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Reverse Body Dysmorphia Anonymous 18100

Used to have body dysmorphia when I was thinner but as I put on pounds not only I got more confident but I feel like I look better.
I think I look fine but my BMI is 29 and my clothes do not fit anymore and it's hard to find a partner.
The only think stopping me from losing weight is that I don't have enough motivation because I don't think there is a problem.
I think I have reverse body dysmorphia now, how do I fix it?

Anonymous 18106


Anonymous 18109

You could try finding an active activity like running or a sport and focus on the fun aspect of it.

Anonymous 18114

seconding >>18109, you should keep that confidence while still trying to get healthier, by eating better and exercising more, that sort of thing. I think personally that self-hatred can often be counterproductive for weight loss, a stable mental health is the first step towards physical health.

Anonymous 18225

men are garbage who enjoy starving bodies. you look good, its not dysmorphia

Anonymous 18226

>BMI is 29
>you look good
>without a picture
Come on nona

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