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Obese weight loss advice? Anonymous 19077

My entire family is obese and I am currently about 300 lbs. We are all going on keto and its going decently, I can really only afford keto groceries with an instacart referral method (whatever works right?) Mostly posting to see if anyone have any tips to boost metabolism or to make weight loss more , I live a very sedentary life, I'm 20 and my collegework is online so I just stay in my house all day. I know it's bad for the mental and physical health, but I hope if I lose weight I will get motivation to do more out of the house. I had a good online friend I was going to travel to visit but she told me to cancel, probably because she realized I was too much of a femcel for her. Any advice or anecdotes from anyone whos been through weight loss is appreciated, lowest I remember being is 210 and that was about 6 years ago. I am tired of being obese and I want to make a change and get to the point where I am comfortable with my body.

Anonymous 19079

keto will clog up your arteries, i recommend veganism

Anonymous 19080

sorry i refuse to go vegan

Anonymous 19081

Any advice or recommended resources? I'm interested in becoming vegan

Why is that nona?

Anonymous 19082

nta but was vegan for a few years. The trick is to eat legumes to make sure you get enough protein.

Veganism will probably force you to eat healthier and actually cook real food since most prepackaged stuff is not vegan. Probably don't do this unless you feel a real ethical push towards veganism as well. otherwise you might burn out and give yourself an excuse for not losing weight.

-you can use this link to see how much you need to eat to lose weight: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/ I would recommend you only count calories for about a week just so you can get a feel for the amount you should be eating. If you make your hands into a 'bowl' shape, that's generally the size a meal should be unless you are very active.

-As for food, try to eat mostly vegetables. When eating carbs, opt for rice or non-processed potatoes instead of bread and make sure it takes up less than a quarter of your plate. Be very careful with condiments, only use homemade ones so you know what's in there.

-Soups and salads (no ranch or oil based dressing) are really easy ways to lose weight.

-Some people like intermittent fasting.

-Try going on walks just to get into the habit of moving.

Anonymous 19084

Get some excersise in that's easy on your joints and not too daunting to start. Taking a walk around the neighbourhood or local park is probably the easiest thing you can do. You can listen to some music or a podcast and treat is as a break from your studies, get some fresh air. And being around some nature every day boosts the mental health too! If you can afford a subscription, swimming at the swimming pool is great too. You also don't have to do keto to lose weight if it's difficult to fit in your budget. Gl!

Anonymous 19086


Theres zero evidence for this. Your arteries clog up when you have excess calories leading to fat being stored. Keto is actually healthy, before agriculture humans ate keto and we've existed for a lot longer than since the agricultural revolution.

Obviously avoiding carbs like the plague isnt good ESPECIALLY if you lift weights and or do cardio.

Anonymous 19090

calorie defecit + excerise even if its just walking, swap out drinks for water or tea, and look at pop as more of a dessert, work on portions sizing more, prioritize protein in your daily cals

Anonymous 19098

You can try doing exercises sitting in your chair with light dumbbells like the ones designed for seniors or people recuperating from injuries

Anonymous 19102

keto is just another fad diet
youre going to end up binging if you cut out carbs completely, i see it with my diet obsessed family all the time. maybe try getting a job or some sort of volunteer position that could get you out of the house. your family probably taught you unhealthy eating habits and you should try to move out if you can, its hard to change eating habits if you're in an unhealthy environment. you may not know what healthy eating habits are. perhaps see a registered dietician if you have the means.

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