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Thoughts on first plus size Miss Universe contestant Jane Dipika? Anonymous 19627

>Miss Nepal Jane Dipika Garrett is the first plus-sized woman to compete and place at Miss Universe.

Do any of you chubby nonas feel represented? Is embracing “body positivity” the future of international beauty? Is this the new ideal female shape? Discuss

Anonymous 19628

She looks perfectly healthy. This sounds like a scrote post getting all riled about women's bodies especially using a woman like that

Anonymous 19629

OP here. Not a scrote, just a Miss Universe enjoyer that was happy to finally see a beautiful curvaceous woman on stage that reminds me of myself

Anonymous 19630

She's beautiful but I'd be lying if I said I thought this is as beautiful as a trim body.

The excess fat ages her a lot though. I thought she was a good looking late 30s/40s woman (probably makes no sense in a beauty competition now that I think of it) but I looked her up and was shocked to find she's only 23.

Anyway this is just virtue signaling, one token fat woman to "prove" the contest is inclusive, we see that all the time in media and various industries.

Anonymous 19632


agreed, ime excess weight makes most women look older. What helps Jane and other girls like her is that she is blessed to have good fat distribution. Some girls can turn into a blob if they gain too much weight, but for her though she is chubs she still has amazing ratios that make her look very sexy despite being obese. My ex gf was like that, any weight gained would go to all the “right places” but not all girls are blessed in that way. I would argue that this too is, ironically, an unrealistic beauty standard

Anonymous 19633

She looks like a fat secretary with bad makeup and a wig. And that bodysuit is so fucking ugly. These competitions are never about showcasing the most beautiful women though. They’re all on Instagram anyway.

Anonymous 19634

>I would argue that this too is, ironically, an unrealistic beauty standard

Anonymous 19636

God you need to exam your life if this is how you walk around thinking. Talk about trashed priorities. It wouldn't matter how you looked if you walked around thinking like this. I'd pitty you for being such a fucking simp to moid expectations. Meanwhile they're ugly and usually low priority as all hell pfftlmao.

Nobody gives af what you like or want basement moid.

Anonymous 19637

Not everything is always about moids anon, I have eyes and can form opinions independently thanks.

Anonymous 19638

This isn’t your fatty hugbox.

Anonymous 19639


some women have scrote brain, some are austistically obsessed w beauty stuff, some are dykes etc but im glad you’re pointing out that ultimately these things can and do perpetuate moid mentality. now i genuinely wonder if this post is misogynist but i rly didn’t mean for it to be, i was simply trying to generate convo about beautiful women that happen to be overweight/obese bc they are an unique species among us.

another thing i found interesting about Jane is that she is open about struggling w the pcos, getting bullied, depression, and how she tried to anhero… literally the most relatable girl on the stage

Anonymous 19640

>scrote brain
>moid mentality
Newsflash, your insecurity around your weight doesn't make other women male-brained for noticing. No one likes fat people, and they will never be considered beautiful, no matter how much you try to make it happen.

Anonymous 19641

She's pretty i'm not an wannarexic so idc if she is fat, plus it makes men seethe.

Anonymous 19643

Lol skelly

Anonymous 19646

>clearly not unhealthy.
She's literally obese, excess fat has undeniable health consequences.

Anonymous 19652



But being obsessed about it and having any insecurity about it whatsoever is pathetic since moids
are ugly as all sin and rarely worth a second of your internal strife if it damages your brain enough to make you a rageaholic

Like i want to be encouraging and supportive if a woman's simply
insecure. But if they talk like you, hurling moid rage, its beyond pathetic and you need to take a long look at your faggotry.
No matter what you look like your brain has become a pile of garbage and i dont regret being as miserable as that.

Simping to moids through
appearance and struggling in rage at other womens weight makes you deluded tryhard clown. If youd truly die on that trashheap of a hill id have no sympathy.

Anonymous 19658

tbh i'm glad she made moids seethe. it was blackpilling when i saw normie womyn seethe about her. i was happy to see her there and i think she is beautiful and sexy regardless of the opinions of womyn and scrotes

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