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Anonymous 18734

To any nonas suffering from bacterial vaginitis

DO NOT TAKE METRONIDAZOLE, shit hurts your heart permanently and itll hurt for weeks. Best thing i've ever done (except for wearing condoms) was drink TONS OF PROBIOTICS (yakult) and my pee stopped stinging, my labia did not inflame anymore, stopped the nausea of metronidazole and yakult tastes awesome.

BV is characterized by decreased Lactobacillus counts and excessive growth of multiple anaerobes in the vagina; Yakult's exclusive Probiotic strain is known as LcS (Lactobacillus casei strain Shirota) LcS is a unique probiotic bacteria

stay safe

Anonymous 18740

I've taken multiple courses of Metronidazole over about 4 years due to SIBO and not had any heart issues. No pain either

Anonymous 18741

any vegan alternatives to that?

Anonymous 18803

Good for accidentally discovering brand new pathogen.

Anonymous 18813

That's not really true. As far as broad spectrum antibiotics go, Metronidazole is kind of a nuke, but any decent clinician should be wary of the side effects and titrate accordingly. If nausea is a concern, there are alternatives such as Clindamycin, which may be more agreeable and is even available in a topical form. Who treated you - an NP?

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