Fibromyalgia Anonymous 18965
Is fibromyalgia just a larp?
To me it seems like, at best it's someone with a shitty lifestyle (hunched over computers, eating poorly, no exercise) causing chronic pain, or at worst it's doctors literally not giving enough of a shit to actually work to diagnose people with a real problem and just hand them an opiate prescription instead. Or it's someone already suffering the effects of cross-sex hormones. It seems like it's almost exclusively women and MtFs who claim to have it.
I know multiple people who claim to have it (all women, all FtM) and they claim disability but are also some of the most irresponsible spenders. Like, they spend upwards of 700USD a month on plushies and art commissions etc. And they all are overweight, eat poorly, and have bad lifestyles. Not to mention they are lifelong medical patients due to lots of surgeries and hormones.
The way I see it is when people ask "Why do I hurt all the time?" a lot of the time they also don't exercise at all and eat junk food. Boba tea is not a vegetable.
I know this sounds like a rant but I am genuinely curious about other's thoughts here on fibromyalgia- my mom always told me it was a made up condition when I was a kid so it's certainly colored my opinion on it.
Anonymous 18966
first time hearing this condition tbh
Anonymous 18967
Screenshot 2023-07…

>>18966It's just about the easiest way to score neetbux and an opiate addiction in the US
Anonymous 18972
>>18965>I know multiple people who claim to have it (all women, all FtM)KEK
But yes, women will often pretend to have a lot of fake made up "disorders" or "diseases" that are just an excuse to claim disability/get time off work/get pills. These include ehlers danlos syndrome, fibromyalgia, lupus, celiac disease, chrons disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, PMDD, POTS, endometriosis etc. It's probably because these women don't want to admit it's their lifestyle/diet/fatness/kids/husband that's causing pain and fatigue instead of something they were born with. Don't even get me started on mental disorders.
Anonymous 18975
>>18965It just sounds like the negative effects of a bad lifestyle to me, the symptoms sound pretty normal for someone who doesn't take care of their health.
Anonymous 18977
>>18965I try to give them the benefit of the doubt just because I've also got an "invisible illness" and worry all the time that people assume I'm faking it. Mildly jealous to learn fibro can get you neetbux though.
Anonymous 18999
>>18977What's stopping you from claiming fibro and getting the neetbux yourself?
Anonymous 19004
My therapist and my nursing teacher both said that it is caused by PTSD and that there just isn't research but most people who have it develop it after a traumatic event
Anonymous 19021
>>19004yeah knowing some people, shit upbringing like lot of trauma/stress or growing up neglected/in a biohazard kind of house.
Anonymous 19029
>>18999I don't feel like I'd make it through the scrutiny of the process and if I did I think I would feel too guilty for exaggerating how chronic the debilitation is.
Anonymous 19053
>>18972EDS is real but can be faked. I know a high school girl with EDS and autism and I might assume she was faking it but you should see how easy it is for these ppl to dislocate their joints and contort themselves. Sometimes the physical symptoms seem to cause the mental, idk.
As for endometriosis, it is fairly common and a real physical overgrowth of endometrial tissue. But it can't be diagnosed without surgery or laparoscopy. I get period pain is bad but holy shit just cope if you think you have PMDD and there is nothing physically wrong.
There's a hilarious study out there showing supposed celiacs having severe "reactions" to GF foods that they were tricked into thinking had gluten.
Anonymous 19076
>>18965i have no idea my dad has it and scoliosis and he was a chef and then for most of his life worked in construction so i assumed it was from that, though he also just smokes weed for it instead of taking opiates
Anonymous 19094
>>18972Crohn's is diagnosed using biopsies and tests that show inflammation markers