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compulsive habits Anonymous 18880

Did/do you have a compulsive habit (nail biting, lip chewing, hair pulling, skin picking, etc) and did you improve it or get rid of it? Tips please, I bite the skin around my nails until they throb and get infected, I just can't stop even with bad tasting spray coating them or nail polish. I'm so tired of it. Before this I used to lick my lips compulsively until they were covered in a rash and peely. Seems like I have to replace one with another to kick it.

Anonymous 18883

I pick at my cuticles too when I am going through a stressful periods. It's funny because I stop immediately when my life is less stressful. For example back when I was in school I would pick at them all the time during the school year and then as soon as summer break started I would stop and my cuticles would be perfect for the duration of summer. I try to combat it by keeping my hands moisturized and keep a conscious effort not too. doesn't always work though

Anonymous 18893

this is a sign of adhd in women

Anonymous 18901


Anonymous 18904

I have had skin picking disorder since my early teens. It used to be really bad when I was in school. I used to do it for 4-5 hours a day, if not more. Time gets blurry when you’re in this rush. It took away so much time. I would never leave the house without make up. I think I got it under control now. I do an hour a day maximum now, except when I’m really stressed out and some days I don’t do it at all. What helps most is to reduce stress as much as you can and try to replace it with different habits, having a skincare routine helps me and working out. And you have to be strong. Try to fight the urge. Remind yourself that you don’t want to do this and do something else instead. It’s hard and it didn’t work entirely for me but at least it reduced it a good bit. I got little scars all over my face but it doesn’t even bother me that much, they aren’t visible from the distance. What bothers me the most is all the time wasted on it.

Anonymous 18906

Literally the most common sign of anxiety and you bring up adhd instead of it.

Anonymous 18950

i have a life long compulsion of nail biting, the only thing that helped and i'm not kidding was subliminal audios / hypnosis videos on youtube. the ones that are for nail biting ofc. for the first time i had stopped completely for like 6 months, i was not struggling at all though it wasn't permanent and started biting again. :/ but if you're desperate and nothing helps you might as well try

Anonymous 18952

tracking my monthly progress with a habit tracker and painting my nails daily helped a lot for me

Anonymous 18959

Thank you, I am desperate enough to try it.

I have anxiety and adhd that causes my life to be neverendingly stressful (even going to the grocery store or dealing with mundane shit is enough to trigger it) so I can't really reduce stress to try and fix it.

I chew my fingers/inside my cheeks when I am stressed but I also do it when I am playing games or reading. Maybe the hypnosis stuff will work, I will try anything.

Anonymous 19014

i’ve been a chronic nail biter since i grew my teeth as a toddler. for as long as i can remember i can’t stop, the only time my nails will grow is with acrylics, but even then i can’t stop gnawing at those too. recently i began to pick at my skin a lot, especially any acne that might show up, and now i have bad bacne scars from it. it really sucks, i wish i could stop all of these things.

Anonymous 19015

I was asked about skin picking at my adhd interview dumbass

Anonymous 19025

ive been a compulsive nail biter all my life, but i managed to kick the habit and my nails are super long these days. my tip is to use nail polish and replace the habit of biting with picking off the polish. had to reapply nail polish several times a week, but it worked

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