blue eyebags.jpeg

eyebags Anonymous 19349
how do you get rid of these?
I've had them for half of my life and barely even notice them. But sometimes when I do I get aware of how creepy I look. My eyebags are basically the biggest ones I've ever seen and even pics on the web don't come close. They are wide and blue with some blue veins being visible on the left and some red veins on the right. It's not actually a bag in that it hangs or is fatty, it's just the color.
Self help sites recommend sleep and low stress but I've had both for at least two years now and it didn't change a bit. Any recommendations please?
Anonymous 19350
Nothing can save those demon eyes
Anonymous 19352
>>19349Honestly i've been having them for my entire life and the only real advice I can give you is to learn how to use make up (make up techniques, how to contour and brighten up your face, how to do eye make up well etc) and especially how to use full coverage foundation. Eye bags aren't your only problem - discoloration of your under eye area is another => make up can help. If you've got the money then I would advice you to also get hyaloronic acid injections into your under eye area. It will last you for about half a year to a year and will fill out your uye bags as to make your eyes appear less sullen.
Once they're there youve kinda got to live with them but as I said above it's not hopeless.
You look 'scary' not just because of your under eye area (eye bags, discoloration) but also because your skin looks unhealthy. Eating well (and or learning how to use make up) will fix that. Hope that helps xxx
Anonymous 19353
>>19349Honestly i've been having them for my entire life and the only real advice I can give you is to learn how to use make up (make up techniques, how to contour and brighten up your face, how to do eye make up well etc) and especially how to use full coverage foundation. Eye bags aren't your only problem - discoloration of your under eye area is another => make up can help. If you've got the money then I would advice you to also get hyaloronic acid injections into your under eye area. It will last you for about half a year to a year and will fill out your uye bags as to make your eyes appear less sullen.
Once they're there youve kinda got to live with them but as I said above it's not hopeless.
You look 'scary' not just because of your under eye area (eye bags, discoloration) but also because your skin looks unhealthy. Eating well (and or learning how to use make up) will fix that. Hope that helps xxx
Anonymous 19354
>>19350those are not mine btw, just saved a pic from google. Mine are much worse.
Anonymous 19389
>>19349by having a good diet and sleep schedule
Anonymous 19390
I heard rubbing castor oil on them every night helps. Getting a full coverage concealer may help too
Anonymous 19391
Undereye filler or a lower blepharoplasty, most likely filler will sort you as blephs are saved for 50+ women. Friends have had good results from filler though, do your research and find someone good
Anonymous 19394

Under eye cream for dark circles.
Anonymous 19401
There is a chance you may have a sleep disorder Nona. Get checked for sleep apnea.
Anonymous 19413
>>19349Do you have allergies? They could be allergy shiners.
Anonymous 19426
>>19349I have these too and i haven't found a way to get rid of them, but what i do is 'colour correct' the purple undertones, yellow cancels out purple afaik. get some yellow colour corrector and apply concealer over that.
Anonymous 19572
>>19349You can't really because they're genetic.
Anonymous 20111
I was just at the drugstore yesterday looking for something to cover my dark circles. They dudn't have specific salmon/yellow cream for dark circles and concealer seemed both too heavy or not enough so I decided to save my money and just try to get more sleep.
Anonymous 20118
If you notice it gets worse around your period it could be iron deficiency not just lack of sleep. Mine get crazy when I'm iron deficient and worse on my period. I thought it was sleep deprivation until I started being serious about supplementing and noticed them mostly go away. It also helped with my mood and lethargy too
Anonymous 20501
>>19349Bruh, just find a place that specializes in skincare lasers and laser off your undereye veins. That's what I did and it worked great, I have no undereye veins anymore and it cost me around $1000 in SoCal. The picture you're showing can't be "fixed" unless there is undereye fat grafting and you'd need a surgeon experienced with malar bags because that looks like it could be a side effect if fat is just added willy nilly. Do NOT get undereye filler, it will migrate and it is too risky.
Anonymous 20504
yall normies are worried about symptoms, don't do that.
worry about the underlying cause, not just the effect.
don't worry that your feet are wet, try to find out why your bathroom is flooded…
Anonymous 20505
>>20504Schizo-tier post with zero connection to the actual post. If her undereye veins are a symptom, what is the actual cause? It's often genetic. Retard.
Anonymous 20508
>>20505you're too dumb to see the big picture, you stare with a microscope at the flooded bathroom. that's not gonna help you.
>with zero connection to the actual postif you really did care about 'connection to the actual' instead of just saying it to start drama, you would not need to be explained things like you were a toddler.
Anonymous 20512
>>20508You're using cheap metaphors instead of helping the OP. You're trying to say she needs to take a step back and look at the big picture, but undereye veins are genetic and cannot be dealt with by conventional remedies. They need a laser. She says "it's just the color".
Anonymous 20513
>>20512you just concern yourself with the manifestation of the problem instead of trying to find out where the problem is coming from. does not matter how fast you are going, you are walking in the wrong direction.
you are trying to treat the symptom like the fool you are. what you should be doing is find out how to live healthy and then do it and all these little dumb problems you would complain over self-correct.
Anonymous 20516

>>20513What if her dark circles aren’t caused by health problems? How would you know? I’ve had them my whole life, even in every childhood picture I have dark circles. I have a normal weight, don’t smoke or drink alcohol, haven’t been diagnosed with anything that could cause dark circles, eat healthy and get enough sleep. They are no different from the times when I was drinking, smoking, eating shit and had no sleep schedule. I’ve also tried brightening under-eye creams with Brightenyl, vitamin C, caffeine, and other stuff that are supposed to help, but still no difference
Anonymous 20517
>What if her dark circles aren’t caused by health problems? How would you know?problems are not a random like the lottery, they are based on cause and effect. those causes and effects can be learned about and understood and then suddenly the effects stop being random and start to become indicators pointing at the source.
there is not an infinite supply of possible causes, the number of causes is quite accessible.
Anonymous 20554
I've also had them my entire life, tried many expensive eye creams, patches, serums. 0 difference. I use a tiny dot of concealer daily, they are still there but not half as bad with a little coverage. If they are genetic there is not much you can do, just something you have to live with.
Anonymous 20596
if u have high cheekbones then the dark circles are caused by the geography of your face, you naturally have less fat under your eyes so the blood shows thru. volufiline can fix this, given that you are a natural responder to it. people have also had luck cutting out sugar, gluten, etc. in our modern day we normalise our consumption levels of these things but really it is too much and has an affect on our bodies. you can also dabble in lymphatic face massage to see if this helps, regular exercise can have similar results. and u can adjust your sleep schedule, everyone is different on what works best for them, eg some people cant get quality sleep if they sleep after 11. as other nonas said, it can also be an allergy, anything from dust to dairy. "genetic" can just mean you have inherited the allergy/issue that can be fixed, not lay down and accept it.
Anonymous 20600
I like my eyebags, I think they're cool.
Anonymous 20609
Try prickly pear oil from Morocco if possible. The vitamin K in it is really good for dark circles