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Bag thread Anonymous 18397

Clutches, Handbags, Backpacks, Totes
Post em and discuss!
I’m personally looking for an affordable cute tote at the moment, so we can start with that.

Anonymous 18398>>18404

My bag right now is pretty big so I'm looking to downsize. My husband suggested a simple square bag so I might go with one of those. I like the sophisticated look they have.

I'm not rich so no brand for me, just generic department store bag. Maybe something a little nicer if I find something second-hand.

Anonymous 18404>>18405>>18407

You should definitely invest in a pre owned brand bag, or affordable “luxury” brands like guess, coach, calvin klein, etc. Department store bags are never worth it if you want to move up the food chain in normie woman world. Plus it just looks nicer.

Anonymous 18405>>18407

For pre owned bags i’d suggest vivienne westwood or Louis Vuitton. Those things prices always go significantly lower compared to prada and chanel. You could find luxury brand bags in your local thrift shop for cheap too

Anonymous 18407

I know this is true but the best I can probably do is pre-owned low-tier brands like you mentioned. I also need to replace my fast fashion wardrobe from my 20s but since I wear a suit to work and only go out on weekends I only need a few outfits.

Anonymous 18450>>18451

I am wearing a cringe invader zim purse everywhere rn because my mom gave it to me for christmas and I love my mom.

Anonymous 18451

That's cute. Invader zim is old enough to be cool again… Maybe?

Anonymous 18473>>18475

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Just got this bag

angel 18475>>18482

that is so cute!!!! i need a link

Anonymous 18481>>18483

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I always had alt or vintage bags, so I have zero understanding what makes normie bag look good. None of them looks good to me, they all kinda off and meh, and when I see people hunting for the most tacky bag possible, I just can’t help but be confused, I am bag-blind, I only understand something simple looking like picrel

Anonymous 18482

i bought it second hand on vinted and there's no name of what model this is but its a Guess bag, y2k most likely :)

Anonymous 18483

I enjoy and have both personally!

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