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Anonymous 18684

have you gotten breast augmentation surgery?
please share your experiences and tips!

i decided to get mine done after struggling for many years with my self image.
i'm mainly worried about them looking unnatural (the basketball look) and not being able to go as big as i wish.

Anonymous 18685

I don't want implants but my husband is pushing me to get them. The thought of something foreign under my skin freaks me out. And surgery in general.

Anonymous 18686

i would honestly divorce him lol he sounds like a pain in the ass, theres nothing wrong with breasts on the smaller side although i still want implants so bump for info from the ones who did get them

Anonymous 18687

I feel the same about it. I don’t want plastic in my body. If there was a way to do it with body fat, I would consider it. My boobs are already more on the big side though. I would rather get a breast lift because they’re a little saggy

Anonymous 18688

Also, cute pic. I love jirai kei


Not a lot of people realize this be the average global bra size is in the A-B range. Having massive jugs is not really all that common in nature. The existence of plastic surgery has really warped all our perceptions of what a natural body should look like.

Anonymous 18710

this is very true. most women that aren't chubby have breasts that would be called small, when in reality they should be defined medium since it's pretty much the average size. this holds even more true if the woman is young, like in her teens and twenties, and hasnt had kids yet.
we don't call penises that are of average length small, yet we do that for breasts. the condom sizing is ridiculous too in that regards, dancing around terms like S and throwing around XL way too much.

Anonymous 18716

U don't know how people get these elective surgeries. I cringe when I get my teeth cleaned. Piercings are fine for me though, for some reason.

Anonymous 18717

are you seething because you're fat, or a small dicked scrote?
btw, A and B cup aren't flat chests, but actually the most common breast sizes (alongside C) so even calling them small would be a fallacy. porn, push ups, obesity and cosmetic surgeries blurred the lines of what is average.
exceptions surely exist, but they're not the rule.

Anonymous 18718

how many piercings do you have nona?
surgeries are surely scary but i dont mind them that much tbh

Anonymous 18722


None at the moment, but I had six done all at once this last time. I've gotten pierced before that, but I have the tendency to take them out and then get them done again years later. Six is the most in at any one time, two in each of the tops of my ears and one in both of my nipples. I wanted to get my ears and my tongue done, but I was recommended by my technician that due to how small my tongue is and where my veins are, not to do it. The ears are an ignorable pain that shortly goes away comparable to a needle in the arm. The nipples are a deep clenching, throbbing pain like taking a hit to the head or maybe chipping a tooth. The nipple pain made hungry. I got lucky and unlucky with my right nipple because it must've been close to a nerve or something. It made me moderately horny for weeks. How good it felt was constantly on the edge of my mind. It was actively distracting. Ages later, one morning when I was half asleep, I pushed my blanket off me, but my right piercing got caught on the blanket and I half ripped it out. That actually didn't hurt barely at all, but it wouldn't heal so I decided to take them both out. I've been looking into clip-on piercings since they're more my speed given I'm so temperamental. But yeah, I get I'm being hypothetical. It's just too much for me. Same with tattoos. Too lasting a consequence.

Anonymous 18723

Why did you get your nipples pierced?

Anonymous 18724

Like I said, wanted to get my tongue done but was recommended not to. The nipples were a spur of the moment spite thing after my ears were already done.

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