for an ablation, but thankfully, Ibuprofen was enough to get them back to normal size.
It's stress related in my case, and yes, it's related to sexual trauma.
Neurotraumatology/psychotraumatology explains the process well: a sexual trauma happens to a child, shame ensues, the child gets hyper vigilant with her sex, she develops more sensitivity in the area (as in she physically develops more neural pathways (not sure if this is the right word), or a better sensitivity to them: her safety depends on it).
Later, once adult, this translates in extra-sensitivity, painful periods etc.

Anonymous 16341


This video mentions the 2 methods I use! Prid, and Phoebe's method. And of course sitz baths, which are the most important thing by far.

this is extremely based

Anonymous 16669

I thought I had one or a similar unpoppable cyst. I ended up using salicylic acid, bathing more, not shaving pubic hair and it thankfully went away.

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