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3AM Hunger urges Anonymous 18742

any ideas or tricks to avoid hunger at 3AM? I'm starving at that time and drinking water or eating fruit is not doing the trick

Anonymous 18743

chew your thumb

Anonymous 18744


Are you allowed to eat before going to bed? I like oats that were still in water/milk for some hours. They fill your stoach super full. But not the best if you wanna lose weight instead of buidling muscle/eating healthy.

Maybe a salad with peas, beans, some light stuff that still makes you full? You could add tuna and tomatoes aswell. I'm getting hungry again before bed, thanks.

Anonymous 18745

Just eat. If you're trying to lose weight just count your calories. muh metabolism is a meme

Anonymous 18746

Is this when you wake up or are about to sleep?

When it gets too late, my after-midnight snack is a melatonin, some water, and brushing with mint toothpaste to say "too late." to my brain. Then just eat something good in the morning.

But I am a real adult and my metabolism is shit. I would've given a much different answer in my early 20s…

Anonymous 18790

Eat a fruit. I do that when i get hungry too late.

Anonymous 18792

How about a can of low cal soup. I will have a can of low sodium tomato soup with added herbs like oregano basil etc. I microwave it in a mug and stir. Fast easy and you could do many kinds of soups

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