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i want to be "curvy" Anonymous 18500

can someone please tell me how the fuck to gain weight?
"just eat" isnt cutting it. are there any extra tips to get there faster?
i want to get fatter, not muscular btw, and i would rather do so without dying from mcdonalds and other grease
also i'm very slightly underweight and it's not like i'm some weirdo/ fat fetishist, just want to be and look better

Anonymous 18512

Eat bigger portions of healthy food. Drink vegetable and fruit juices. Add oils to your food.

I used to be underweight aswell and if you search around there are forums dedicated to healthy weight gain. Usually it's women trying to get their periods back. It's been a while so I can't give you any links, sorry.

Anonymous 18539

peanut butter cookies have been my to-go. they're pretty calorie-dense. set reminders to eat and snack too. also, celebs are getting their implants removed since 'fat' is the norm now. if you are American over 80% of us are overweight. so they want to look skinny now to stand out from the crowd.

Anonymous 19048

Gain weight for the sake of your health and don't do it the shitty way. Follow this advice >>18512
Also nona, some people are just naturally petite/slender at a healthy weight. You can try to change it ofc with weightlifting.

Anonymous 19049

Track your current amount of calories for a day and then add more. Add enough calories that you gain weight. If you don't eat the same kind and same amount of food each day then track it for a week and average it. I'd log calories and weight. I don't know what you mean by grease but research fats and oils. That's some good stuff

Implants? I can't follow

Anonymous 19050

if you arent gaining weight you arent consuming enough calories. try to eat lots of fatty meats and nuts and use olive oil on everything, try drinking lots of milk as well.

Anonymous 19051


Counting calories is really the only certain and fast way to get there. Use a calculator like this (https://fitnessvolt.com/weight-gain-calculator/) to find out how much excess you need per day.
As for eating strategies, consume more liquid, consume more mush, consume more hyperpalatable foods. Liquid = protein shakes and smoothies which you can load up with nut butter. Mush = mashed potatoes w/tons of butter, ice cream, oatmeal, anything you don't need time to chew since eating fast keeps you from getting full too soon. Hyperpalatable = things fat people get addicted to like chips, ramen, cookies, party food, cheese, extra condiments.
t. bony bitch who's not doing these things and has spent 6 months trying to gain 5 lbs

Anonymous 19052


>Hyperpalatable = things fat people get addicted to like chips, ramen, cookies, party food, cheese, extra condiments

thats one way to irreversibly destroy your microbiome and become obese

Anonymous 19125

Drink juice or milk with meals. I started drinking lattes instead of black coffee which seems small but it's still an extra 150 calories a day. Don't be afraid of sugar.

Anonymous 19126

Hey OP how do you be skinny and underweight ? I have reverse problem

For me, I am pretty curvy, like hourglass shape with some chub on my belly and a muffin top. I have always been like this so could be genetics. But I was taught to eat everything off my plate as a kid so I tend to overeat and eat large portions. I eat carbs and meat and veggies and fruit, not really anything bad like ice cream or chips but I do have it on special occasions. I don’t exercise, go for a walk occasionally

I’d like to be svelte and ballerina sized.

Anonymous 19485



when i was underweight, id eat one large meal in the middle of the day, and maybe half of a meal at dinner time. i dont recommend skipping breakfast but i didnt really eat it at the time.

Anonymous 19778

Buy a pint of ice cream and put it in the fridge overnight and then drink it in the morning

Anonymous 19803

idk what your issue with muscle is. building a little bit of muscle helps you gain weight and get curvy without getting sick from fast food. and muscle weighs more per volume so you can gain weight quicker. you're not going to look like a roidpig if you do a few squats and lunges.
hope this helps xx

Anonymous 20125

i get you nona i wanna gain weight too bc im scrawny asf and look like a kid lol. im failing bc im not rly putting in effort to gain weight and im too laaaazy to eat which is a problem lmao. anyways look for healthy high calorie foods, theres a lot of recipes on the internet! good luck!

Anonymous 20154

I’m not sure if you were giving genuine advice but I giggled hard at this.
This >>18512 is probably the correct answer if you’re still here OP. Also it’s a bit obvious but switch to full fat dairy

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