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sweat smell between thighs Anonymous 18476

This is getting so bad. Its the worst on my period. I just got out of the shower 30 minutes ago and already the space between my thighs and labia smell like armpit again. Its so bad. How the fuck do I get rid of this??

Anonymous 18477

there are antiperspirant deodorants you can use down there

Anonymous 18484

This smell can be cause by yeast or other infection

Anonymous 18487

>do you think you have a possible yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis or uti?
>what kind of soap do you use to wash your labia?
I suggest a Dove, scent-free sensitive skin soap bar. Also, try using a dove deodorant between your thighs to rub chaffing.

Anonymous 18488


Anonymous 18493

Do you shave down there?
I notice I sometimes get this issue too if I shave everything off, or most of it.

Anonymous 18697

Remember sweat odor can also be influenced by diet. Eat cleaner for a while and see if you notice a difference. Less sugar and junk food and dairy if you eat a lot. Or if you're eating garlicky, oniony, fishy type foods

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