How do i not get pregnant without torturing my body Anonymous 18346
I just found out I'm pregnant again.
I have tried almost every type of birth control and all of them are terrible. Condoms trigger my ptsd. The pill gives me migraines that are dangerous and almost made me lose my job. The hormonal iud made me sick and fell out of place and left permanent scarring on my cervix. Depo made me go insane and killed my libido. I even have tried a diaphragm and spermicide but those made my vagina hurt and feel raw. The only ones i havent tried are the implant and the copper iud, but I'm sure the implant will make me sick like all other hormonal types and the copper iud is expensive and will probably fall out again. I've been trying to manage pregnancy with timing my natural cycles and using plan b if i feel its risky.
I love having sex and I'm very in love with my boyfriend. I got pregnant on the pill before a few years ago, and now I'm pregnant again.
I'm not opposed to having as many abortions as I need, but it's expensive, I'm worried what it'll do to my body if i continue, and it's stressful to be constantly worried about if I'm pregnant or not. Wtf do i even do besides be celibate or get my tubes tied (which I'm worried ill regret and again, expensive)
I hate this i just dont want to be sick anymore while not sacrificing the enjoyment of my relationship.
Anyone else in this situation? What are we supposed to do? I want to ask my boyfriend to get a vasectomy because its more easily reversible and cheaper than tubal ligation but that feels like an unfair thing to ask of him.
Anonymous 18347
Just switch to getting eaten out???? Better orgasms overall.
Anonymous 18348
>>18346I don't think it's gonna be that easy since a lot of options are off the table. Something has to give. Since routine abortion, hormonal birth control, and copper IUD are not able to be used, I would have to suggest condoms since it's a given that sex isn't gonna stop anytime soon.
Anonymous 18349
>>18346Seems like the only one that can potentially get better is the condom one, though I know how tricky PTSD can be. Consider getting some therapy to try to recover and be able to use condoms again to prevent pregnancy scares.
Anonymous 18367
Why don't you get your tubes tied, or your boyfriend get a vasectomy? It's more expensive at first but it's almost 100%.
Anonymous 18413
I don't think its an unfair thing to ask your boyfriend, you tried so much different things and suffered, why shouldn't he contribute to solve this problem together with you
Anonymous 18436

>>18346I found this ultrasound male birth control thing that basically temporarily sterilizes dudes if they dunk their nuts in it. I dont think it's out yet though sadly
Anonymous 18452
>>18438I'm sure the intentions are good but tgis gif grosses me out so bd.
Anonymous 18459
Have you tried Nuvaring? I've had good success with that
Anonymous 18471
if you're not going to be abstinent or try natural tracking then stop being irresponsible and ask him to do his part, ask him a vasectomy.
I was alright at first but you sound really stupid/brainwashed in this.
You want to have sex but you don't want a baby but you don't want to use condoms or pills or anything but you're still okay with abortion but you aknowledge the risk but having a little vasectomy would be unfair but you want sex anyway
do you think your boyfriend goes through the day asking himself all these questions? lol
the better option would still be natural tracking or just having the fucking baby but it's up to you. so tell him about all this first, then ask the vasectomy. his reaction will also say a lot about how he sees you.
Anonymous 18472
just realized i missed the line where you say you tried it the natural way so nvm at this, but the conclusion is the same
be responsible.
Anonymous 18489
>>18468It uses sound waves or sonic waves or something like that