How do I deal with oily skin? + general care tips? Anonymous 19227
I never had this problem before until recently. Had a surgery that left me pretty debilitated so barely any self-care being done, and honestly, never bothered much with it. I don't wanna Google because Google is trash. Any pro tips please?
Anonymous 19228
i had PCOS but once i started taking spironolactone my oily skin disappeared. and less facial hair too. consult telemedicine for it
Anonymous 19229
tbh unless you have bad acne or anything like that oily skin is best left relatively untouched. too many products can just cause more buildup and therefore more problems.
stick to using a cleanser (and double cleanse every day), moisturiser, toner (if you have any specific issues like hyperpigmentation find one that targets that issue), and a sunscreen. if you use these consistently your skin will thank you for it.
i also have oily skin and i use the cerave cleanser (the one for oily skin), neutrogena hydroboost moisturiser, and the peach slices toner.
good luck nona!! hope this helps :) <3