Anonymous 18515
I ate pizza again despite it being so unhealthy. How do I stop eating junk food?
Anonymous 18517
difficult answer? avoid them as best you can until you lose appetite for them.
easy answer? use appetite suppression pulls.
Anonymous 18518
>>18517>appetite suppression pillsdo you know of any that work without having too annoying side effects?
Anonymous 18550

cook your own healthier, less calorie induced version. i use
>one tortilla (160 calories)
>less than one serving of tomato sauce (20 calories)
>one slice of mozz cheese (70 calories). i cut the slice into smaller slices to put around the pizza, then i put it in the oven and suddenly i have a pizza that does not go over 300 calories and is a decent meal. pic related
Anonymous 18553
Don’t keep it in your house! Additionally, don’t eat out unless you know you’ll pick a healthier food option. Opt out your cravings for a healthier option.
Sweets?= Fruits
Savory? = Avocado & Eggs
There are so many other options. Also, keep healthy snack options so you don’t have to cook a whole meal to eat something healthy.