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Anonymous 18939

How to achieve Gonad body type?

Anonymous 18940

idk, how to achieve pituitary body type?
it's not a question of how, it's a question of why you want to look different than how you are now skeletally.
none of these are less or more attractive than the other btw

Anonymous 18941

You reincarnate and be born as that body type.

Anonymous 18942

I find it funny how the most attractive body type not even 10 years ago was thyroid (models still reflect this). Now everyone wants to be gonad because beautiful women are collector's items so they have to be rare. When most women opt in to look like the gonad woman in the picture, the ideal will shift to something like pituitary and you'll see shit like "the perfect woman is hardworking and her sturdy frames should reflect that!~" just so conventional attractiveness could become more exclusive again. Does it not concern you that the ideal female body changes every 5-15 years but the ideal male body remained the same since ancient Greece? Why do you think that is? Stop chasing trends nona, it's a matter of dignity at this point.

Anonymous 18943

Have you ever seen anybody that looks like that irl? not celebrities, not people on the internet. but literally walking around outside in real life. I never have. It is incredibly uncommon to have a very very small ribcage + very very wide pelvis. That image is really exaggerated. There's no average looking bodytype on there. the most normal one on there is the 'thyroid' type and even that one is uncommon, usually on tall model-like women.

You can't change your bone structure. And honestly, why would you want to have such exaggerated hips? It would attract lots of negative attention from moids and would make you worse at athletics.

also >>18942

Anonymous 18948

How to achieve adrenal body type without the breast growth (fuck moids and their fixation on mammary glands)? Tired of tiny shoulders. I guess I could build muscles in the waist area to reduce waist definition but give me the broad shoulders please.

Anonymous 18949

You can take T, it's why the bodytype is called "adrenal" anyway

Anonymous 18951

going to have to turn to the black market for that. i'm glad there's a demand for testosterone already because of bodybuilders.

Anonymous 18954

pullups, trap, and delt exercises?

Anonymous 19000

The ideal male body isn't really a thing because nobody cares how men look - they don't objectify them, they see them as subjects and evaluate them on traits like their personality, achievements, intelligence, humor etc.

Anonymous 19010

You're better off losing the weight. Don't fall for bbls, they look stupid.

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