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Coping mechanism thread Anonymous 18955

Been riddled with anxiety and OCD lately, therapy is terrifying so ive been trying meditation recently and its actually been surprisingly helpful. What are your coping mechanisms?

>what mental illnesses do you have?

>how do they make you struggle?
>whats your way of coping?
>would you suggest it to anyone else struggling?

Anonymous 18963


> what mental illnesses do you have ?

A lot of them, diagnosed

> how do they make you struggle ?

They handicap me in my everyday life. I live like a rat…

> what's your way of coping ?

I've learned through therapy that some on my coping mechanism are healthier than others. I punched my walls, I would hurt myself, had ideations of hurting others…

I still work on all of that. I have to, it's anchored in me. But I've learned to let it out in more gentle way. I journal everyday, I do art, abstract or whatever, to let it all out. I do go on long drive, like, whole afternoon, because it calms me so much
And I also like to go in the middle of the forest, or, in the middle of crops to scream. It may sound insane, but, it helps me so much ; and it's not like I'm hurting myself or others

> would you suggest it to anyone else struggling ?

I would suggest the healthy one to everyone and anyone. I really do believe in therapy

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