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Why do everything just look better on taller people? Anonymous 18816

Are there clothes that are unflattering on tall people but aren't on short people? because it seems that it's always the other way around.Just why does everything look better on taller people basically? what makes height such an attractive quality?

Anonymous 18817

i havent observed this at all, i think everyone looks good in clothes that fit their body frame and like shit when styled poorly

Anonymous 18818

I saw a pretty good video talking about it. Long story short it comes from runway models. Designers design for their thin, long, shapeless body types because it's the easiest (and probably what they're used to) and then fashion from there trickles down to the everyday fashion stores. It's not impossible to find good clothing for your body type, but it'll take some experimenting and possibly trips to a tailor for some fitting.

Anonymous 18819

Lolita and anything "cute" looks better on short people.

Anonymous 18821

Are they, in the pic, men or women?

Anonymous 18824

>Lolita and anything "cute"
but it's not appropriate for every age, and if you don't have childish features you'll look retarded wearing lolita fashion even if you're short.
I believe they are girls nona, but now that you asked I'm not so sure anymore…

Anonymous 18830

baggy clothes

Anonymous 18831

Anonymous 18836

>if you don't have childish features you'll look retarded wearing lolita fashion even if you're short
Well, agreed, but the same can be said for tall people. If you're fat pretty much everything will look bad on you regardless of height. Very wide features like hips or rib-cages will also make it difficult to find flattering fashion choices.

Anonymous 18837

Another requirement should be people with huge eyes and round faces or at least heart shaped faces.
Having a youthful face with big eyes is almost as a requirement as being "skinny" is,If not even more.

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