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Anonymous 19115

Aluminum free deoderant. Do you use it? I am paranoid about getting breast cancer because I'm genetically predisposed so I'm always trying new brands but I haven't found any that are effective at making me not stinky.

Anonymous 19116

Is it actually reasonably linked to breast cancer?? I thought it was a fringe thing since I heard about it from a friend who is into weird dubious health stuff
I just realized the antiperspirant deodorant I've been using has aluminum… Should I stop?

also weird question but is it possible/common to never smell yourself and still stink? My sister says we don't need deodorant because we have the ABCC11 gene but I feel paranoid that I secretly stink because it seems like everyone drills it in that you'll smell awful and ruin your clothes with sweat.

Anonymous 19121

You can get used to your own scents especially if you are a shut in and don't see and smell other people often. So I wouldn't trust my own nose 100% that I don't smell compared to others

Anonymous 19122

I use it , it is pretty decent. I get the organic section stuff like Tom’s. The lavender one is better at masking your scent, the unscented one is unscented so doesn’t do much

Anonymous 19123

I use CRYSTAL deodorant. It works decently but you have to wipe the water off after you wipe or else the stick dissolves.

Anonymous 19130

I mean the aluminum is an active ingredient which basically means THAT specifically is masking the scent. I myself like to use weleda lemon scented spray deodorant. But I still occasionally notice I sometimes get smelly. This really depends on the type of food I'm eating as well (I smell worse when I eat more unhealthy). But generally I think it's normal to have a little bit of my own scent, since I have specifically been complimented on my smell whenever I felt most stinky. I guess in the end your pheromones kind of help you find people that are compatible so a little bit of body odor is not a bad thing.

Anonymous 19132


I do use arm and hammer. It doesn't feel like aluminum deodorant, it'll feel like it "wore off" fast and it won't stop you from sweating the same way aluminum deo does. I carry some small perfume rollerballs but I don't have a BO problem I just like perfume.
If you're worried about smell you could try using an eau de fraiche perfume. Eau de fraiche isn't as strong as your normal perfume so you don't have to worry about smelling too strong.

Anonymous 19146


aluminium isn't masking any scent. it's an antitranspirant, wchich means it makes you stop sweating in the first place. a deodorant keeps the sweat from stinking and a odorant is just a more intensive smell ontop of your stank.

the eu found aluminum to be safe in cosmetic applications, the whole "aluminum free" stufff is a myth/scam: https://health.ec.europa.eu/publications/sccs-safety-aluminium-cosmetic-products-submission-iii_en

Anonymous 19152

ive been using old spice deodorants for a while. i like the powder ones over the gel ones and i think they do all have aluminum but i decided to start using them because i noticed some womens deodorants like Suave or Secret were making my underarms darker

Anonymous 19153

Before you rely on authority I'd recommend that you research everyone involed in such decisions and who they associate with. One reason why EU was created is to streamline lobbyism. Corporations don't need to address 30 governments they just need to deal with EU.

Anonymous 19154

this is a statement from the "Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety", not from politicians. but i'd trust it even if it came from some political part of the eu, because the eu is usually quite anal about chemicals, especially in cosmetics

Anonymous 19170

I'm breastfeeding so they I use a natural deodorant. I cycled through so many and the only one that works is now solutions. Hope this helps

Anonymous 19172

I use aluminum free deodorant because I looked up the cause of pit stains and the results I got said it was aluminum mixing with sweat that does it. Been using Tom's in the lavender scent for over a year now and haven't noticed any stains on my new shirts ever since. I will say though that the smell I get when I start sweating it off is kind of funky; it reminds me of plastic toys I had when I was little.

Anonymous 19186

This is what I use too (Tom's Lavender deodorant), and I think it works very well.

Anonymous 19187

I can't even buy something as mild and tame as 5mg melatonin over the counter in the EU because they deem that dangerous, I'll take my chances with deodorant allowed in the EU.

Anonymous 19193

Secret Aluminum Free is the only brand that works for me. Anything coconut oil based or “natural” leaves me stinky asf.

Anonymous 19213

the link you provided notes that when considering aggregate exposure to aluminum from sources other than pharmaceuticals, the total exposure could exceed safe limits.
i used to use glycolic acid in a spray bottle which worked just fine, but now i use dove aluminum free for fragrance

Anonymous 19218

if you shower regularly and dont have any known medical issues, you probably don't stink. The idea that you go "nose blind" to your own stink is a gaslighting tactic when people want women to feel dirty but she points out she doesn't think she smells bad, the only way for someone to go noseblind would take months, if not years and you'd have to notice you regularly stink too. If you haven't noticed any smell on you before you aren't just going to take up one day, smell like shit and just not know it

Anonymous 19489

I use the salt deodorant. it comes under a few names/brands but I just use whatever is cheapest. I've used it for probably 6 years now. I love them because they range from 5-10 bucks, last a long time (some have lasted me 6 months to a year or more depending on the size), and they work pretty well. I'll work out or go camping and now shower for a few days and still smell perfectly fine. only thing is you rub it on your pit after a shower while it's damp/wet, and you have to kind of either sit while a fan dries you or let it dry on it's own to avoid just transferring it to your clothes. if I want fragrance I just use perfume.

Anonymous 19620

Secret aluminum free is the only brand I’ve found that doesn’t make me smell like shit

Anonymous 20011


personally I use men's aluminum free, and re-apply regularly. I just find I don't mind the smell of masculine smells in combination with sweat. I also cycle between different scents since I find my body chemistry "adjusts" to it.

Not to mention it's like $3 cheaper where I live compared to women's. I really like the Axe Dark Temptation smell right now.

Anonymous 20012

idk about breast cancer but I know I stopped using deodorant with aluminum in it bc i read studies that showed it had a strong link to people using it developing Alzheimer's

Anonymous 20013


I just picked up this stuff the other day and it really seems to be working, but I haven't really been using it long enough to say its 100% foolproof

Anonymous 20014

So why is aluminum bad and what does it do to you if you wear aluminum deodorant

Anonymous 20015

I use deodorant with aluminum. Its an easy thing to be afraid of "metal on my body" but there isn't any proof that it is damaging or linked to breast cancer

Anonymous 20016

I tried natural deodorant a few times as a teen (big brands like Toms/Native, idk how they are now) and it never used to work. I suddenly started getting rashes from my old aluminum antiperspirant so I went deo-free for about a year (would shower much more frequently to make up for it) and then started using Wild which works wonders. The site tries to make you do a subscription but you can get around it (I hate subscription services with a passion because I’m too lazy to cancel when I stop using things)

Anonymous 20048

as a deodorant i use a homemade mixture of (organic, virgin, cold pressed) coconut oil and baking soda. first i rub a little coconut oil on my armpit and then i press my index finger* into my jar of baking soda and then rub it into the coconut oil on my armpit so that it becomes an even mixture. then i just wash my hands and it's done. it doesn't feel sticky and the oil doesn't run if you use the right amount.

this actually has no scent. all you smell is your natural, neutral, clean body odor. if your natural body odor is stinky, it indicates an underlying health problem that needs attention. if you take care of yourself, eat right, exercises etc, then your body odor shouldn't smell bad.

*use a finger with which you have spread your coconut oil on your armpit, because some coconut oil will still remain on your finger. this is helpful if you press your finger into the baking soda because the salt will stick to the oil that remains on your finger. this is also the perfect amount of salt you need for one armpit.

the fact that it is an european product does not guarantee the quality and safety of the product. european products still contain unnecessary additives that, for example, change the color, structure and texture. the fact that the product now looks better than without those additives is at the expense of our health. and this is just a simple, well-known example. there are so many more ingredients and additives that many people question, but are simply approved by authorities …until, of course, a study is released that concludes that the additives turned out to be harmful…

Anonymous 20049

Wouldn't shea butter or something like that be better? Coconut oil can clog pores and that feels like the worst place to get a clogged pore or induce an ingrown hair. When I shaved back in high school I used to get them so bad I had to take a needle to get them out, now I'm constantly being careful to avoid them at all costs.
Also out of curiosity have you tried using a starch or powder to help absorb liquid too? Or is the baking powder enough? My recipe uses baking powder and a starch like corn or arrowroot powder. But I might just swap purely to baking powder to make it easier if that works.

Anonymous 20058

In and of itself aluminum doesn't do much harm except to clothing.


If you are exposed to aluminum directly enough for long enough it will pass into the bloodstream. Once in the bloodstream, it can and will be catalyzed with acids (from food or from metabolic processes) and be bound to nerve cells. Once aluminum enters cell walls bad things start to happen, including Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease.

Anonymous 20059

ty for the proof

Anonymous 20084

>shea butter
shea butter could be better, but depends on what you are looking for. i prefer coconut oil because it is extremely low in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), and PUFAs are unhealthy, both for internal (food) and external use (on skin). i see that shea butter is also low in PUFAs, so that's good, but coconut oil is still lower.
>coconut oil clogs pores
i am aware that coconut oil, as a comedogenic oil, can clog pores. anyway, i personally haven't had any problems with that yet, and i've been using it for a long time (also on other parts of my body, including my face). i suppose this has to do with my skin type. of course i would stop using coconut oil if it gave me clogged pores or ingrown hairs. you have to figure out what works for you
>ingrown hairs
mind you that i don't shave my armpits, but i trim the hair there very short. this may also explain why i have not had any problems with ingrown hairs so far. i switched from shaving to trimming because i noticed that since i started trimming exclusively, i no longer suffered from irritated skin. i now trim my whole body.
>starch or powder
i haven't tried using a starch or powder to help absorb liquid yet, but i'm interested in this idea, so thanks for sharing. the baking soda or sodium bicarbonate (not baking powder, as you said) is enough for now. mind you, i made this homemade deodorant (coconut oil and baking soda) in september - after the summer, in colder weather - so it may well be that the baking soda becomes insufficient, as soon as the weather warms up and sweating increases.

anyway, nice to hear that you also experiment with your own recipes. i suggest that you just find out for yourself what works for you and what you want to put on your skin, don't just take what you read on the internet (or even from me lol), experiment and you will immediately know best.

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