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Any doctor nonas in here? Anonymous 19500

Why do I get sick every single time I eat food X?

Anonymous 19501

damaged gut microbiome?

Anonymous 19502

What is a damaged gut microbiome and why does it make me sick?

Anonymous 19503

eat more cheese and greek yogurt, soy sauce, (raw) sauerkraut

Anonymous 19528

Sick how? Do you have reflux?

Anonymous 19535

I hope that doctor is a psychic, because she'll have to guess so many things from your post.

Anonymous 19536

What's a reflux?
Acid reflux?

Nope I don't.

Okay, so last week I was sick for like 10 days because I ate Chinese food an I got some seasonal hay fever or something and my throat looked white and painful like someone raped and creampied in it. The doctor got scared when she looked at my throat.
I took a lot of antibiotics and anti-allergens to cure it.

Not even 3 days after that and I really didn't eat anything bad and I feel sick again. I feel like I have a fever and runny nose right now.

I honestly wish I had a healthy body because being sick and tired all the time really makes my life go to waste.

Anonymous 19542

>I ate Chinese food
That was your mistake. They keep it in display until it sell, so it may have been two weeks old. Never buy meat there.

>my throat looked white and painful

Look like an allergy.

Anonymous 19556

>my throat looked white and painful
Pharyngitis or step throat can look like that, but at that point you need a physician to know and deal with it, not cc.

Anonymous 19566


Maybe you have SMA syndrome.

Anonymous 19568

1. elimination diet can help identify food sensitivities
2. could have h pylori infestation, need to get tested at ur doc
3. could be mesenteric ischemia
4. you might have ulcers of another cause, as excess acid or damaged mucosa. maybe you take too much NSAID meds?
5. you might not be eating enough fiber, or you might be eating too much at once

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