Anonymous 19584
How to look more feminine naturally? Other girls seem to look so effortlessly feminine and elegant. I feel like orge next to them so any tips? Any time I put dress I feel too masculine in it. Idk how to explain. Thank you for help.
Anonymous 19585
>>19584I think it's all in your head. I don't see how you could look masculine jn a dress unless you are wearing a Scottish kilt or you are a body builder.
Don't worry about looks that much
Anonymous 19586
I don't know if there's an objective answer for this question, Nona. you have to experiment with your life.
I think I felt super feminine when I bought a cute little pouch to keep stuff, I bought a cute cup that has a bear on it, and I bought a Korean cosmetic product that I love to use every day. I don't think I'll say the same will work for others.
Anonymous 19597
I’ve been in the same situation. And I still in this situation. So I started to question myself, asking what being feminine mean.
I am pretty sure it’s only how you perceive yourself. But I started to take care of me, wearing bracelet, necklace and earrings. Wearing cloths I like! And trying to watch how I speak. And even if not a lot changed, I feel more feminine ? But what really helped us my hair growing ! But a lot of girls are super pretty and feminine with shorts hair. Just try to give time for yourself and you will maybe feel a change! ( not obligatory physical, just you)
Btw sorry for my shitty English
Anonymous 19599
>feel like an ogre next to regular girls
This sounds like a troon thread.
Anyway if you're a woman it's super hard to not look feminine. You'd have to go out of your way to train your body and go on steroids to look in a way that isn't socially considered feminine. I know some of you are going to say "I'm so tall, so broad, I have no boobs and all my fat collects at my waist wah wah wah", you're still being perceived as feminine. There's a reason why most FTMs don't pass despite actually trying. Unless your idea of femininity is exclusively being super short and wearing pink frilly clothes and nothing else then yeah, guess I can't help you.
If you wear a dress and it looks off, you're not wearing a dress in a cut that looks best on your proportions, it's not rocket science, try on different styles of dresses or google what fits your body type
Anonymous 19600
>>19599Nah I think she meant it like a tomboy
Anonymous 19602
Nah cuz I am a cis girl perso and I want to be more feminine. Since I have. A high visual weight
Anonymous 19603
>>19602It's not that hard to dress in a way that's traditionally considered feminine. Doesn't have to be dresses or skirts, a nice blouse on a pair of trousers or nice jeans works too if you feel more comfortable that way. Maybe wear a piece of jewelry, maybe some nail polish, maybe a bit of makeup.
I'm not a fan of this type of performative consumer femininity and don't like to sell it as femininity, but if the traditional girly-girl stuff is what you're after, it's like not that hard.
>A high visual weightLose weight then? A high visual weight doesn't have to be bad though because women naturally have a higher body fat percentage and it softens the appearance.
Anonymous 19605
Yeah girl! I am actually doing sport at home ( scared to go to the gym cuz I am scared of men )
Anonymous 19610
get your eyebrows done, shave any kind of facial hair you have (even peach fuzz), get rid of any kinds of hyperpigmentation or spots on face(use google or youtube to find skincare regimines for hyperpigmentation, spots, acne, etc), and wear light mascara, some blush, and a bit of lip gloss. (maybe a touch of foundation or concealer if you need it) GET A NICE HAIRCUT FROM A GOOD STYLIST (THIS IS IMPORTANT i feel like hair can make or break someone, search up good hairstylists even if its expensive ((u can find them on instagram, look up hairstylist + your city or use google or something just make sure they're reputable and good, i think u can even ask a good experienced stylist what kind of haircut would suit your faceshape and make you look more feminine. it may take a few cuts to find YOUR hairstyle. its okay to switch stylists too but once you find ur look, stick with the same stylist. (i also found sticking with 1 stylist that gave a decent haircut helped cuz they can learn more about your face and preferences and such so their cutting got better and better each time)) look up style inspo and find a style you like. play around with styles until you find something that suits you
i used to be tomboy af, even wearing stupid rick and morty shirts, but i tried to change things up and i think its worked well for me! hope these tips help
Anonymous 19611
also dont get into your head about the girls seeming to look feminine and elegant naturally. They usually don't. I spend literally 2 hours every day getting ready in the mornings (that doesn't count the amount of time i spend doing skincare at night) I don't think I know any pretty girl who just gets up and is stunning the moment she is out of bed so don't think that's the norm haha
Anonymous 19616
>>19611Sad. I used to be like that, even skipped breakfast to have enough time to do my makeup. I'm so glad I got out of that phase and am fine with just mascara now. Hope you can find peace with yourself too.
Anonymous 19617
>>19616its not sad. i enjoy taking the time to do these things becuz in a way its self care for me. but im glad you stopped. whatever makes you happy, nona :]
Anonymous 19659
>>19611Seriously this. Like, sure, there’s the odd lucky snowflake who looks stunning with or without makeup. But for the rest of the world, it takes time and effort. Maybe not daily routines, but keeping groomed eyebrows, healthy hair, nice skin, etc etc takes some dedication and upkeep - unless you’re one of those rare always beautiful types OR so far gone that no amount of grooming can save you, but that’s doubtful.
That said, throwing on some mascara and necklace can go a long way.
Anonymous 19708
What seems effortless may as well be layers of foundation and so called "natural" make-up. I read an article recently about this phenomenon
https://jessicadefino.substack.com/p/five-minute-face-aesthetic-laborEssentially, it's another evolution of patriarchal capitalism and that knowledge doesn't stop me from falling victim to it or feeling really bad about not fitting the quota.
Anonymous 19760
>>19708Funny that you mention patriarchy and capitalism, since they add extra layers to "feminity" that you have to worry about. Also, many are contradictory. The ideal woman for capitalism is one who is constantly "improving" herself, while the ideal woman for moids is a bro-like creature they can fuck