
I hate acne Anonymous 16743
Anyone here knows good homemade remedies or mixtures for acne? I have it similar to picrel but a hundred times worse, it looks disgusting and it itches. I wash my face everyday with soap but it doesn't get better, i want it gone. Pls help.
Anonymous 16746
Get oratane/accutane stat. Any decent dermatologist will give it to you if your acne is that severe. I used to get it bad, like one new cystic one every week. I tried everything too - sleeping on towels, cleaning my face twice a day with cleanser, acne face washes, rectanyl and differin, even antibiotics. Sometimes it's just severe genetics.
And do it quickly, the more and longer you have it, the higher your chances of scars.
Anonymous 16747
>>16746Thank you! I'll try it out. I'll 100% have scars though because i have it since a long time already, it just got worse this year.
Anonymous 16763
I had really bad cystic acne starting early 20s, and differin saved my life. it's available OTC now. I just use a gentle cleanser to remove makeup, or just water if my skin is clean. then put on a very thin layer of differin at night.
after pairing that with a good moisturizer and some low level peels (the ordinary has a good one that's red, it's only like $10) for a few years, i have perfect skin with no pitted scars. be patient with yourself, everyone's skin is different. you may have to try multiple things before you find what works. do not go straight to accutane without seeing if less harmful medications will work. i think my cystic acne was due to stopping birth control, so if you're not opposed to a very low hormone BC that might help as well. but again try OTC differin, see a dermatologist, and eliminate all of the easier options before you go for the nuclear one.
Anonymous 16775
>>16743Just 3 weeks ago I had the same acne as picrel. I had them extracted at a clinic and started with BHA, it's only 9 dollars. Right now I have a couple of pimples but they're basically gone. My face doesnt itch anymore. I waited for 2 months before doing anything so I have a few scars unfortunately. Good luck.
Anonymous 16786
>>16746Does that work if you only get really bad butt and back acne?
Anonymous 16787
cut out overly processed dairy and sugar, keep a simple skincare routine (I suggest washing/moisturizing with duck fat or tallow since it’s so close to our natural oils) if the issue is hormonal take dim!
Anonymous 16791
>>16787>cut out overly processed dairy and sugar,This…. a lot of skin issues (not all) can be resolved by clearing up your diet.. but most people don't wanna do this and would rather spend money.
Anonymous 16802
The best clear skin/acne advice I ever got given is to change your pillow cases every 2 days, 3 max.
Haven't had any face skin problems in over 10 years with this. Used to use this one specific bar of soap from this one company's soap line that doubled as an exfoliator. A slight change in diet + adding a workout regimen fixed things in a more permanent way for me.
Anonymous 16811
>>16787>>16791Ah, if only
Recently I have decided to cut added sugar, pastry - and dairy I don’t eat already, and a couple weeks later my skin became much worse
Anonymous 16813
Acne sufferer here. The only "cure" is Accutane, and even people who've completed a round of Accutane can start breaking out again soon after. Shit sucks.
>>16787>>16791Meme advice
Anonymous 16814

>just wash your face
>just change your pillowcases
>just stop eating dairy/sugar/etc
Anonymous 16817
>>16791It's not that simple for some people, specifically Americans, overly processed sugar and dairy is sometimes the only thing available, especially in environments like schools, hospitals, and at certain jobs and it's even more hellish if you live with other people and you don't have a lot of money so you just eat whatever's available because food is expensive right now and now that food is even less filling than it's ever been before meal prepped chicken broccoli and rice dishes will still make you feel like you escaped from concentration camp. It's unfair that the expectation is that Americans just need to feel endless hunger and be only able to eat a handful of things at the grocery store than America needing to fix their food problem.
Anonymous 16819
>>16813>meme adviceScientific studies have shown that sugar (amongst other foods) can cause acne. There's a reason why acne is a pre-dominantely Western problem, because of our diets. Tribes with very traditional diets of fish and vegetables don't suffer from acne. You're just too addicted to your sugar and would rather slap on 10 products every night than eating clean.
Anonymous 16820

>>16819You're right diet can improve acne, but the idea that acne is only caused by diet and people in cultures where they're forced to eat healthy don't have acne is bullshit. Anyone who's ever been to rural parts of Asia, Africa or South America knows this. The thing is, for documentaries or pictures and such they usually don't get that much of a close up to their skin or they simply chose the more photogenic tribal people to document. I would even argue that some tribal people even have worse acne than Americans due to lack of medical care for hormonal problems, lack of clean water and stress from lifestyle
As for older pictures, photoshop existed back then too, it just wasn't as intense as it was today. Even grandma's will straight up admit they had acne in their pictures that was edited out
Anonymous 16821
>>16813I tried spirolactone and it worked like a charm and wasn't as intense of side effects as accutane you just can't have lots of potassium
Anonymous 16822

>>16743use THIS specific soap. it will be gone in a week. i swear by it.
also, start taking vitamin c supplements + apply sunscreen (preferable with niacinamide in it)
Anonymous 16882
Honestly go to a derm or get curology or something like that. Most over the counter stuff isn't very good at helping acne. Only going to a dorm helped.
Anonymous 16983

Has anyone ever tried brewer's yeast for acne? Most topical skincare products I've ever bought haven't seemed to do anything so I hope supplements work at least. My mom got me some but I couldn't find people on r/skincareaddiction or anything talking about experience with it.
Anonymous 16985
i used a lot of things but here is what worked for me. home remedies are bullshit so you will need some medication. if your country has decent healthcare or you have access to a good deem go ahead but alas doctors are retarded and the healthcare system in my country is not great. first of all washing with soap is not the greatest idea, soap is drying and can actually cause your acne to get worse so i would recommend washing only with water and using a moisturiser that doesn’t make it worse- of course this depends on your skin type so judge for yourself. retinoids help a lot- i reccomend tretinoin. you can try and get a prescription but i just bought it otc on holiday, you can also get it online. if it’s hormonal i would also try spiro- if you can get it from a derm it’s better as you can have issues with the medication, it’s routine to get regular blood tests whilst taking the medication to check your potassium levels. but i just buy it on the internet and take it knowing the risks- if you do this make sure to monitor your potassium intake and drink lots of water. also make sure you take care of the regular things like sleep, diet and keeping your pillowcases clean etc. if you don’t want to take medications you can look into natural ways to alter your diet/supplements you can take to balance your hormones.
Anonymous 16986

My decade-long bout of adult acne has finally cleared up after doing the following (this is after no success with antibiotics and prescribed retinols):
1) Eating lightly steamed brocolli most days
2) Taking 2x Nordic Naturals DHA Xtra Softgels daily
Because of the DHA pills, I've noticed that my skin doesn't react aggressively to every product I try and my dandruff has mostly cleared up.
We're all gonna make it!
Anonymous 17508
egg yolk, greek yogurt, tumeric, lemon
youth to the people kale cleanser
Anonymous 17513
I'm in my late 20s and I'm pretty much getting the worst acne in my life on my lower face–there's probably about 100 pimples from small ones to cysts and I'm in so much pain. There's some weird black hairs too, but I'm not sure if it's natural or a sign of PCOS.
I grew up eating junk food and morbidly obese and I have quit all sugar, dairy, and junk food and lost a lot of weight in the past 2 years too. Sigh.
People are lying when they act like bad skin happens mostly because of your diet. I have a lily-skinned older friend that never wore sunscreen or did skincare, eats McDonalds every day, and she has the skin of a baby.
Anonymous 17524
I can't recommend curology enough. It was the only thing after all these years of acne that solved it. You're going to have to get prescription something in order to "cure" acne. I take Spiro for oil control.
Anonymous 17542
I get acne around my mouth but I've noticed that a charcoal cleanser + using a niacinamide skin serum applied with a roller works absolute magic on my skin. I get less than half as many breakouts now
Anonymous 17554
I feel for you s, I had pretty bad acne until I finally asked my doctor and she referred me to a dermatologist in my mid 20s. Turns out I had fungal acne and I needed special cream… like holy shit, no wonder otc and home remedies weren't working.
Anonymous 17555
Hearing the same advice over and over, that I have already tried, by normies with clear skin fucking enrages me lol!
Anonymous 17563
>>17555>"have you tried washing your face two times a day?">"have you tried drinking green tea?">"have you tried using a cleanser?"I had to take antibiotics for it. Advice from people with clear skin is complete ass, because even people with the most complex skincare routine get breakouts. It all comes down to genetics. If you have perfectly clear skin it has nothing to do with face wash or skin care tips
Anonymous 17564
>>17563I want to kiss you for speaking the truth. I was on antibiotics for a couple years and I got
BV so I stopped them.
Anonymous 17605
A terrible acne event just occurred and I need to vent. Acne is truly body horror.
>have blackhead on back (backhead) for around a year
>whatever, I used to have terrible, constant bacne so it's no big deal to me
>my breakouts turn blackheads/closed comedones into cysts and/or pustules, this is just how my acne works
>last breakout turned my backhead into a cyst
>again, whatever, it's not new to me
>started to pop on its own today
>decide to help it out instead of just sticking a hydrocolloid on it
>gained some relief from this, keep going
>became the WORST pimple I have ever drained in my life
>made me sick to my stomach because it didn't seem like it would end
>how did this all fit under my skin?!
>stood for around 15 minutes with two mirrors to drain and disinfect this shit
I have mixed feelings. At least it's gone. I'd have assumed it was something far worse if not for the fact it was a blackhead for so long, or if it were on someone else. My body acne has always been horrifying.
Anonymous 17797
>>16819in countries like asia, skincare is a good investment and normalized in children. In the west most people wouldn't spend more than a couple of bucks on a decent cleanser and dermatologists are exclusively for severe cases or old rich white women who freak out about one wrinkle
Anonymous 17807
>considering Spiro depending on how my hormone tests go
>possible side effects include lowered blood pressure, possible breast growth, and weight gain
>already have very low blood pressure
>having breasts any larger than my flat chest or gaining weight would make me want to crawl out of my skin
And I have no doubt I'd be one of the ones to want to kms on Accutane. Moderate zits it is. I've tried disinfecting my nose and ears recently as well as implementing sulfur, so I hope this works.
Anonymous 17812
Have you tried rosemary oil? I use it for everything, it's cleansing and moisturising. If you have body acne you can use it as bath oil or apply it in the shower. Kind of nervous posting a second rosemary oil post in one day … i don't want to be 'that rosemary oil anon' lol.. i swear it just works for everything. Big beauty doesn't want you knowing about rosemary oil, heh.
>>16802 this but also invest in silk or high thread count cotton pillowcases and sheets
Anonymous 17825
I love curology s. Pls do it
Anonymous 17826
Op of this thread here, it definitely got worse than it was when i wrote this. I cant go to a dermatologist at the moment because of personal life problems so i'm using some random cheap gel that i got from a pharmacy, i helps the acne go away for a while but it always ends up coming back, i'm scared that it's actually pcos since my periods are very dysregulated as well, i'll write an update if anything happens.
Anonymous 17848
>>17826I don't go to the dermatologist anymore but when I used to, she would always say that treatments should only be used as long as they're prescribed or switched out/cycled for something else at some point because the skin "gets used to" whatever's being put on it so it won't be as effective anymore.
It's still best if you can go to the doctor so they can prescribe you what's most likely to work
Anonymous 17851
>>16813>The only "cure" is AccutaneI don't understand how anyone's skin can handle chemicals like that. It's like bleach. For me the cure was worse than the sickness.
Anonymous 18019
Anyone with skin problems, from my personal exp - have vitamin E daily, eat you damn fruits and veggies instead of other sugary shit and especially - drink plenty of water.
Anonymous 18029
I just started breaking out with whiteheads which is rare for me. I've also been stress-picking at bumps on my face… none of which are covered by a mask unfortunately. I don't use any products any more so I wonder if it's my skin purging or just being dry. My diet is consistently good and I drink a lot of water… I only touch my face when my hands are clean and I wipe my mouth after eating meals.
Anonymous 18030
Huh. I just came home and the whiteheads have already disappeared. Sorry for the rant lol.
Anonymous 18117
The only time in my life when my acne went away was when I was takong oral birth control, but BC absolutely killed my libido and made my incredibly dry 'down there'. So I stopped taking BC and now my acne is back. My acne seems to be hormone related but idk what to do because I don't want the other side effects I listed. Any advice?
Anonymous 18123
>>18117You could try drinking spearmint tea. It's a proven anti-androgen and helps a lot with my hormonal acne. I have noticed it makes my cycles shorter, but no other side effects. Just drink it on the days when your acne is particularly bad and don't overdo it and you should be alright.
Eating a lot of fiber also helps, in my experience. Some people say it helps your body get of extra hormones. Kinda makes sense, since it helps your body get rid of waste, in general? It's good to increase your fiber intake slowly, though, so your digestive system gets used to it.
Anonymous 18124
>>17812Agree with the cotton/silk sheets, but also would like to add that it's best to wear cotton/silk clothing if you have body acne.
Anonymous 18125
>>16814This advice might sound meme-y to you, but the reason you hear people repeating it is because it actually does work for many people. Especially if you follow through with ALL of it at once, rather than jut picking one thing and expecting that to single-handedly resolve the issue.
If following all of the lifestyle changes people recommend at once STILL doesn't work for you, then you're probably a good candidate for accutane. It's worth trying everything else first, though, considering all the side-effects of accutabe.