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Winter Time.gif

Winter Protection Anonymous 19539

It's winter time and time for the freezing cold and dry weather to wreak havoc on our skin and hair.
What are some products you recommend for the winter months?
Moisturizers, hair masks, fancy serums and treatments, whatever you enjoy! Or don't, save our wallets if you know a dud!

Anonymous 19540

shea butter.jpg

Starting with mine, shea butter as well as wheat germ oil are my favourites. Wheat germ just for my face but I whip my shea butter to make it easier to spread and use that.
I'm hoping to find a good in-shower or wet-skin cream though cause I hate using cream while my skin is wet

Anonymous 19612

cetaphil face wash and moisturizer, and then aquaphor healing jelly/ointment. i slug that shit on every night. i also have chronically dry skin (eczema) and live up north where its dry and cold so sometimes after i wash my face and put my cetaphil moisturizer on, I put zinc oxide (or diaper rash cream IK ITS WEIRD BUT HEAR ME OUT) on my face, then put on the aquaphor as a layer on top. I find it locks in moisture and helps with redness. But I heard some people with acne don't react well to it so be careful with that. I do it a few times a week becuz of my eczema but i think 1 or 2 times a week should be good!

Anonymous 19660

Cetaphil is awesome. I wonder if they changed their lotion formula recently though. Texture is kind of different and it smells (not necessarily bad) which is unfortunate because I loved that it was actually unscented, like lots of skincare products claim to be.
Petroleum jelly is great. It’s uncomfortable and sticky but it’s so good and simple for locking in moisture. If you have dry skin chill out with exfoliation. I stopped using my acne exfoliant in the winter because it’s just too much for my skin. Sounds counterintuitive but try showering less if you’re not very active during the day. Soap is a big dryer of my skin and triggers my eczema. Lastly I wash my hair less in the winter. Look into the concept of “hard water”. Briefly explained, lots of minerals and metals and stuff in your water may be causing damage to your hair. I have naturally frizzy hair so washing it with “hard water” makes it worse

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