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How to train a gorilla grip pussy? Anonymous 19560

Or how to strengthen kegels basically. I can do a ton in rapid succession, but I have problems holding them for a long time. Any of you ladies have experience in gorilla grippage? I want an iron will pussy. I want my pussy to be as jacked and muscular as picrel. I've been reading up on strapless strapons and seen that they only really stay on well if your grip is in the top %s, so I want to live up to that for my future girl. Thanks.

Anonymous 19561

Outie belly buttons are weird.

Anonymous 19562

Sis why do you want a guillotine marseilles revolution pussy?

Anonymous 19563

How do I get abs like that without leaving my bed?

Anonymous 19564


Fucking keeek.

Try heavier kegels maybe? Different positions?

Anonymous 19565

Get better at painting :)

Anonymous 19623


Anonymous 19624

doing too much kegels might make it painful to insert things inside btw, everything is good in moderation

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